Conservative Activist Dies of COVID Complications After Attending Anti-Vax ‘Symposium’

"Whose side effects may be worse than the virus".......

Well, they 'may be', we are all different, but.......but for me and those folks who I personally know, the "side effects" have really been quite mild.

Here, lemme share:
For myself, with all 3 shots I had zero side-effects. No sore arm, no nausea, no malaise, no tiredness.
My bride, 2 years younger, had a sore arm for #1 and #2, a bit of tiredness with #3, which went away in a day. BTW, she is tired too after her annual flu shot.....for a day.
(She had a couple of shingles shots that they kicked her butt. I haven't had them yet....but know that I will in the reasonable future. ps...getting shingles can be a horrible ordeal.)

And then with the many many folks I now know across a wide range of ages, their symptoms were much like my bride's. Some with one symptom, maybe two or three symptoms, a few like me with zero...... but ALL such went away within 24 hours.

I also now know 3 people who have died of Covid. An old neighbor from our prior residence. She died in mid-year, 2020. She was rather generous in girth. The other two were friends. One younger, an excellent 'in-shape' residential builder whose company I thoroughly enjoyed, an anti-vaxxer.

One older, a friend from my childhood and a long retired anti-vaxxer.

So, some can fret over the vaccine killing 'em. OK. Different strokes.
But personally, it is my belief those folks are part of the problem of the spread and mutation of the disease into its variants. And, absolutely the problem causing the crisis in hospitals and staff right now.

All of this ignores the fact that most people who contract Covid weather it just fine and survive

Both of my older sisters (both unvaxed) have had it; one just had mild symptoms for a couple of days and the other felt like shit for about the same period of time but both survived.

My nephew’s wife got it recently and she hardly felt anyting at all.

I work on a vessel and with a crew of eight, four of them came down with it and all of them came out just fine.

As for your contention that anti-vaxers are responsible for the trouble in the hospitals, that’s just moral posturing and I will not be shamed into it because some idiot gloating over anti-vaxer deaths feels morally superior.
I just can’t view getting vaccinated as a higher moral position when the vaccinated applaud or point their fingers and say “Told you so” when anti-vaxers die of Covid such as the OP in this very discussion. It’s hypocritical at best.

There is nothing about this virus, the stats or the vaxer narrative to convince me to take a drug I neither want nor trust.
For those pushing for vaccines and those laughing at anti-vaxxers dying of Covid, anti-vaxxers and people who refuse the shot are very much aware that catching and/or dying of Covid is a possibility. Obviously it is a risk we are willing to take.

I for one would rather take the chance that I won’t catch or die from Covid than willingly and purposely inject myself with a shot I do not trust, whose side effects may be worse than the virus and is known not to prevent contraction anyway.

If I ever catch it, it was my choice not to take the shot and I will accept that.
Remember how hundreds of thousands of people died from COVID -- and folks like you were minimizing it by saying "barely anybody dies from COVID; I had a friend who got COVID, and he was fine" -- yet you want to stop the presses for anyone who was vaccinated and died from COVID??

Even tho the people who are vaccinated and died from COVID are orders of magnitude fewer? Keep that same energy
Prayers for her and also prayers for more than 400 athletes ( not to count everybody else) that have fallen dead with heart attacks, myocarditis and all sort of heart problems after they have had the poison jab.
Too bad you don't have any proof, at all, for your allegation.
It's actually more than 400...I believe up to 12 million people died from the least 728,000 of them were atheletes.....

I read somewhere that a soccer game had to be cancelled because one team died....the whole team just dropped dead won't report it
that was the gladbach-bayern match in the 2nd round of the german cup.
Are you aware that most of those were seniors in Hospices and the like?
Why must you lie? Why do you support corporate felons in Pfizer? This is why no one believes anything you post.

I bet you wish they could have withheld their research from the American public for 55 years.

In the 90 days following EUA release of the “vaccine” they recorded 1223 deaths, and 158,000 adverse reactions, including fetal deaths, spontaneous abortions and more. They call this, in their encrypted, trans-human Pharma-lingo, the “post marketing experience.” [See link below]

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