Congressman Raskin - "You Guys Have Been Taken Over By An Absolute Con Man"

1st post
The Republican Party is almost as bad as the dimocrap scum party. Look around; the world is rising up against the corruption of all Deep States, not just ours.

Germany, The Netherlands, Argentina.

And here. It's just a matter of time before it happens in Canada and the rest of the world. They just need a leader.

We have one called 'Trump'. Yes, he has a lot of faults. No, he is not a perfect man. But I believe he is the real deal. A populist that is a true believer.

If he turns into the next totalitarian asswipe, it's your fault. Take any dog -- ANY dog, put him in a cage and poke him with a stick and he'll get mean on you.

And when he comes after you -- Remember:

It's your fault. You people shouldn't have stolen his victory in 2020. Keep telling him he lost fair and square. Keep pushing that lie. See what happens.
There is a no deep in state. Nothing was stolen in 2020. The world is moving towards the biggest mistake in history that will end up creating hard times the likes we have never seen.
Trump has changed parties 5 times. He didn't register to vote until he was 40.
Plus, this is true -- There used to an actual Democrat Party.

Now they're just scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH. The Democrat party died a long time ago. It is now an Organized Crime Family. Look who is at the head of it -- Soros, Zuck, Bezos, every HUGE Company in the Country is dimocrap scum now. Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, all the Big Pharma companies, all the Banks....

Trump is what you get with republicans who campaign like libertarians then govern like shitlib demoncrats.

All the sneering establishmentarian snobbery in the world doesn't change that.
We have not forgotten about the RINO's who took the Tea Party victory then spent like drunken sailors and cut deals with Democrats while attacking the very Tea Party that gave them the win and majority.
5th post 10th post
Explain how Trump is any different than any professional politician?

Fiscal responsibility? Nope, he didn't have that.

Drain the swamp? Nope, he surrounded himself with it.

Downsized government? Nope, he didn't do that.

Increased personal liberty? Nope, he restricted it further.

You're in a cult.
Trump trashed republican swamp critters after he was elected, not just during the primaries. Ask Romney about that.
Trump confronted democrat Pravda repeatedly at every press conference. Trump did not need the office to enrich himself.
Trump did not coddle Muslim terrorists and blame America first for their terrorism.
Trump unleashed American energy and subsequently expanded the economy for everyone instead of pandering to the phony AGW agenda.
Raskin is a commie. He’s more creepy, anti-american democrat trash.
The fact that you’d quote him as legit speaks to your disingenuousness.
He's saying everything the rest of us have been saying for months. Trump is a con man who was a Democrat longer than he's been a Republican. He still holds a lot of leftist positions. He's to the left of both of his main primary opponents, but his supporters reject them and are behaving like a religious cult.

Raskin is the typical career political hack.
The Republican Party is almost as bad as the dimocrap scum party. Look around; the world is rising up against the corruption of all Deep States, not just ours.

Germany, The Netherlands, Argentina.

And here. It's just a matter of time before it happens in Canada and the rest of the world. They just need a leader.

We have one called 'Trump'. Yes, he has a lot of faults. No, he is not a perfect man. But I believe he is the real deal. A populist that is a true believer.

If he turns into the next totalitarian asswipe, it's your fault. Take any dog -- ANY dog, put him in a cage and poke him with a stick and he'll get mean on you.

And when he comes after you -- Remember:

It's your fault. You people shouldn't have stolen his victory in 2020. Keep telling him he lost fair and square. Keep pushing that lie. See what happens.
Trump is not a leader, he is not qualified to lead a cub scout pack, let alone the country.

First requirement of a leader, be a follower. A leader has to be committed to something, to some goal, to some ideal, first and foremost. But, that can't be themselves and there in lies Trump's problem, he only cares about himself. Just exactly what does Trump stand for, other than Trump?

But look the hell around. Trump is the leader of the Republican party, what a damn shit show. Just exactly what has the Republican party accomplished in the last two years?

I mean for the love of all that is holy, kick that fat orange dumbass to the flippin curb. He is a cancer on this nation and the death knell of the Republican party.

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