Congress Works Four Days After Vacationing For Weeks And Is Off To Vacation For Weeks.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
They aren't coming back until after the elections.

embers of a fractious Congress apparently have reached bipartisan consensus on one key issue: They won't risk even debating a broad measure to authorize President Barack Obama's military campaign against the Islamic State until after the Nov. 4 election.
Sorry. Gotta go campaign. War vote has to wait.
The U.S. goes to war. Congress goes on break. - Chicago Tribune

The least productive congress in the history of the United States doesn't show any sign of changing it's unproductive ways..
Gee...I wonder why this Congress has the lowest approval rating in the history of approval ratings...what could it be? (beyond the endless Benghazi hearings, renaming post offices and obstructing everything the American people want to see get done, that is)
Gee...I wonder why this Congress has the lowest approval rating in the history of approval ratings...what could it be? (beyond the endless Benghazi hearings, renaming post offices and obstructing everything the American people want to see get done, that is)
And they will all be re-elected...
Gee...I wonder why this Congress has the lowest approval rating in the history of approval ratings...what could it be? (beyond the endless Benghazi hearings, renaming post offices and obstructing everything the American people want to see get done, that is)
And they will all be re-elected...

Doing the Gerrymandered rag!

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