Congress Releases All 3,000-plus Facebook Ads Bought By Russians


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Congress releases the 3,000 Facebook ads the Russians bought

Congress just dropped the Russian trolling motherlode.

Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee released on Thursday more than 3,000 Facebook ads from 2015 to late 2017 bought by the Russia-based Internet Research Agency (IRA). The company, which is linked to Russia-backed propaganda efforts across social media, used these ads on Facebook -- and on Facebook-owned Instagram -- to try to create political chaos and hurt US democracy, lawmakers said.

i wonder how many of the rubes on this forum have parroted those ads. :lol:


You can download the ads here: Social Media Advertisements | U.S. House of Representatives

I think it would be a fun game to post an ad, and then post someone on this forum who parroted the ad. :lol:
Ad ID 1254
Secured borders are a national priority. America is at risk and we need to
protect our...

Ad Targeting Location - Living In: United States
Interests: Immigration to the United States, Conservatism, Deportation, Stop
Illegal Immigration, Julian Assange, Laura Ingraham, Ron Paul, National
identity, Welfare state, United States Department of Homeland Security,
Donald Trump, Bill O'Reilly (political commentator), Illegal immigration,
WikiLeaks, Law enforcement, Republican Party (United States), Patriotism,
Old Glory, United States Constitution, Immigration law, Conservatism in the
United States, Foreign policy, Christopher Hitchens, United States Bill of
Rights, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Mike Huckabee, Racism in the United
States or Politics and social issues
Excluded Connections: Exclude people who like Secured Borders
Age: 18 - 65+
Placements: News Feed on desktop computers, News Feed on mobile
devices or Right column on desktop computers
Ad ID 1258
Ad Text Today Americans are able to elect a president with godly moral principles.
Hillary is a Satan, and her crimes and lies had proved just how evil she is.
And even though Donald Trump isn't a saint by any means, he's at least an
honest man and he cares deeply for this country. My vote goes for him!

People Who Match: Interests: Stop Illegal Immigration, Laura Ingraham, Fox
News Channel, Ron Paul, Tucker Carlson, Rand Paul, Christianity, Bill
O'Reilly (political commentator), Rush Limbaugh, Andrew Breitbart, breitbart,
Bible, Conservatism in the United States, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage,
Mike Pence, Michelle Malkin, Mike Huckabee, Jesus, TheBlaze or Donald
Trump Jr., Politics: US politics (very conservative)

Voting for Hillary is like a voting for ISIS, Satan, WWIII and billions of dead.

Ad I D 2425
Ad Text Bernie for president!
Ad Landing Page Log In or Sign Up to View
Ad Targeting Location: United States
Interests: Liberalism or Libertarianism
Age: 18 - 65+
Placements: News Feed on desktop computers or News Feed on mobile
Yea, those look a lot like what we see the wingers here put up. "Hillary is the great Satan! Help Trump win for Jesus!"
I bet if you started a thread with one of the ads in the OP every one of the rubes would be duped again
The Facebook ads appear to have continued all the way through the third quarter of 2017. A year after Trump was elected.
Here's a Russian ad from May of 2017:

Ad ID 1261
Ad Text If you don't want refugees, stop creating them! Hands off Syria!
Please, come out to support us on June 3rd in front of Trump Tower in New
York. We must stop this madness! Some believed Trump would withdraw the
U.S. from useless and bloody military campaigns. But what we see is only the
enhancement of hostility. We don't need wars no more! We want peace! It's
time for politicians to take care of the U.S. residents instead of fating them, as
well as other nationals, to death.
We're organizing a peaceful gathering to draw public attention to the abovementioned
terrible problem. Our President and Congress must listen to those
who granted them power - us, the people. If you also think that there should
only be peace, come with us and let's make it happen.
Stop war! Stop killing the innocent! Make peace, not war! Make peace, not

People Who Match: Interests: Civil and political rights, Human rights,
Anarchism, Nonviolence, Stop the War Coalition, Anti-fascism, Pacifism,
Peace movement, The Anarchy, World peace, Anti-war movement, Feminism,
PeaceOnEarth or Be a Peacekeeper - The World Peacekeepers Movement
And Must Also Match: Politics: Likely to engage with political content (liberal)
I think it would be a fun game to post an ad, and then post someone on this forum who parroted the ad. :lol:
*SOMEBODY* needs to do some SERIOUS work on his definition of "fun".

"A boring game for boring people..... It's like watching flies fuck" -- George Carlin
Looks like someone is worried they have been a useful idiot! :lol:
From the third quarter 2016:

Ad ID 32
Ad Text Heritage not hate y'all! Our flag has nothing to do with racism! The Federal
Government shouldn't be able to dictate what we can and cannot do. Go
follow Confederate page #1 on lnstagram south united if you are proud of our
southern heritage. God bless Dixie! Confederate page #1 on lnstagram! No
racism, no hate! The south will rise again! Trump South United GovSpending

Ad Targeting Location: United States: Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Louisiana;
Mississippi; North Carolina; South Carolina; Tennessee; Texas; Virginia

People Who Match: Interests: Confederate Flag, Flags of the Confederate
States of America, confederate states america, United Daughters of the
Confederacy, Confederate States of America, Sons of Confederate Veterans,
Confederate States Army, Robert E. Lee, Southern United States or Redneck
Social Club
I'm hearing "God bless Dixie, y'all" with a Russian accent in my head. :lol:
I think it would be a fun game to post an ad, and then post someone on this forum who parroted the ad. :lol:
*SOMEBODY* needs to do some SERIOUS work on his definition of "fun".

"A boring game for boring people..... It's like watching flies fuck" -- George Carlin
Looks like someone is worried they have been a useful idiot! :lol:

You're about as worrisome as an autistic termite in a coma, but if USMB forum searches are what gets your vagina all wet & slippery, knock yourself out. :cool:
Ad ID 927
Dance like Misty, shine like Lupita, slay like Serena. speak like Viola, fight like
Congress releases the 3,000 Facebook ads the Russians bought

Congress just dropped the Russian trolling motherlode.

Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee released on Thursday more than 3,000 Facebook ads from 2015 to late 2017 bought by the Russia-based Internet Research Agency (IRA). The company, which is linked to Russia-backed propaganda efforts across social media, used these ads on Facebook -- and on Facebook-owned Instagram -- to try to create political chaos and hurt US democracy, lawmakers said.

i wonder how many of the rubes on this forum have parroted those ads. :lol:


You can download the ads here: Social Media Advertisements | U.S. House of Representatives

I think it would be a fun game to post an ad, and then post someone on this forum who parroted the ad. :lol:

What is your point ?

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