Congratulations Republicans; You Actually Let Russian Intelligence Use You To Spread Propaganda On US Television

The criminal enterprise that is the GOP isn’t even pretending to be on America’s side anymore.

The GOPOP (Grand Old Party of Putin) has abandoned democracy. It has embraced Bigotry. They are openly misogynistic and would rather believe P01135809 and believe Russian Propaganda. Their singular goal is destroy American Democracy.
Lets see of Reich Wing rags the MAGA MAGGOTS use.


Gateway Fuck Nuts.

Fucked Snooze.

Oh look one of the brainless members of the peanut gallery is upset over a partisan hack website being called a partisan hack website. When someone on the right links a hack website feel free to do same but spare us your whiney phony outrage little bitch display it’s tired and boring.
The lie is Russian collusion.
Irrelevant to the newest revelations.

Republicans in the house used a report that they knew to be not trustworthy and claimed it was reliable. They did this to help impeach the president. Ultimately it turned out to be Russian misinformation.

The Republican Russian coordination (not collusion) investigation is not related at all.
Oh look one of the brainless members of the peanut gallery is upset over a partisan hack website being called a partisan hack website. When someone on the right links a hack website feel free to do same but spare us your whiney phony outrage little bitch display it’s tired and boring.

You people believed a Russian disinformation campaign....BURMISMA never fucking happened.
You people believed a Russian disinformation campaign....BURMISMA never fucking happened.
You people believed a phony dossier by an ex British spy.
No I mean Democrats and Mueller had nothing to do with creating or putting out the Steele dossier but of course you already knew that.
It's been too long so I don't remember the details.

What exactly does that have to do with republicans knowingly using unreliable information and presenting it as reliable to attempt a presidential impeachment that ultimately ended up being Russian provided disinformation?

Do you think Comer and Jim owe an apology?

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