Confronting Malady: TrumpUSA Ethos [Psychic Dems?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
When you read/think/hear about TrumpUSA ethos, do you get the feeling that most of the political critique comes from Democrats and pseudo-liberals?

Does it feel like you have to be a 'capitalism psychic' to really appreciate the diarism game between Republicans and Democrats in this 'media-stoned TrumpUSA'?

What do you think?


"My name is Ajay Satan. I'm an Algerian-American and Internet-blogger. I dress up in vigilante-costumes and make blogs about pornography/censorship as they related to free-speech/democracy values in this modern age of media/communications/traffic. I'm a big fan of comic book superheroes (Captain Marvel) and ancient world mythology avatars (Medusa) who symbolize human fascination with focus, clarity, and hypnosis/obsession/conviction. I use these folk-avatars to talk about the special symbolism of human cognition in this new age of maddening/dizzying consumerism traffic/stimuli and Americans' preoccupation with 'Starbucks cynicism'."


"The other day, I found a truly inspirational image on the Internet about a gifted California neuroscientist working with children suffering from autism (a brain-disorder!). This scientist seemed genuinely interested in the experience of children dealing with autism and coming to terms with various forms of sensitivity and over-sensitization as a somewhat odd function of their brain plasticity caused by the complexity of autism itself(!). When I was staring at this lovely/inspiration photo of American health-sciences at work, I realized that TrumpUSA citizens need more stimuli/imagery about the value of human empathy/teamwork (rather than the ornamental parading of capitalism's indulgences!)."


"Perhaps I'm a new age 'fanatic.' However, I feel, as a U.S. citizen and member of 'TrumpUSA' that it is the special opportunity (and perhaps the human obligation) to understand/appreciate how/why commerce/traffic in this modern (21st Century) era should be re-presented through the light/lens of social health rather than commercial euphoria. After all, it's the vitality of the species which should interest us more than the generic 'thrill' of capitalism flowery (e.g., Wall Street). We want our youngsters to appreciate the social symbolism of capitalism-pensive films such as Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps and explore why today's American scientists/doctors invest so much time/energy staring at computer-generated functional brain-scans of children's brains afflicted with autism and why it's challenging to hype science funding(!). Is this all...ominous?"


"Well, I attended a special children's autism fundraising event hosted by U.S. President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump in D.C. last month. The kids at this awareness/funding event were encouraged to dress up as comic book superheroes (e.g., Batman, Superman) even though they were autism patients. Donald and Melania Trump talked about the strange and happy feeling an American can get when endorsing the species-assisting activities of engaged/involved doctors/scientists who are trying to use modern media (TV, Internet, radio, movies, etc.) to promote more 'commercial appreciation' of spiritual health in this age of great capitalism ambition."


"When President Trump shook the hand of a renowned autism doctor at this event I attended (as a journalist/writer for the D.C. pro-liberal magazine American Dreamer!), I realized that TrumpUSA citizens need more images/photos of politicians traveling in the field and perusing the everyday activities of those involved with pedestrian lives/health rather than media-scandals of sex, lies, and videotape(!). When I took a photo of Trump shaking hands with the doctor, the First Lady looked at me and noted I was rather 'pale.' I got the eerie feeling suddenly that I was tapped on the shoulder by a ghost or something. Was this my evangelical experience as a TrumpUSA citizen?"


"When I got home, I decided to download the Woody Allen film Celebrity (Leo DiCaprio) on Netflix. This provocative (if sardonic) film presents the candid portrait of a modern American culture/society preoccupied with the vanities/glamour of consumerism, entertainment, capitalism, and traffic fantasies. I started thinking about the inspirational photo (I found on the Internet!) of the California scientist working with children with autism and the photo I took of President Trump shaking hands with the autism-doctor in D.C. I wondered if Allen's film was a 'mirror-image' of real-world depression. Was TrumpUSA a pedestal for social hypnosis?"


"In Allen's film, Hollywood superstar Leo DiCaprio portrays a fictional/hypothetical but symbolic unruly/wild movie-star whose jaunts into the world of thrilling storytelling/cinema makes him an 'American doll' with the 'ominous license' to basically live like a firecracker. I started looking up real-life photos of celebrity DiCaprio in various night-clubs and social scenes engaged in partying and revelry and wondered if Woody Allen was making some Medusa-themed 'social hypnosis' comment/statement about Americans' seemingly child-like fascination with consumerism/entertainment glitter. Was TrumpUSA (a society/culture of great commercial/traffic melodrama) a staircase towards paranoia?"


TRUMP: Did you read that article about my autism-visit in American Dreamer?
CARTER: Yes, the writer (Ajay Satan) was interested in 'TrumpUSA ethos.'
TRUMP: He told the First Lady that our media hypnosis with capitalism is a 'malady.'
CARTER: Ajay's known for his 'underground opinions' on TrumpUSA psychology.
TRUMP: He sounds like the Internet-rendition of Thomas Nast.
CARTER: Well, the Washington Post wrote your autism-visit was 'inspiring.'
TRUMP: Ajay wrote my visit was inspiring too, but his tone was more 'concerned.'
CARTER: Today's pseudo-liberals are much more like graffiti-artists...
TRUMP: Yes, they seem to get a 'kick' out of 'dissecting' TrumpUSA flaws!
CARTER: Well, do you think they're right, Mr. President?
TRUMP: Carter, I think liberals like Ajay Satan remind us of the days of Woodstock.
CARTER: The popular opinion is that Republicans consider all liberals 'hippies'.
TRUMP: Sometimes, it really feels like the hippies are still around, Carter.
CARTER: That's why you have special/skilled media-consultants like me, sir!
TRUMP: I appreciate your input, Carter.
CARTER: The First Lady told me Ajay looked very pale at your autism-visit.
TRUMP: Yes, it was as if he was 'touched' by a ghost or something...
CARTER: Maybe Ajay was concerned about ER being taken off the air!
TRUMP: Today's liberals enjoy commenting on 'sentimental' media (e.g., ER).
CARTER: Yes, they like scenes of Dr. Ross kissing Nurse Hathaway.
TRUMP: Perhaps TrumpUSA imagery can focus more on social programs.
CARTER: Maybe our 'Great Society' can become one of 'political djinns'...
TRUMP: We'll see!




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