Confirmed..Chinese read Clinton emails in real time


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
A Chinese state-owned company reportedly hacked former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email server, then inserted code that forwarded them a copy of virtually every email she sent or received after that -- a revelation President Trump is demanding be investigated.


The code reportedly was discovered in 2015 by the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG), which then warned FBI officials of the intrusion.

A source briefed on the matter confirmed to Fox News the details of the Caller’s reporting, and said that the ICIG was so concerned by the revelation that officials drove over to the FBI to inform agents -- including anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok -- of the development after it was discovered via the emails' metadata.

Chinese company reportedly hacked Clinton's server, got copy of every email in real-time

Another Clinton scandal covered up by the FBI, while they leaked a dossier they knew was fake in order to get a FISA warrant to investigate Trump's campaign.

Fake news vs real threat. Imagine what the Chinese would have known about a President Hillary. Talk about blackmail with a capital "B".

The Justice Department is so corrupt..I'm not sure it can be salvaged.
Any link beside FOX? You know better then that OP especially for breaking news...

A Chinese state-owned company reportedly hacked former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email server, then inserted code that forwarded them a copy of virtually every email she sent or received after that -- a revelation President Trump is demanding be investigated.


The code reportedly was discovered in 2015 by the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG), which then warned FBI officials of the intrusion.

A source briefed on the matter confirmed to Fox News the details of the Caller’s reporting, and said that the ICIG was so concerned by the revelation that officials drove over to the FBI to inform agents -- including anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok -- of the development after it was discovered via the emails' metadata.

Chinese company reportedly hacked Clinton's server, got copy of every email in real-time

Another Clinton scandal covered up by the FBI, while they leaked a dossier they knew was fake in order to get a FISA warrant to investigate Trump's campaign.

Fake news vs real threat. Imagine what the Chinese would have known about a President Hillary. Talk about blackmail with a capital "B".

The Justice Department is so corrupt..I'm not sure it can be salvaged.
Wait a minute! You saying the hacker WASN'T a fat guy sitting on the edge of his bed in his mother's basement in New Jersey?
Any link beside FOX? You know better then that OP especially for breaking news...


Yeah. CSPan.. You want to go wading thru an hour of congress critters voguing for the cameras?

The IG report is real. The IG office forwarded the info to the FBI. Unfortunately, the FBI contact was Peter Strzok, who BURIED this (predictably). The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server. It's not new. What's new is how the FBI BURIED the lead.
Oh those POOR Chinese!


My heart goes out to them.
Why is Trump suddenly so keen to have the Chinese angle investigated...when he's been strangely silent about a possible Russian hack?
Makes ya go "hmmmmmm".
Any link beside FOX? You know better then that OP especially for breaking news...


Yeah. CSPan.. You want to go wading thru an hour of congress critters voguing for the cameras?

The IG report is real. The IG office forwarded the info to the FBI. Unfortunately, the FBI contact was Peter Strzok, who BURIED this (predictably). The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server. It's not new. What's new is how the FBI BURIED the lead.
You know an amazing amount about this report, especially the chain of custody. But it appears nobody knows any content. I'm amazed Hillary had time to use the ladies room considering the staggering number of Emails she is reported to have passed along. Anyway, I'm taking Trump's advice in this instance. If the source is not named, I stop reading.
Why is Trump suddenly so keen to have the Chinese angle investigated...when he's been strangely silent about a possible Russian hack?
Makes ya go "hmmmmmm".

So why was barry silent about russian hacking attempts when he was warned years ago?
Oh, of course...the old "But, What About...?" argument.
That absolves everyone of everything.
Why is Trump suddenly so keen to have the Chinese angle investigated...when he's been strangely silent about a possible Russian hack?
Makes ya go "hmmmmmm".

So why was barry silent about russian hacking attempts when he was warned years ago?
Oh, of course...the old "But, What About...?" argument.
That absolves everyone of everything.

That's a big word...I'm thinking that it doesn't mean what you think it means though.
Why is Trump suddenly so keen to have the Chinese angle investigated...when he's been strangely silent about a possible Russian hack?
Makes ya go "hmmmmmm".

So why was barry silent about russian hacking attempts when he was warned years ago?
Oh, of course...the old "But, What About...?" argument.
That absolves everyone of everything.

That's a big word...I'm thinking that it doesn't mean what you think it means though.

Only an idiot would think someone doesnt know that word......but I guess if they were a liberal i'd only be mildly surprised.
Any link beside FOX? You know better then that OP especially for breaking news...


Yeah. CSPan.. You want to go wading thru an hour of congress critters voguing for the cameras?

The IG report is real. The IG office forwarded the info to the FBI. Unfortunately, the FBI contact was Peter Strzok, who BURIED this (predictably). The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server. It's not new. What's new is how the FBI BURIED the lead.
You know an amazing amount about this report, especially the chain of custody. But it appears nobody knows any content. I'm amazed Hillary had time to use the ladies room considering the staggering number of Emails she is reported to have passed along. Anyway, I'm taking Trump's advice in this instance. If the source is not named, I stop reading.

The SOURCE is the Inspector General of the IC. The matter is classified because the IGIC reports are classified. There are two sources for the story tho. Both likely Congressional leaks. It's MUCH BETTER than the unnamed sourcing on CNN/MSNBC/WashPo/NYTimes.

As far as hillary's ability to use the ladies room, she's the one who who ARROGANTLY decided she was not gonna use the secured comms and protocols that everyone else was REQUIRED to use at State. Her "bathroom time" WAS probably limited that she would go out of her secured office (a "tank" or SCIF) to go 2 floors down where she could get a signal on her BlackBerry that would connect to her POS "private" server in order to do her business.

Read her cluelessly hypocritical quote in my sigline.

Yes -- I do know a lot about secured comms and protocols and had I done what she did, I'd be serving time in a Club Fed somewhere with all my pensions and clearances GONE....
Why is Trump suddenly so keen to have the Chinese angle investigated...when he's been strangely silent about a possible Russian hack?
Makes ya go "hmmmmmm".

So why was barry silent about russian hacking attempts when he was warned years ago?

Both of them probably knew about it and even set it up for them to do so. The Clintons have always loved them some Red Chinese, and as allies of the Iranian Mullahs Obama loved them, too. Most of the American 'Elites' love Red China as well, and in fact or working to make them the world's new Hegemon. You can barely find a back issue of Foreign Affairs magazine as far back as the 1980's that doesn't gush over them as the 'Globalists'' Bestest Friend EVAR, and we know the Democrats luvs their 'Globalist' donors no end. Russia is a great source of bribes, but RC is the new Fair Haired Boy On The Block for the Billionaire's Boy's Club.

Serial Rapist Bill Clinton gave the Red Chinese their new nuclear missile program on a platter, and now Hillary, Kerry, and Obama, have given their Mullahs in Iran theirs, along with billions in untraceable cash.
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Why is Trump suddenly so keen to have the Chinese angle investigated...when he's been strangely silent about a possible Russian hack?
Makes ya go "hmmmmmm".
Yeah, hmmm should Hillary and Strzok get blindfolds?
Any link beside FOX? You know better then that OP especially for breaking news...


Yeah. CSPan.. You want to go wading thru an hour of congress critters voguing for the cameras?

The IG report is real. The IG office forwarded the info to the FBI. Unfortunately, the FBI contact was Peter Strzok, who BURIED this (predictably). The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server. It's not new. What's new is how the FBI BURIED the lead.

Your claim, "The FBI has admitted several times the certainty that multiple foreign powers had access to the stupid ass server" is suspect, to put it charitably.

FBI rejects fringe report, promoted by Trump, that China hacked Hillary Clinton's emails

'The Daily Caller's story appears to have originated not with the Justice Department, but from a claim by Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, who said during a July House committee hearing that virtually all of Clinton's emails had been obtained by a "foreign entity." The source of his knowledge, Gohmert said, was a report produced by the Intelligence Community Inspector General, a CIA watchdog agency.

The Daily Caller did not confirm the existence of such a report, instead citing an anonymous former intelligence officer who it said had been briefed on what the ICIG report contained.

In pushing back on the Daily Caller's story, however, the FBI on Wednesday pointed to its own report, issued by the Justice Department Inspector General in June. That report said the "FBI investigation and its forensic analysis did not find evidence that Clinton's email server systems were compromised."'
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The SOURCE is the Inspector General of the IC. The matter is classified because the IGIC reports are classified. There are two sources for the story tho. Both likely Congressional leaks. It's MUCH BETTER than the unnamed sourcing on CNN/MSNBC/WashPo/NYTimes.

As far as hillary's ability to use the ladies room, she's the one who who ARROGANTLY decided she was not gonna use the secured comms and protocols that everyone else was REQUIRED to use at State. Her "bathroom time" WAS probably limited that she would go out of her secured office (a "tank" or SCIF) to go 2 floors down where she could get a signal on her BlackBerry that would connect to her POS "private" server in order to do her business.

Read her cluelessly hypocritical quote in my sigline.

Yes -- I do know a lot about secured comms and protocols and had I done what she did, I'd be serving time in a Club Fed somewhere with all my pensions and clearances GONE....

If you keep talking like that, you very well could end up committing suicide by shooting your self in back of the head 3 times.

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