Confederate Flag Has Lots of Support

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Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Having just gone through Memorial Day it is sickening to see the disrespect that liberals show to the Confederate flag, and to the approximately 300,000 southerners who died in the Civil War fighting to defend their home towns from invading Union soldiers.

Millions of people in the South, revere the memories of these brave soldiers, as much as any others on Memorial Day. The disrespect for the southern soldiers goes beyond the deceased soldiers themselves, and carries over to the people who fly the Confederate Flag, and attend Confederate memorial services.

This is just another example of the ignorant, self-righteous, crude buffoonery of the :lame2: Left, in America.

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Having just gone through Memorial Day it is sickening to see the disrespect that liberals show to the Confederate flag, and to the approximately 300,000 southerners who died in the Civil War fighting to defend their home towns from invading Union soldiers.

Millions of people in the South, revere the memories of these brave soldiers, as much as any others on Memorial Day. The disrespect for the southern soldiers goes beyond the deceased soldiers themselves, and carries over to the people who fly the Confederate Flag, and attend Confederate memorial services.

This is just another example of the ignorant, self-righteous, crude buffuonery of the :lame2: Left, in America.

View attachment 655130
Your post makes multiple assumptions of facts not in evidence. Also you spelled buffoonery incorrectly.
Having just gone through Memorial Day it is sickening to see the disrespect that liberals show to the Confederate flag, and to the approximately 300,000 southerners who died in the Civil War fighting to defend their home towns from invading Union soldiers.

Millions of people in the South, revere the memories of these brave soldiers, as much as any others on Memorial Day. The disrespect for the southern soldiers goes beyond the deceased soldiers themselves, and carries over to the people who fly the Confederate Flag, and attend Confederate memorial services.

This is just another example of the ignorant, self-righteous, crude buffoonery of the :lame2: Left, in America.

View attachment 655130
How sad. Will they be putting NAZI flags out next?
Erase & rewrite the past & present news so the Party is never wrong with the Ministry of Truth.
Demonize certain others to keep your sheeple riled up & distracted with 2 Minutes of Hate from the Ministry of Love.
Keep them scared & hungry, with perpetual shortages while telling them the shortages don't exist using the Ministry of Plenty.
Turn them against each other so they do not wake up, band together & rise up in revolt while also in a perpetual foreign war with the Ministry of Peace.

For the lefties, Orwell wrote a blueprint
Fun tidbit, when the drafts started in the South, wealthy slaveowners who owned more then I think 40 slaves, did not have to serve, even though they were the driving force behind secession and the war. Rich Man's War. Poor Man's Fight!
Very insignificant point relative to 300,000 southerners, military & civilian who died in the Civil War.
I always thought that no person living today should fly the battle flag as they did not earn the right to....Much less the bastardized things they fly now.


I always put my Virginia flag out on Confederate Memorial Day. IMHO it's a lot more appropriate as the war had to do with state's rights first and foremost.

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