Confederate Flag Has Lots of Support

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Fun tidbit, when the drafts started in the South, wealthy slaveowners who owned more then I think 40 slaves, did not have to serve, even though they were the driving force behind secession and the war. Rich Man's War. Poor Man's Fight!
And many large sections of the South started to rebell from the draft and fighting. West Virginia broke off....some of the state governors refused to send money and men to the Con-federate central government. Divisions in the mountains led to family feuds that lasted for generations. It most definitely was NOT a united con-federacy.
Nah, this time around you people will be fought by southern Americans - as well as midwest, northwest, and southwest, who are fighting to SAVE our CONSTITUTION. Spoiler alert... it will end badly for those who come against them.
You desire ACW II? Mississippi burning, this time it's nuclear?

Yea I don't think your neighbors are going to support, you know, being dragged out of their homes and slaughtered.

Modern civil wars are Rwanda, not Bull Run.
Well, they ARE similar except for the NAZI flag representing a country that lasted twice as long as the con-federacy.
Shows what happens when Dems are in control of a country, doesn't it?
Pedo Joe laughs at what the Dems did to the Confederacy & says "Hold my beer"
I HATE the supposed "confederate flag" being flown by ignorant rednecks today, and here's why. It isn't the real Confederate flag, it's a political logo / copy sold to people back in the late 1940s.


This is the real Confederate flag, the flag of Opposition to the North and Federal tyranny. The flag had several variations, some with different numbers of stars (some added Kentucky and Missouri to the Confederacy even though they never officially joined), and different patterns of stars. The two red stripes and one white stripe were the true stars and bars of the Confederacy. The flag was the Confederacies Official flag, being flown by the Confederate states governments, and flown in the Confederate capitol of Richmond.


This is an example of a Confederate Battle Flag, or more specifically, an Army of Northern Virginia flag. Regiments from all over the Confederate states fought in the Army of Northern Virginia, commanded by General Robert E. Lee. The flags of these regiments were always the nearly all the same, square, with large white borders with 13 stars. The regiments painted battle honors on the flag, as seen on this example, flown by the 28th North Carolina Infantry regiment.


This is the closest example of what some people think is the Confederate Flag. Again, this is a battle flag, carried by regiments with the National flag. This particular one was flown by the 7th Mississippi Infantry regiment, Army of the Tennessee. The Army of the Tennessee was a rag tag bunch of misfits, and the flags showed it. Most followed the patterns of large white borders around the flag, and the blue cross. Battle Honors were typically painted along these borders.


This is the flag that many think is the Confederate flag. It isn't. It was designed by the short lived Dixiecrat party in 1948. Novelty companies took the design, and marketed it as a confederate flag, and it has stuck ever since. Notice the lack of white border, the extra wide cross, and small stars. That is not my flag.


This is my Flag. My CONFEDERATE flag.
And many large sections of the South started to rebell from the draft and fighting. West Virginia broke off....some of the state governors refused to send money and men to the Con-federate central government. Divisions in the mountains led to family feuds that lasted for generations. It most definitely was NOT a united con-federacy.
Maybe not in West Virginia, that's correct, but throughout the South, the DEFENSE of homeland was very united, including among both blacks and whites, both of whom fought to defend their towns and turf.

Many southerners today, black & white BOTH, fly the Confederate Flag to honor their ancestors who died in the Civil War.
I HATE the supposed "confederate flag" being flown by ignorant rednecks today, and here's why. It isn't the real Confederate flag, it's a political logo / copy sold to people back in the late 1940s.

View attachment 655139

This is the real Confederate flag, the flag of Opposition to the North and Federal tyranny. The flag had several variations, some with different numbers of stars (some added Kentucky and Missouri to the Confederacy even though they never officially joined), and different patterns of stars. The two red stripes and one white stripe were the true stars and bars of the Confederacy. The flag was the Confederacies Official flag, being flown by the Confederate states governments, and flown in the Confederate capitol of Richmond.

View attachment 655143

This is an example of a Confederate Battle Flag, or more specifically, an Army of Northern Virginia flag. Regiments from all over the Confederate states fought in the Army of Northern Virginia, commanded by General Robert E. Lee. The flags of these regiments were always the nearly all the same, square, with large white borders with 13 stars. The regiments painted battle honors on the flag, as seen on this example, flown by the 28th North Carolina Infantry regiment.

View attachment 655148

This is the closest example of what some people think is the Confederate Flag. Again, this is a battle flag, carried by regiments with the National flag. This particular one was flown by the 7th Mississippi Infantry regiment, Army of the Tennessee. The Army of the Tennessee was a rag tag bunch of misfits, and the flags showed it. Most followed the patterns of large white borders around the flag, and the blue cross. Battle Honors were typically painted along these borders.

View attachment 655149

This is the flag that many think is the Confederate flag. It isn't. It was designed by the short lived Dixiecrat party in 1948. Novelty companies took the design, and marketed it as a confederate flag, and it has stuck ever since. Notice the lack of white border, the extra wide cross, and small stars. That is not my flag.

View attachment 655150

This is my Flag. My CONFEDERATE flag.
Regardless of the variations, the stars & bars today is thought of as the flag of the Confederacy, and millions of southerners carry it at Memorial Day services in cemetaries. Their reverence for their long departed ancestors is the important thing, not which flag is flown now.
I always thought that no person living today should fly the battle flag as they did not earn the right to....Much less the bastardized things they fly now.


I always put my Virginia flag out on Confederate Memorial Day. IMHO it's a lot more appropriate as the war had to do with state's rights first and foremost.

Neither state's rights or slavery are what 90% of southerners fought for in the Civil War. Overwhelmingly and consistently, all across the 11 states of the Confederacy, after the war when southerners were asked "Why did you fight" the answer was always the same >> "Because you're here"

And the Union guys weren't just there. They were SHOOTING at these southerners, blowing up their bridges & buildings, burning down their churches. What might one expect them to do ? Say thank you ?

Talk bout "mass shooters"....Wow!
Regardless of the variations, the stars & bars today is thought of as the flag of the Confederacy, and millions of southerners carry it at Memorial Day services in cemetaries. Their reverence for their long departed ancestors is the important thing, not which flag is flown now.

If they're going to do it, do it right. All of my ancestors, (six direct ancestors, 12 if you count cousins) fought for the North. I support the Confederacy because of my birthplace, and my opposition to a large federal government. I fly the Real flag, not a made up political stunt piece.
If they're going to do it, do it right. All of my ancestors, (six direct ancestors, 12 if you count cousins) fought for the North. I support the Confederacy because of my birthplace, and my opposition to a large federal government. I fly the Real flag, not a made up political stunt piece.
I dont give a rat's ass about which flag is flown. Currently, and for the last 70 years, the star & bars has overwhelmingly been the flag representitive of the confederacy. You may fly whatefver flag you like.
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