Computer interface breakthrough on READING human thought!


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
Scientists Successfully ‘Hack’ Brain To Obtain Private Data
By Peter V. Milo
August 25, 2012 1:56 AM

BERKELEY, Calif. (CBS Seattle) – It sounds like something out of the movie “Johnny Mnemonic,” but scientists have successfully been able to “hack” a brain with a device that’s easily available on the open market.

Researchers from the University of California and University of Oxford in Geneva figured out a way to pluck sensitive information from a person’s head, such as PIN numbers and bank information.

The scientists took an off-the-shelf Emotiv brain-computer interface, a device that costs around $299, which allows users to interact with their computers by thought.

The scientists then sat their subjects in front of a computer screen and showed them images of banks, people, and PIN numbers. They then tracked the readings coming off of the brain, specifically the P300 signal.

The P300 signal is typically given off when a person recognizes something meaningful, such as someone or something they interact with on a regular basis.

Scientists that conducted the experiment found they could reduce the randomness of the images by 15 to 40 percent, giving them a better chance of guessing the correct answer.

Another interesting facet about the experiments is how the P300 signal could be read for lie detection.

In the paper that the scientists released, they state that “the P300 can be used as a discriminative feature in detecting whether or not the relevant information is stored in the subject’s memory.

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-- Scientists Successfully ‘Hack’ Brain To Obtain Private Data « CBS Seattle

More at link.


The good news for libs: it can't read your mind. Brains are required.
The thought police will be looking into that. George Orwell got the date 1984 wrong because he was before his time. But the thought police are coming for you real soon.
Research toward a brain-computer interface is under way...

Brain-computer Connection Unlocks Possibilities, Both Good and Bad
February 06, 2017 — Imagine the possibilities that could be unlocked by hooking up your brain to a computer.
Science fiction has explored this idea in many films, including the upcoming movie MindGamers, in which students create a wireless neural network that can link people's minds through a quantum computer. It allows people to transfer motor skills from one brain to another, but also opens the door for mass mind control. In the real world, research toward a brain-computer interface is under way, and one of the possible applications can help change lives. "The most fundamental good is restoration of function for people who have limited capabilities," explained computational neuroscientist Tim Mullen. "Let's say a paraplegic can't move, allowing them to walk again."

Mullen said his company, Qusp Neurotechnologies, is working on a platform to digitally link a person to the cloud and, from there, to any internet-connected device, such as a multiplayer brain-controlled game. Mullen said a type of mediated telepathy, or brain-to-brain communication, may also be in the future. "Currently we can do this in rats. ... First experiments in humans have been demonstrated, in a very limited way, and … in the coming decades we will actually be able to have brain-to-brain communication between humans," Mullen said.

Joanne Reay, writer and producer of MindGamers, sees connecting minds to the cloud as a good thing. "The need of the ego to put oneself first is redundant in our society," she said. "And that would be a benefit if that could just fall away like a monkey tail." But with the good comes the potential for bad, some say. "This rosy picture, yes we can get there, but in doing so, we will enable this whole other dark side, and we need to plan for it and we need to have some mitigating strategies for it," said Todd Richmond, at the University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies.

Science ethics

Richmond, director of the institute's Advanced Prototype Development, works with emerging disruptive technologies and warns that internet hacking and other criminal behaviors will be magnified as scientists pursue certain types of innovation. "We have anonymity. We have online stalking. We have harassment. We have the capabilities of some kid in a country 5,000 miles [8,000 kilometers] away having a very real impact on society, hacking power grids, hacking monetary systems," Richmond said. "Part of the challenge is a lot of the innovation right now is driven by the commercial sector, and in that case their focus is on profitability and getting a product out there and getting the new capability, a new shiny object that they want to excite the consumer to buy. For them, moral and ethical repercussions are not necessarily part of their development timeline."

Mullen agreed, pointing out, "There is a very strong code of ethics that's inherent in our academic and scientific institutions to not do harm to people, to use our best judgement as we make discoveries. But that being said, science is a process of being on the edge. You don't know what the outcome is going to be of the technology you're building. You don't know how it will be used. The responsibility lies on society to use that technology for good." Richmond added, "But technology has become so sophisticated and so complex that it's very difficult for members of society or policymakers to really understand what's going on inside the black box. So now, more than ever, it's really critical that the scientist and the technologist be part of that conversation about ethics and morals and where is this technology heading in society."

The experiment

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