Comprehensive Immigration Reform


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
That's the mantra of the left. What does it really mean? I watched Gavin Newsom say that to Hannity in their interview but he never gets into the nuts and bolts. He drops phrases like 'path to citizenship' which is really taking those who illegally hop our border and promise them citizenship. If they REALLY wanted a 'path to citizenship' they'd come in through LEGAL ports of entry. Newsom is nothing but a slick used car salesman. Can anyone here actually define what constitutes comprehensive immigration reform?

BTW this interview was from June 2023
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That's the mantra of the left. What does it really mean? I watched Gavin Newsom say that to Hannity in their interview but he never gets into the nuts and bolts. He drops phrases like 'path to citizenship' which is really taking those who illegally hop our border and promise them citizenship. If they REALLY wanted a 'path to citizenship' they'd come in through LEGAL ports of entry. Newsom is nothing but a slick used car salesman. Can anyone here actually define what constitutes comprehensive immigration reform?
Close down all immigration regardless of reason for 10 years???
Close down all immigration regardless of reason for 10 years???
That would be my solution but, Democrats want comprehensive reform, I wanted some Democrat to tell me what they think that means.
The continuous intellectually dishonest euphemism mongering by the shitlibs is revolting.
In the one interview Newsom had with Hannity he said he's for a wall then later he basically said a wall would not matter.
That's the mantra of the left. What does it really mean? I watched Gavin Newsom say that to Hannity in their interview but he never gets into the nuts and bolts. He drops phrases like 'path to citizenship' which is really taking those who illegally hop our border and promise them citizenship. If they REALLY wanted a 'path to citizenship' they'd come in through LEGAL ports of entry. Newsom is nothing but a slick used car salesman. Can anyone here actually define what constitutes comprehensive immigration reform?

I've known for years that when a liberal, progressive, or Democrat says "comprehensive immigration reform", what they really mean is shit like "amnesty", "naturalization", and "citizenship" for illegals, including voting rights.
I've known for years that when a liberal, progressive, or Democrat says "comprehensive immigration reform", what they really mean is shit like "amnesty", "naturalization", and "citizenship" for illegals, including voting rights.
Yes, they all but drop the 'illegal' from immigrants. They have already dropped the 'alien' after illegal.
Following the War Between the States former black slaves in the former Confederacy were little better off than had been the case during slavery. Many still lived in the same conditions on the same plantations but as destitute share croppers instead as slaves. Industrial production in the Northern States was booming, but with massive wave after wave of European immigrants entering the USA blacks were not given a chance to compete for the jobs there. The common misconception was that blacks were not smart enough to handle industrial jobs and with hundreds of thousands of white European immigrants to hire blacks were not given the chance to prove this wrong..
This changed in 1914 with the opening of World War 1. Deadly submarine warfare in the Atlantic coupled massive war disruptions in the European countries cut the flow of immigrants into the USA to a trickle just when a booming war economy increased the need for workers in northern factories. Blacks were finally given their chance.
Black workers showed themselves to be entirely capable of handling complex industrial jobs as well as being hard workers. Then began a massive long term immigration of former slaves and their progeny to the Northern States. Finally good paying jobs were available.
This brief, only four or five years, cessation of large scale immigration into the USA wrought the unexpected consequence and wonderful act which finally freed the slaves.
Who knows? Perhaps another temporary cessation of large scale immigration into the USA might also show some unexpected consequence which might be very good for our country.

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