What is Comprehensive Immigration Reform.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 (full name: Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007 (S. 1348)) was a bill discussed in the 110th United States Congress that would have provided legal status and a path to citizenship for the approximately 12 million illegal immigrants ...

This is not a fix but more of the same. Democrats are against securing the border and that means more of the same. Legal status and path to citizenship is "amnesty" and we know what happens after the last amnesty. 12 million more entering illegally and an invitation for more to come as we see now at the border. This is not a problem caused by Trump but Trump is trying to fix the problem with securing the border and stop illegal immigration and enforcing our immigration laws. Let's take care of our own poor and unemployed and uninsured before we take him more. The crisis at the border is costing us more than securing the border. We cannot take in all the poor of the world.
Real immigration reform has to begin with stopping the uncontrolled flow across Mexico's southern border and our southern border. That will take a combination of expanding the wall, more border patrol and ICE agents, and military. There is a backlog of cases that is well over 800,000 and will probably soon grow to nearly a million.

Immigrants need to enter our country in an orderly manner under OUR RULES, not randomly jumping into a river or climbing a fence. That should be a no- brainer but unfortunately the Democrats are dedicated to maintaining the flow.
I can accept the DACA's, grudgingly, with conditions, but the rest have to go home and apply like everybody else.
Unfortunately, our two parties seem more interested in keeping immigration as a wedge issue to pander for votes. Why bother compromising with one another when every two years our elected reps can continue the opprobrious rhetoric from either side.
I can accept the DACA's, grudgingly, with conditions, but the rest have to go home and apply like everybody else.[/QUI
I strongly disagree. DACA are their countries future. Let them graduate and send them home to make their homeland a better place so they will not have to come. Sending the old folks home will not help their country.
And I blame this all on Democrats who let this happen and all are for Comprehensive Immigration Reform which is letting them all stay and sending the message that more can come. Which means CIR will not fix the immigration problem.
It is hard to take a Democrat serious about immigration when a thousand people were entering the country illegally weekly and they did not see a crisis. I may be able to go along with Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty if I saw them securing the border and enforcing our immigration laws. First. Clinton and Obama had 16 Years to get it done. 2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama. Possible millions have entered under Trump.

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