Common sense: is 1 million barrels traveling 1 mile on open ocean more dangerous than

Does the OP want a big old oil pipeline in his backyard? If so give him one but don't force your submissiveness onto others.
The Maglev boondoggle in Cali has many residents not wanting the train through their neighborhoods. That thing is going to cost a hundred billion dollars or more. But will never achieve the speeds because it will be zig zagging with many stops. That money could have gone into road improvements, energy and water upgrades, and forest management common sense to reduce wildfires. So your view of a dying civilization and others of a growing one.
I know. Trump didn't know anything either. He just loved to talk and tweet.
Times sure were tough under him. Also, I just woke up from a coma from 2019. I haven't checked yet, got on here first thing, but I assume things are amazing now under whoever is President.
The Keystone XL is not in operation, it seems to be the focal point for a white nationalist to build a pipeline through Native American property that they don't want.
The Keystone XL is not in operation, it seems to be the focal point for a white nationalist to build a pipeline through Native American property that they don't want.
The bums should build their pipeline across Canada to the Atlantic or Pacific.
Just goes to show us that the Neo-GOP is doing a great job recycling. They used the train safety argument to get the first 3 legs done. But guess what? They kept using the trains even after the pipeline was complete and are now repeating the train safety argument, so Canada can ship their bitumen slurry across the sea in giant ships.
The Keystone XL is not in operation, it seems to be the focal point for a white nationalist to build a pipeline through Native American property that they don't want.
Any pipeline anywhere in "America" is really on Native American property. Amirite? Racist white people. Personally I feel that all white people should have to identify as non-white on any census or any documentation that asks. Then there would be no more white people. Problem solved.
Just goes to show us that the Neo-GOP is doing a great job recycling. They used the train safety argument to get the first 3 legs done. But guess what? They kept using the trains even after the pipeline was complete and are now repeating the train safety argument, so Canada can ship their bitumen slurry across the sea in giant ships.
Refined tarsands were destined for Asia.
Damn right! If those companies don't like it they should be manufacturing in China like all real American companies do.
Give the employers and illegals a grace period to works well in other countries.
"When spilled, tar sands diluted bitumen is significantly more damaging and difficult to clean than conventional crude, particularly in water bodies."
It's worse in rivers, streams and creeks. Canadian tarsands are destined for Asia. No help to US consumers or taxpayers. It's a windfall for the Chinese at our expense.
It's worse in rivers, streams and creeks. Canadian tarsands are destined for Asia. No help to US consumers or taxpayers. It's a windfall for the Chinese at our expense.
So you are in favor of 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean per mile?
Vs 700 barrels traveling 1 mile in a pipeline?
Because that's the alternative.
So you are in favor of 1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean per mile?
Vs 700 barrels traveling 1 mile in a pipeline?
Because that's the alternative.
Who lied and told you that the Keystone is underground?
XL pipeline.jpg

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