Common Core Smokescreen for Political Indoctrination?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Here is part of a fourth-grade report card revised to incorporate Common Core Standards:

- Grit/Perseverance
- Growth Mindset
- Gratitude
- Curiosity
- Constructive Collaboration
- Self Discipline - Interpersonal
- Self Discipline - Schoolwork

The grades issued for this section are A (Almost always), O (Often), S (Sometimes) and R (Rarely).

These standards are not only vague, but contain questionable attributes such as "Gratitude" and "Constructive Collaboration." (Does the latter mean going along with the crowd?) They also seem to invite individual interpretation and evaluation by teachers, whose proclivity towards political activism is well established.

One of Common Core's intentions is to move students away from rote learning and memorization towards critical thinking and analysis. However, the former are prerequisite steps to attaining the latter. For example, one does not learn to speak, read and write through critical analysis. I am concerned that leapfrogging these basics will, by accident or design, produce a generation of politically malleable minions.
What? No "Philanthropy"? :dunno:

They should be encouraged to give and share with classmates. That way, when they grow up to be Liberal One-Percenters they'll share the wealth. :lol:
It only gets worse by Junior High. Part of their grade is SHARED with the other students. If other students refuse to do the work, it could drage their grade down. My son is experiencing this now.

Fundamentals? What fundamentals? If you want your kid to learn fundamentals, you better teach them to your child yourself. Or they might get around to having the other kids discover them TOGETHER as a group. It's really a disaster. They're using our kids as lab rats. This is the idea of global corporations.

CORE is an international corporation based in India.

Globalized Education Program Spikes, ‘CORE’ Set To Indoctrinate Humanity

A new global education program is moving forward at breakneck speed, the goal is to indoctrinate the populace of the world.
In just a 9-year span a globalized educational program referred to as “CORE” or “Common CORE” has made its way to “14 countries globally” according to an official presentation. In fact, according to the document “Innovating To Transform the World”, “Core’s intervention benefits more than 35 million students, 60,000 youth, 105,000 teachers, and 88,000 schools globally”.[1]

CORE is all about “transforming the education spectrum” in grades K-12.

"CORE’s main directive is seeking to achieve the “transformation of nations by revolutionizing the key building blocks of education, namely – Teaching, Learning, Assessment & Governance.” In other words, it’s 100% globalist sponsored propaganda."

It's not about educating the young. Not in the public schools, not in the private or charter schools. It's about making OBEDIENT WORKERS. This is exists through out ALL educational institutions. Everyone is bickering over nothing, it is a distraction. Home-school your children, and do not pay attention to state standards, or else your children are doomed.

From Reality blogger;

"Now, keeping in mind my own ignorance of just what Common CORE actually was, I am going to treat you, the reader, with the same disposition. My shock and awe at what was revealed in this report will likely have the same jaw-dropping effect upon you that it had on me. And even the armchair activist will be shocked at what is revealed within…

As I read the first page, I knew I was looking at the New Order of things to come – a global system of so-called workforce education that is quickly spreading across not just the United States, but the entire “civilized” planet. Over a blue light bulb with all of the continents of earth upon it, the cover-sheet’s title exclaims:

“CORE – Innovating To Transform The World”

One of the first things I noticed is that this is not a typical AFR. As the world becomes increasingly globalized, the rules and regulations for corporations becomes more model and uniform. Thus, I realized right away that this Annual Report was not American in origin. Indeed, this for-profit education corporation that teaches American children and teachers hails not from the United States – but from India.

The third section of the cover sheet continues, with poor sentence structure and grammatical error, to expand upon this theme of “Innovating To Transform The World”. If you can, try and imagine this paragraph in your mind with an Indian Accent:

“The world is changing at a much faster pace today than one would have imagined a decade ago. The way innovations of yesteryears like internet and mobility transformed the world today; innovations of today would go on to transform the world tomorrow. In the words of William Wordsworth, ‘The child is father of man’. Quite rightly, the shape of future lies in the hands of today’s youth. The responsibility to shape young minds and prepare them for a new world rests on Education. The world needs to renounce some age old practices in its education system and adopt a futuristic pedagogy. Core has been incubating innovations that are transforming the Education Systems worldwidefrom the US to the UK; from India to the Middle East and Africa. With innovative interventions across Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Governance, the company is rigorously at work. Innovating today what will lead to a transformed world tomorrow.”

If you want answers, watch that video, or read that blog, it will scare you silly what they have planned.
Here is part of a fourth-grade report card revised to incorporate Common Core Standards:

- Grit/Perseverance
- Growth Mindset
- Gratitude
- Curiosity
- Constructive Collaboration
- Self Discipline - Interpersonal
- Self Discipline - Schoolwork

I count myself among the most conservative of Americans and I hate liberals. Seriously I hate their guts many are liars and untrustworthy scum. That said I see nothing wrong with the above.
Sure, all of that is more important that Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Science.

If you have no grasp on Science, you can easily be convinced that 2014 is one of the warmest on record when it has record low temperatures for the past decade. What ever the CRT says is truth. After all, they spend all their time being educated on them, right? What ever the flat screen tells you must be truth. And they have no basic Science education so what do they know?
It only gets worse by Junior High. Part of their grade is SHARED with the other students. If other students refuse to do the work, it could drage their grade down. My son is experiencing this now.

Fundamentals? What fundamentals? If you want your kid to learn fundamentals, you better teach them to your child yourself. Or they might get around to having the other kids discover them TOGETHER as a group. It's really a disaster. They're using our kids as lab rats. This is the idea of global corporations.

CORE is an international corporation based in India.

Globalized Education Program Spikes, ‘CORE’ Set To Indoctrinate Humanity

A new global education program is moving forward at breakneck speed, the goal is to indoctrinate the populace of the world.
In just a 9-year span a globalized educational program referred to as “CORE” or “Common CORE” has made its way to “14 countries globally” according to an official presentation. In fact, according to the document “Innovating To Transform the World”, “Core’s intervention benefits more than 35 million students, 60,000 youth, 105,000 teachers, and 88,000 schools globally”.[1]

CORE is all about “transforming the education spectrum” in grades K-12.

"CORE’s main directive is seeking to achieve the “transformation of nations by revolutionizing the key building blocks of education, namely – Teaching, Learning, Assessment & Governance.” In other words, it’s 100% globalist sponsored propaganda."

It's not about educating the young. Not in the public schools, not in the private or charter schools. It's about making OBEDIENT WORKERS. This is exists through out ALL educational institutions. Everyone is bickering over nothing, it is a distraction. Home-school your children, and do not pay attention to state standards, or else your children are doomed.

From Reality blogger;

"Now, keeping in mind my own ignorance of just what Common CORE actually was, I am going to treat you, the reader, with the same disposition. My shock and awe at what was revealed in this report will likely have the same jaw-dropping effect upon you that it had on me. And even the armchair activist will be shocked at what is revealed within…

As I read the first page, I knew I was looking at the New Order of things to come – a global system of so-called workforce education that is quickly spreading across not just the United States, but the entire “civilized” planet. Over a blue light bulb with all of the continents of earth upon it, the cover-sheet’s title exclaims:

“CORE – Innovating To Transform The World”

One of the first things I noticed is that this is not a typical AFR. As the world becomes increasingly globalized, the rules and regulations for corporations becomes more model and uniform. Thus, I realized right away that this Annual Report was not American in origin. Indeed, this for-profit education corporation that teaches American children and teachers hails not from the United States – but from India.

The third section of the cover sheet continues, with poor sentence structure and grammatical error, to expand upon this theme of “Innovating To Transform The World”. If you can, try and imagine this paragraph in your mind with an Indian Accent:

“The world is changing at a much faster pace today than one would have imagined a decade ago. The way innovations of yesteryears like internet and mobility transformed the world today; innovations of today would go on to transform the world tomorrow. In the words of William Wordsworth, ‘The child is father of man’. Quite rightly, the shape of future lies in the hands of today’s youth. The responsibility to shape young minds and prepare them for a new world rests on Education. The world needs to renounce some age old practices in its education system and adopt a futuristic pedagogy. Core has been incubating innovations that are transforming the Education Systems worldwidefrom the US to the UK; from India to the Middle East and Africa. With innovative interventions across Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Governance, the company is rigorously at work. Innovating today what will lead to a transformed world tomorrow.”

If you want answers, watch that video, or read that blog, it will scare you silly what they have planned.

Well, perhaps it would "scare me silly", if it wasn't complete nonsense.

The corporation "CORE Education and Technologies Ltd." has absolutely nothing at all to do with the Common Core Standards Initiative.
Nice to see you getting that out or your system.....WHINY ASS!! LOL

What a child you are!


Here is part of a fourth-grade report card revised to incorporate Common Core Standards:

- Grit/Perseverance
- Growth Mindset
- Gratitude
- Curiosity
- Constructive Collaboration
- Self Discipline - Interpersonal
- Self Discipline - Schoolwork

I count myself among the most conservative of Americans and I hate liberals. Seriously I hate their guts many are liars and untrustworthy scum. That said I see nothing wrong with the above.
Here is part of a fourth-grade report card revised to incorporate Common Core Standards:

- Grit/Perseverance
- Growth Mindset
- Gratitude
- Curiosity
- Constructive Collaboration
- Self Discipline - Interpersonal
- Self Discipline - Schoolwork

The grades issued for this section are A (Almost always), O (Often), S (Sometimes) and R (Rarely).

These standards are not only vague, but contain questionable attributes such as "Gratitude" and "Constructive Collaboration." (Does the latter mean going along with the crowd?) They also seem to invite individual interpretation and evaluation by teachers, whose proclivity towards political activism is well established.

One of Common Core's intentions is to move students away from rote learning and memorization towards critical thinking and analysis. However, the former are prerequisite steps to attaining the latter. For example, one does not learn to speak, read and write through critical analysis. I am concerned that leapfrogging these basics will, by accident or design, produce a generation of politically malleable minions.

"Common Core Standards" do not include grading rubrics.

They are math and science curriculum. Nothing more.
Here is part of a fourth-grade report card revised to incorporate Common Core Standards:

- Grit/Perseverance
- Growth Mindset
- Gratitude
- Curiosity
- Constructive Collaboration
- Self Discipline - Interpersonal
- Self Discipline - Schoolwork

The grades issued for this section are A (Almost always), O (Often), S (Sometimes) and R (Rarely).

These standards are not only vague, but contain questionable attributes such as "Gratitude" and "Constructive Collaboration." (Does the latter mean going along with the crowd?) They also seem to invite individual interpretation and evaluation by teachers, whose proclivity towards political activism is well established.

One of Common Core's intentions is to move students away from rote learning and memorization towards critical thinking and analysis. However, the former are prerequisite steps to attaining the latter. For example, one does not learn to speak, read and write through critical analysis. I am concerned that leapfrogging these basics will, by accident or design, produce a generation of politically malleable minions.
Why do you think 43 states and four territories, red and blue, all approved the Common Core standards for their schools?

Did you know Common Core was built from the ground up at the state level with no federal input and no federal money? Did you know it was built through the cooperation of governors and not federal officials?

Did you know Jan Brewer, Jeb Bush, Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee and many other right wing luminaries all supported Common Core?

What do you think explains some right wingers' sudden flip flop to opposition to Common Core? Could their flip flopping be politically motivated instead of motivated by what is best for the future of America and our kids?
Standards in Your State Common Core State Standards Initiative

Forty-three states, the District of Columbia, four territories, and the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) have adopted the Common Core State Standards. The map below provides information about the process each state and territory followed to adopt their new academic standards. In addition, links are provided to state and territory department of education websites that provide information about how the standards are being implemented, plans for aligned assessments, supports for teachers, and plans to help all students succeed.
Not all states are adopting common core, mine included.
Four red states, one blue state, one pink state, and one purple state have not adopted Common Core.

The 43 other red, blue, pink, and purple states have adopted Common Core.
Not all states are adopting common core, mine included.
Four red states, one blue state, one pink state, and one purple state have not adopted Common Core.

The 43 other red, blue, pink, and purple states have adopted Common Core.

So group think justifies a poor judgment, I don't think so.
The only poor judgement around here is yours. No one has provided any evidence that Common Core is not an improvement over past educational standards. Parroting some propaganda you heard somewhere doesn't even approach "judgement".

It is my hope that Common Core will instill some critical thinking skills in kids that is so evidently lacking on this forum. Maybe that is why Fox News fears Common Core so much? :laugh:

When Common Core was implemented in my state, parents were notified to expect their little genius' grades to drop since Common Core was harder.
Not all states are adopting common core, mine included.
Four red states, one blue state, one pink state, and one purple state have not adopted Common Core.

The 43 other red, blue, pink, and purple states have adopted Common Core.

So group think justifies a poor judgment, I don't think so.
The only poor judgement around here is yours. No one has provided any evidence that Common Core is not an improvement over past educational standards. Parroting some propaganda you heard somewhere doesn't even approach "judgement".

When Common Core was implemented in my state, parents were notified to expect their little genius' grades to drop since Common Core was stricter.

Someone on the internet told me it was all a liberal plot, so it must be evil.
It only gets worse by Junior High. Part of their grade is SHARED with the other students. If other students refuse to do the work, it could drage their grade down. My son is experiencing this now.

Fundamentals? What fundamentals? If you want your kid to learn fundamentals, you better teach them to your child yourself. Or they might get around to having the other kids discover them TOGETHER as a group. It's really a disaster. They're using our kids as lab rats. This is the idea of global corporations.

CORE is an international corporation based in India.

Globalized Education Program Spikes, ‘CORE’ Set To Indoctrinate Humanity

A new global education program is moving forward at breakneck speed, the goal is to indoctrinate the populace of the world.
In just a 9-year span a globalized educational program referred to as “CORE” or “Common CORE” has made its way to “14 countries globally” according to an official presentation. In fact, according to the document “Innovating To Transform the World”, “Core’s intervention benefits more than 35 million students, 60,000 youth, 105,000 teachers, and 88,000 schools globally”.[1]

CORE is all about “transforming the education spectrum” in grades K-12.

"CORE’s main directive is seeking to achieve the “transformation of nations by revolutionizing the key building blocks of education, namely – Teaching, Learning, Assessment & Governance.” In other words, it’s 100% globalist sponsored propaganda."

It's not about educating the young. Not in the public schools, not in the private or charter schools. It's about making OBEDIENT WORKERS. This is exists through out ALL educational institutions. Everyone is bickering over nothing, it is a distraction. Home-school your children, and do not pay attention to state standards, or else your children are doomed.

From Reality blogger;

"Now, keeping in mind my own ignorance of just what Common CORE actually was, I am going to treat you, the reader, with the same disposition. My shock and awe at what was revealed in this report will likely have the same jaw-dropping effect upon you that it had on me. And even the armchair activist will be shocked at what is revealed within…

As I read the first page, I knew I was looking at the New Order of things to come – a global system of so-called workforce education that is quickly spreading across not just the United States, but the entire “civilized” planet. Over a blue light bulb with all of the continents of earth upon it, the cover-sheet’s title exclaims:

“CORE – Innovating To Transform The World”

One of the first things I noticed is that this is not a typical AFR. As the world becomes increasingly globalized, the rules and regulations for corporations becomes more model and uniform. Thus, I realized right away that this Annual Report was not American in origin. Indeed, this for-profit education corporation that teaches American children and teachers hails not from the United States – but from India.

The third section of the cover sheet continues, with poor sentence structure and grammatical error, to expand upon this theme of “Innovating To Transform The World”. If you can, try and imagine this paragraph in your mind with an Indian Accent:

“The world is changing at a much faster pace today than one would have imagined a decade ago. The way innovations of yesteryears like internet and mobility transformed the world today; innovations of today would go on to transform the world tomorrow. In the words of William Wordsworth, ‘The child is father of man’. Quite rightly, the shape of future lies in the hands of today’s youth. The responsibility to shape young minds and prepare them for a new world rests on Education. The world needs to renounce some age old practices in its education system and adopt a futuristic pedagogy. Core has been incubating innovations that are transforming the Education Systems worldwidefrom the US to the UK; from India to the Middle East and Africa. With innovative interventions across Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Governance, the company is rigorously at work. Innovating today what will lead to a transformed world tomorrow.”

If you want answers, watch that video, or read that blog, it will scare you silly what they have planned.

Well, perhaps it would "scare me silly", if it wasn't complete nonsense.

The corporation "CORE Education and Technologies Ltd." has absolutely nothing at all to do with the Common Core Standards Initiative.

Thank you for pointing that out Doctor.

But I would reply that Fascism is as Fascism does.

It's not a whole lot different than what they pulled off with the Obama Care. Is the "government" insuring America? No. But do you have much of a choice about having companies take care of you? No.

So yes, there are other companies competing for Department of Education dollars. However, at it's CORE, it is a Department of Education program, funded by taxpayers. The largest beneficiary, is, by far, CORE.

And again, if the individual states refused to go along, their own money which they put into the system is withheld from them.
You mad bro? Irony lmao!

Nice to see you getting that out or your system.....WHINY ASS!! LOL

What a child you are!

Here is part of a fourth-grade report card revised to incorporate Common Core Standards:

- Grit/Perseverance
- Growth Mindset
- Gratitude
- Curiosity
- Constructive Collaboration
- Self Discipline - Interpersonal
- Self Discipline - Schoolwork

I count myself among the most conservative of Americans and I hate liberals. Seriously I hate their guts many are liars and untrustworthy scum. That said I see nothing wrong with the above.
Not all states are adopting common core, mine included.
Four red states, one blue state, one pink state, and one purple state have not adopted Common Core.

The 43 other red, blue, pink, and purple states have adopted Common Core.

So group think justifies a poor judgment, I don't think so.
The only poor judgement around here is yours. No one has provided any evidence that Common Core is not an improvement over past educational standards. Parroting some propaganda you heard somewhere doesn't even approach "judgement".

It is my hope that Common Core will instill some critical thinking skills in kids that is so evidently lacking on this forum. Maybe that is why Fox News fears Common Core so much? :laugh:

When Common Core was implemented in my state, parents were notified to expect their little genius' grades to drop since Common Core was harder.

Sorry, I'll take the word of my states educators over yours.

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