Common Core Blooper; Kid gets Right Answer, But Didnt Use 'Friendly' Numbers


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

This is the face of libtardism.
I suck at math, always did and worst of all I simply can't do it in my head.

In looking at that paper ... I can't believe I'm saying this but ... I actually understand what they're trying to do.

They're rounding the numbers so it's easier to do. I've been doing this for years on my own because it's easier for me to 'visualize' the numbers in my head that way.

I do the same thing with percentages. If something is 30% off I do 10% then multiply that by 3 to get the 30% number. When I subtract I often count back up .... like how you'd give someone change from a $5 bill. I round numbers constantly too because it's easier for me. Mind you, this is ONLY for if I have to do math in my head. Just another way of looking at it.
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Rightyloon bullshit needs to stop.

You libtards really like that censorship shit. You want to ban words and people who disagree with you, etc.

Your fascist bullshit needs to stop.

Friendly number is a math term ass. Pick up a book.

Forcing kids to use confusing methods to get the correct answer by grading the answer wrong is bullshit.

Our kids are getting worse at mathematics every year and this kind of 'friendly' bullshit is causing the problem.
OK --- It's Libtardism -- but don't blame this on Common Core..
My wife and I have been tutoring for years and undoing the damage that
math teachers are doing to the kids..

They are so damn INTIMIDATED by all the uncertainty of being told 14 ways to multiply
that they can't remember the ONE CORRECT WAY that always gives the right answer.

Or like in the paper above where the kid makes SWELL selections to mimic the meme and
the teacher just doesn't like the choices.. The kids we have tutored are FROZEN IN FEAR for
doing something differently --- but CORRECT.

Same goes for estimation of fractional results. They will estimate perfectly, but then the teacher
tells them -- they are TOO ACCURATE.. She only wanted 2 decimal places, not three..

This crap has got to stop.. Along with the damn GREEN PENS, calling equations -- "number sentences" and all the other horseshit constructions and bad ideas that are making math more frightening than it ever was before...
I suck at math, always did and worst of all I simply can't do it in my head.

In looking at that paper ... I can't believe I'm saying this but ... I actually understand what they're trying to do.

They're rounding the numbers so it's easier to do. I've been doing this for years on my own because it's easier for me to 'visualize' the numbers in my head that way.

I do the same thing with percentages. If something is 30% off I do 10% then multiply that by 3 to get the 30% number. When I subtract I often count back up .... like how you'd give someone change from a $5 bill. I round numbers constantly too because it's easier for me. Mind you, this is ONLY for if I have to do math in my head. Just another way of looking at it.

I just look on the chart they post at the store. Lol
I am good at adding up numbers quickly, and remember numbers but horrible at math.

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It may say Common Core at the bottom of the worksheet but this didn't evolve with CC..

Also note the lesson description at the bottom..
"Use the associative property to do these subtractions..... Verify with addition..... Use a "tape diagram" to help..

These kids will NEVER SEE the equations for the associative property.. It's been banned to put equations in there heads. It's all "tape diagrams", Number sticks and number sentences.

You can no longer expect them to know that the associative property is that A - B = (A + X) - (B + X)
or any method of REDUCING equations. They have no concept of WHY they do anything to get "friendly numbers"..

We are truly hosed..
This is the face of libtardism.

This is actually how they teach people to do basic math problems really fast. It doesn't work for everyone, but it does work well. It has nothing to do with liberals, but nice try.

I've got no problem with "teaching tricks" AFTER the kids learn the one correct way to always get an answer and have some agility with the basic concepts of equations and math properties..

But too many tricks too soon is what is causing the freezing of math progress in test scores and lowered expectations all around.. That latter part -- the lowered expectations part of this --- IS a leftist inspired tactic..
Jim is "You libtards really like that censorship shit. You want to ban words and people who disagree with you, etc. Your fascist bullshit needs to stop" when looking in the mirror.

Jim, you would shut off all disagreement with you immediately if you could.

This is the face of libtardism.

This is actually how they teach people to do basic math problems really fast. It doesn't work for everyone, but it does work well. It has nothing to do with liberals, but nice try.

Exactly. I'm not sure whether to neg him for calling me a liberal or for just being stupid.

Lol, neg me for whatever, I really don't give a shit.

As Flacl stated above, too m any different approaches confuses the kids and PUNISHING them despite having correct answers because they didn't do it this particular way is BULLSHIT. Give them the task and let them finish it THEIR WAY, and grade the results.
Frustrated Father Who ?Obliterated? Common Core in Viral Post Shares How His Son?s Teacher Reacted |

“I have a bachelor of science degree in electronics engineering which included extensive study in differential equations and other higher math applications,” he wrote. “Even I cannot explain the Common Core mathematics approach, nor get the answer correct.”

“In the real world, simplification is valued over complication,” he added, signing the letter as a “frustrated parent.”
Many would be afraid the school would retaliate against their child if they spoke out, but Severt said on The Glenn Beck Program Tuesday that the teacher handled it wonderfully.

“The teachers are caught up in this themselves,” he said. “They are more frustrated than the parents!”

Severt added that his family respects, admires, and supports the teacher, and she thought his message was “great” and, in fact, “totally agrees.”

We shouldn't dump all this on teachers when the DECISIONS ARE BEING MADE IN WASHINGTON. Get Washington OUT of our educational system and 90% of the problems we are having with educating our youth will vanish almost over night.
Frustrated Father Who ?Obliterated? Common Core in Viral Post Shares How His Son?s Teacher Reacted |

“I have a bachelor of science degree in electronics engineering which included extensive study in differential equations and other higher math applications,” he wrote. “Even I cannot explain the Common Core mathematics approach, nor get the answer correct.”

“In the real world, simplification is valued over complication,” he added, signing the letter as a “frustrated parent.”
Many would be afraid the school would retaliate against their child if they spoke out, but Severt said on The Glenn Beck Program Tuesday that the teacher handled it wonderfully.

“The teachers are caught up in this themselves,” he said. “They are more frustrated than the parents!”

Severt added that his family respects, admires, and supports the teacher, and she thought his message was “great” and, in fact, “totally agrees.”

We shouldn't dump all this on teachers when the DECISIONS ARE BEING MADE IN WASHINGTON. Get Washington OUT of our educational system and 90% of the problems we are having with educating our youth will vanish almost over night.

These math fads don't usually come from Washington.. They come from our college "schools of education" Where Liberal Arts scholars study the learning paradigms and INVENT shit like "number statements" and "friendly numbers" out of their ignorance of what's required to TRULY succeed in higher math...

The end result of this is --- GOOD LUCK getting these kids into Calculus or Algebra 2 with their lack of knowledge of REAL MATHEMATICAL TERMS.. But the Ed schools are more concerned with "fairness" and "cultural differences" and "outcome equality" than they are about producing the 10% that will go into the STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) jobs.
Jim is "You libtards really like that censorship shit. You want to ban words and people who disagree with you, etc. Your fascist bullshit needs to stop" when looking in the mirror.

Jim, you would shut off all disagreement with you immediately if you could.

What do issues with Common Core have to do with being liberal? I trend that way and am troubled by much of the "blanket" CC curricula adopted by many states...some of which IS NOT supported by neurological and educational research. In the CC math and language curricula, 8 year old children are expected to comprehend analogies, grasp algebraic equations, and draw abstract inferences from written material.
The above makes no sense, since according to known research, the average human brain does not achieve formal operations and abstract reasoning abilities until at least age 12.
I'd like to know more about who is behind pushing Common Core, since it is causing much frustration and forcing more teachers to simply teach responses that can be parroted back on tests...
Common Core is NOT really helping kids learn or prepare for life's problem solving.

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