Commission on Presidential Debates

Sorry, someone who believes either party represents anyone but those who give them money and power can't be helped.

he he he...


Anyone who believes that ANY organizations' first priority is to them and NOT the organization is fooling themselves. You think the ______________ Church looks out for you more than it's self? Think again. You think the NFL gives 2 shits about Tom Brady or the Patriot fans more than the NFL? You're fooling yourself.

After this year, we'll get center-left jurists on the Supreme court that will be there for 25-30 years. They will ensure that workers can continue to unionize, ensure Roe stays with us, ensures privacy rights are strengthened... All of which will look out for the majority of Americans. If you're not down with that...nobody cares. What are you going to do about it little man?

You said it. Nobody cares. To fucking lazy. At least you will enjoy the sinking ship with that dumb smile on your face.

Oh you're wrong little man... people do care. That is why drumpf's campaign is a giant smoking crater and he has 12 year old kids running his office in Colorado.

What the shrill cries from the right wing convey is that they are losing ground by the acre now because they are extremeists...

Again, what are you going to do about it?

Not supporting either party, and continuing to work to solve my own communities problems instead of expecting the government to do it. That's what I'm going to do, little girl

Really? Do you belong to an organization? If not, what are you doing on your own to "solve your community problems"? This should be good.

My job is as a police officer in a school (SRO) so I work with kids everyday. Besides that I started an after school program to introduce at risk youth to sports, and we are expanding into things that will connect them back to their culture, I am on the board of a drug counseling/prevention non-profit that works with school aged youth, I am on a committee with predominantly minorities that focuses on department policy and community relations, and I am involved in another group of community leaders from different professions focused on streamlining services for those in the community that need it. And I coached youth sports.

That enough for ya?
This election provides the perfect opportunity to open the door to new parties and new ideas.

If not now, when?

Third parties have done nothing as far as outreach. It’s on them.

No, its up to US. WE allow the 2 parties to continue to hold all the power.
It can be done, but it has to start somewhere.

This year, all it would take is allowing Johnson in. Stein would be great.

The parties have a great deal to protect, because their only priority is beating the other side.
This election provides the perfect opportunity to open the door to new parties and new ideas.

If not now, when?

Third parties have done nothing as far as outreach. It’s on them.

No, its up to US. WE allow the 2 parties to continue to hold all the power.


I’m pretty happy with the two party system myself. Coalition governments are fine in theory but if you look at the nations that are on the sidelines in the world and the ones that are on the field collecting nobel prizes, leading the way in research, there to help out when charity is needed or when security is needed, these partnerships are hamstrung.

I understand that many in this nation, for some bizarre reason, want us to be as hamstrung as those others. I say we can have both. A leadership position in the world where we make prudent decisions about involving ourselves.

I’d love to have a third party actually come up with an idea that I could get behind but as soon as one of the looney birds starts talking about their core issues…they lose me.
How long are we going to put up with this shit???????

As tho the 15% barrier mattered with this outrageous farce of "fairness". Ballot and debate access are CRITICAL to political reform right now.

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.
- John Adams, Second President of the United States

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