Comments from Angle's first interview since her nomination.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
This is from a Carson City newspaper.

4:28 AM on June 30, 2010
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People will be turning to "Second Amendment remedies"
"We must take Harry Reid out!"
I'm sorry folks but these are not the comments of a sane woman or a competent leader. How could anyone vote for this sick person? Did any of you watch face to Face tonight. If Harry Reid can't make this person look like the dangerous fool that she is in a debate then we're in deep trouble!

Score: -1
5:05 AM on June 30, 2010
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yes, I did. and she explained herself well. she stated she changed that comment take Harry out to take Harry out of office because she knew it would be twisted!! If Harry goes on this show, I hope Jon badgers him like he badgered her. He claims to be "fair and balanced". she even said they are picking snipits of comments and not the whole context. she is correct in that.

5:23 AM on June 30, 2010
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Sharron Angle is so odd, it's almost as if she was a Democratic party plant to ensure Harry's victory..She is another Republican who is against abortion, but also is against spending any tax money on children after they are born. She probably believes life starts at conception, and ends at birth.

7:48 AM on June 30, 2010
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Angle wants further de-regulation on Wall street and oil companies such as BP. When you consider the events that have trasnpired in the last couple of years does this sound like rational thinking? Harry Reid will soon send this foolish little person into political oblivion!

8:09 AM on June 30, 2010
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By the way Valula. Any lead that Angle had in the Polls has quickly discipated and everytime she opens her mouth she will lose points. The only one that is gone soon is this right-wing nut job. She'll be 10 points behind by the time the election comes. Right now the elcetion is considered a toss-up. her bounce is almost gone.

8:19 AM on June 30, 2010
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Angle's sad little performance with Ralston was almost too painful to watch.

8:27 AM on June 30, 2010
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Yeah Veritus. That stupid little smirk on her face demonstrates to me that she is a disingenious person. I look forward to her and Harry debating. He'll send her packing as the fool that she is.

9:20 AM on June 30, 2010
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Ralston would have needed at least a 2 hour show to go through all of this woman's major inconsistencies. Just the major ones. And, what was up with that phony, scripted start-to-finish "Clown's Syndrome" grin?

9:31 AM on June 30, 2010
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In order for Sharon Angle to be effective in Washington, there would need to be a massive movement in the country that would allow fringe politicians, with the most radical viewpoints to take over a significant portion of the House and Senate in order to get their agendas in front of the rest of the electorate as well as the general population. This not just vote out the old and bring in fresh blood, Sharon’s viewpoints are so far outside of any relative mainstream that she would find herself constantly swimming upstream.

If by some chance Sharon were to find a way to defeat Harry Reid, who like it or not, is the most powerful sitting Democrat in the Senate, her radical views would have her marginalized and sitting in the corner where she will be rarely called on to participate. As for special committees and additional roles within the government, she will be relegated to positions fitting for her rookie status. Nevada would be left without a voice.

10:57 AM on June 30, 2010
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Angle is batquacks. How can anyone take this idiot seriously? She is flopping around like a fish out of water, a contortionist on meth, trying to explain her way out of the loonyland that she has resided in for years now. She is a walking talking living breathing non-sequitur.

12:07 PM on June 30, 2010
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Angle opposes benefit extension for “spoiled” Nevadans forced onto unemployment

5:18 PM on June 30, 2010
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everyone posting here obviously enjoy being the laughing stock of the nation. Last at everything,wait not everything, we are highest in unemployment, highest in foreclosue and highest in bankrupsy. Vote for Harry, if thats where you enjoy being.

5:40 PM on June 30, 2010
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That seemed like a very aggressive interview from someone who obviously supports Harry Reid. Still, I think that its good for politicans to answer hard questions, you really get to see how the person running can handle adversity. I wonder if Reid will conduct a simular interview with a simularly agressive interviewer.

As a bi-partisan and an important swing voter (not sure who I will vote for and as of right now, I really don't support any candidate). Let's just say that some of her answers brought up a warning light, though it wasn't the answers from the loaded questions the interviewer used.

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