Comey Transcripts Drop

The Russian dossier has not be shown to be false.

Hillary had ordered those e-mails deleted long before the subpoena & she had no knowledge that they had not. It was
an error by the IT guy.

Hillary did not lie to Congress.

I find it funny as you assfucks keep attacking Clinton while you support a real piece of shit like Trump.

You're the only assfuck here, my friend. And a dumbass fuck at that, that's the worst kind of assfuck there is.

Yes, the dossier was fake. It was purchased by the Clinton campaign from Russian operatives. THERE is your Russian collusion.

The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why

Yes, the emails were deleted after the subpoena. Funny an FBI report says I'm right:

Hillary R. Clinton

Yes, Hillary lied to congress.

The double standards of the Mueller investigation
You made that up.

Yeah, he made up ALL those links....dumbass.
It is the idea you fuckwads are too stupid to know what they say.
Some of the COUNTED "I don't recall" type answers:

Let’s take a look at some of these “I don’t know” responses…



What all the trumpanzees aren't getting is that Comey asked that the full transcript come out for all to see because he KNEW the Republicans would try to misrepresent. So the trumpanzees here fell for the GOP line hook line and sinker without actually reading what went down.......:71: Deplorable trumpanzees, the GOP, and tiny trump once again playing checkers against chess.....:71:
They can't even lose fairly. Republicans are evil.
I hate to break it to you, snowflake, but the Republicans / Trump WON ... without rigging primaries, cheating in debates, stealing other's nominations, and colluding with / paying foreign spies working for Comey and Russians...
You keep telling yourself that....:71:
Former FBI director James Comey reportedly told Congress that he was unaware of the details regarding the information given from Steel to (DOJ) Oher, that the FBI acquired in putting together a request for warrants to tap a political candidate, the 2016 Republican Party candidate Donald Trump.

He claims that being a senior member in the FBI, he was not aware of details of ongoing cases, however this was not some ordinary case. It was a case against the Republican Party candidate, a case in which the FBI was asking for a warrant or warrants to wiretap and spy on the Republican Party candidate and his associates.

So his claim that he was unaware of the details of this case are either bogus, which means he is lying, or he sucked as a director of the FBI, being totally oblivious to the details of an investigation on a presidential candidate in an election year.

Transcripts also show Comey saying he was unaware of the fact that the 302 on Oher, the FBI's statement about the testimony Oher gave, showed the FBI concluded that Steele, A FOREIGN SPY WORKING FOR THE FBI, had an EXTREME ANIMOSITY towards Donald Trump.

This absolutely matters pertaining to the believability of the source of information.

What is exposed in the FBI's own 302s is the fact that Hillary paid a foreign spy and Russians for a Russian-authored Dossier ... And the source of that dossier was 1) a foreign spy WORKING FOR THE FBI who had an extreme hatred of Donald Trump (something he shared with Comey, McCabe, & Strzok, we gave learned) and 2) Russians who authored the Dossier.

Comey insists he was unaware of all of this and insists nothing was illegal in regards to the FBI's FISA request.

The US IG report has already rebuked the FBI for its FISA Court filing / deception, and Oher testified that the Dossier was used as the basis for the FISA Court warrant requests, that the FBI presented the Dissier's info as 'legitimate intel' ... So the testimony of Oher and Comey conflict...


Most interesting / enlightening to me is that the FBI's 302s show the FBI already knew Steele and the Russians were the Dossier source and knew Steele - THEIR EMPLOYEE - HATED Donald Trump and was determined to take him down.

** Information / Contents based on live interviews / discussions and article:

Transcript of Comey testimony released

You are such a liar.
There was no warrant to tap Trump, loser.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch; this post is how Leftists SPIN things, lol...……...written by the charming, and delightful Hutch!

I quote-------> "There was no warrant to tap Trump, loser."

His statement is correct, with a caveat! What he does NOT tell you, that by using the FISA warrant, the 2 hop rule goes into effect...…..meaning...…...that any PERSON/PERSONS that the subject of the FISA warrant communicates with, can then also be surveilled. And, anyone that person communicates with, can then be surveilled also. This is how they got to listen in at Trump tower.

So then, for Hutch, let us do the math, shall we-) So I get a FISA on Hutch, and in a month he contacts through various methods, 20 people. So now I hop to them! That is one hop.

Those 20 people ALSO contact 20 people, which is now magically 400 people! That is 2 hops!

And those people ALSO contact 20 people each and I can see all the correspondence between them, which means I have just dragnetted......wait for it.....8000 individuals.

Why hell, I betcha with that kind of dragnet, I would know how many smores all of Hutch's friends from grammar school eat in their mommies basements on a daily basis-)

In essence, Hutch is a phony-e-baloney, trying to deflect using a talking point. Anyone who has an IQ over 5 realizes that the FISA warrant was just a backdoor to surveil the Trump campaign-)

None of that changes the fact that easy lied, dope.

Count this as yet another fact snowflakes refuse to accept.

It has NOT been done. Please show us where you have documented claims that Steele worked with the Russian government or intel and that he was in the pay of them. I must have missed it.
The fact that the FISA warrant accused Carter Page as being a spy for Russia and the fact that Page has never been charged pretty much makes the FISA warrant fraudulent. People are being charged for lying, so was the FBI lying about accusing Page of being a spy for Russia, or is the FBI obstructing justice by not charging Page as being a spy for Russia? Seems to me if the whole SC is about Russian influencing an election a good start would be charging US citizens who are spies for Russia.
Comey is guilty as sin...and so are his bosses...Clapper Brennan Lynch Holder and Obama....
Guilty of what crime?
Lying to a FISA judge to get a wiretap on the Trump campaign...for one....rigging the Hillary email investigation to allow her to walk and I would never see the light of day if we did that...but I know government establishment lovers like you are OK with two sets of laws one for the swamp and another for us simple people....
The fact that the FISA warrant accused Carter Page as being a spy for Russia and the fact that Page has never been charged pretty much makes the FISA warrant fraudulent.

It does NOT. Fail
Lying to a FISA judge to get a wiretap on the Trump campaign

What lie are YOU lying about?

And the FISA warrant was NOT on the Trump campaign but rather on Carter Paige. If they were in communication with him after they fired him months before...that's on them
What lie are YOU lying about?
He lied about where the Dossier came from and who paid for libs have finally agreed Hillary paid for it through Fusion GPS right?...that took some major convincing....and so will this...but you will get it soon as CNN finally accepts the truth....that Comey committed treason by lying to the FISA courts to spy on American citizens...something I thought you libs hated....
Its been well documented....turn off CNN....

You keep making that claim but can't seem to point ut where that has happened. Odd huh?

You're full of shit. me up. Here's your chance. Post the thread or post you made that proves any of your bullshit
Its been well documented....turn off CNN....

You keep making that claim but can't seem to point ut where that has happened. Odd huh?

You're full of shit. me up. Here's your chance. Post the thread or post you made that proves any of your bullshit
Change your news have a lot of catching up to are getting just a 4th of the truth on CNN and MSNBC....I'm being serious this for you....
Former FBI director James Comey reportedly told Congress that he was unaware of the details regarding the information given from Steel to (DOJ) Oher, that the FBI acquired in putting together a request for warrants to tap a political candidate, the 2016 Republican Party candidate Donald Trump.

He claims that being a senior member in the FBI, he was not aware of details of ongoing cases, however this was not some ordinary case. It was a case against the Republican Party candidate, a case in which the FBI was asking for a warrant or warrants to wiretap and spy on the Republican Party candidate and his associates.

So his claim that he was unaware of the details of this case are either bogus, which means he is lying, or he sucked as a director of the FBI, being totally oblivious to the details of an investigation on a presidential candidate in an election year.

Transcripts also show Comey saying he was unaware of the fact that the 302 on Oher, the FBI's statement about the testimony Oher gave, showed the FBI concluded that Steele, A FOREIGN SPY WORKING FOR THE FBI, had an EXTREME ANIMOSITY towards Donald Trump.

This absolutely matters pertaining to the believability of the source of information.

What is exposed in the FBI's own 302s is the fact that Hillary paid a foreign spy and Russians for a Russian-authored Dossier ... And the source of that dossier was 1) a foreign spy WORKING FOR THE FBI who had an extreme hatred of Donald Trump (something he shared with Comey, McCabe, & Strzok, we gave learned) and 2) Russians who authored the Dossier.

Comey insists he was unaware of all of this and insists nothing was illegal in regards to the FBI's FISA request.

The US IG report has already rebuked the FBI for its FISA Court filing / deception, and Oher testified that the Dossier was used as the basis for the FISA Court warrant requests, that the FBI presented the Dissier's info as 'legitimate intel' ... So the testimony of Oher and Comey conflict...


Most interesting / enlightening to me is that the FBI's 302s show the FBI already knew Steele and the Russians were the Dossier source and knew Steele - THEIR EMPLOYEE - HATED Donald Trump and was determined to take him down.

** Information / Contents based on live interviews / discussions and article:

Transcript of Comey testimony released

You are such a liar.
There was no warrant to tap Trump, loser.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch; this post is how Leftists SPIN things, lol...……...written by the charming, and delightful Hutch!

I quote-------> "There was no warrant to tap Trump, loser."

His statement is correct, with a caveat! What he does NOT tell you, that by using the FISA warrant, the 2 hop rule goes into effect...…..meaning...…...that any PERSON/PERSONS that the subject of the FISA warrant communicates with, can then also be surveilled. And, anyone that person communicates with, can then be surveilled also. This is how they got to listen in at Trump tower.

So then, for Hutch, let us do the math, shall we-) So I get a FISA on Hutch, and in a month he contacts through various methods, 20 people. So now I hop to them! That is one hop.

Those 20 people ALSO contact 20 people, which is now magically 400 people! That is 2 hops!

And those people ALSO contact 20 people each and I can see all the correspondence between them, which means I have just dragnetted......wait for it.....8000 individuals.

Why hell, I betcha with that kind of dragnet, I would know how many smores all of Hutch's friends from grammar school eat in their mommies basements on a daily basis-)

In essence, Hutch is a phony-e-baloney, trying to deflect using a talking point. Anyone who has an IQ over 5 realizes that the FISA warrant was just a backdoor to surveil the Trump campaign-)

None of that changes the fact that easy lied, dope.
Comey testified that when Trump said to him about Flynn, 'I hope you can let this go's he decided not to tell the US AG about it and to keep it quiet.....

Then how did it get out and blow up in the media?

The answer to that is found in Strzok's texts to Page, when he was talking about the conspirators' 'LEAK STRATEGY' against the President!

Comey reveals he concealed Trump meeting memo from DOJ leaders

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