Comey Transcripts Drop

Former FBI director James Comey reportedly told Congress that he was unaware of the details regarding the information given from Steel to (DOJ) Oher, that the FBI acquired in putting together a request for warrants to tap a political candidate, the 2016 Republican Party candidate Donald Trump.

He claims that being a senior member in the FBI, he was not aware of details of ongoing cases, however this was not some ordinary case. It was a case against the Republican Party candidate, a case in which the FBI was asking for a warrant or warrants to wiretap and spy on the Republican Party candidate and his associates.

So his claim that he was unaware of the details of this case are either bogus, which means he is lying, or he sucked as a director of the FBI, being totally oblivious to the details of an investigation on a presidential candidate in an election year.

Transcripts also show Comey saying he was unaware of the fact that the 302 on Oher, the FBI's statement about the testimony Oher gave, showed the FBI concluded that Steele, A FOREIGN SPY WORKING FOR THE FBI, had an EXTREME ANIMOSITY towards Donald Trump.

This absolutely matters pertaining to the believability of the source of information.

What is exposed in the FBI's own 302s is the fact that Hillary paid a foreign spy and Russians for a Russian-authored Dossier ... And the source of that dossier was 1) a foreign spy WORKING FOR THE FBI who had an extreme hatred of Donald Trump (something he shared with Comey, McCabe, & Strzok, we gave learned) and 2) Russians who authored the Dossier.

Comey insists he was unaware of all of this and insists nothing was illegal in regards to the FBI's FISA request.

The US IG report has already rebuked the FBI for its FISA Court filing / deception, and Oher testified that the Dossier was used as the basis for the FISA Court warrant requests, that the FBI presented the Dissier's info as 'legitimate intel' ... So the testimony of Oher and Comey conflict...


Most interesting / enlightening to me is that the FBI's 302s show the FBI already knew Steele and the Russians were the Dossier source and knew Steele - THEIR EMPLOYEE - HATED Donald Trump and was determined to take him down.

** Information / Contents based on live interviews / discussions and article:

Transcript of Comey testimony released

You are such a liar.
There was no warrant to tap Trump, loser.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch; this post is how Leftists SPIN things, lol...……...written by the charming, and delightful Hutch!

I quote-------> "There was no warrant to tap Trump, loser."

His statement is correct, with a caveat! What he does NOT tell you, that by using the FISA warrant, the 2 hop rule goes into effect...…..meaning...…...that any PERSON/PERSONS that the subject of the FISA warrant communicates with, can then also be surveilled. And, anyone that person communicates with, can then be surveilled also. This is how they got to listen in at Trump tower.

So then, for Hutch, let us do the math, shall we-) So I get a FISA on Hutch, and in a month he contacts through various methods, 20 people. So now I hop to them! That is one hop.

Those 20 people ALSO contact 20 people, which is now magically 400 people! That is 2 hops!

And those people ALSO contact 20 people each and I can see all the correspondence between them, which means I have just dragnetted......wait for it.....8000 individuals.

Why hell, I betcha with that kind of dragnet, I would know how many smores all of Hutch's friends from grammar school eat in their mommies basements on a daily basis-)

In essence, Hutch is a phony-e-baloney, trying to deflect using a talking point. Anyone who has an IQ over 5 realizes that the FISA warrant was just a backdoor to surveil the Trump campaign-)

None of that changes the fact that easy lied, dope.
Former FBI director James Comey reportedly told Congress that he was unaware of the details regarding the information given from Steel to (DOJ) Oher, that the FBI acquired in putting together a request for warrants to tap a political candidate, the 2016 Republican Party candidate Donald Trump.

There were no such requests or warrants for Trump, liar.
No, they did not disclose that the dossier was paid for by Clinton. If they did, please show me proof.

What You Need To Know About The Much-Discussed Carter Page FISA Document

A. The FISA warrant was no dependent on the Steele Dossier. The Dossier was merely corroborative evidence.

B. The Judge relied on Steele's sterling reputation and past dealings in such matters

C. Is not unusual at all to accept "Individual 1" as a source given the above

IC Lesh, IC. Do you know you can NOT pass your credibility to someone else? Or maybe, you are that dumb to believe you can.

What do I mean?

Well, lets suppose that I have massive credibility with the FBI, and I proclaim-------------------> I seen Lesh rob a bank, went in with a gun, came out with a bag of the banks money. Boom, you are in deep trouble, yes!

But now, lets change it------------------> FBI says I have a sterling reputation, and I said that Lesh robbed a bank, the whole time knowing that I never seen it, and I got the information from Easy-)

In essence, they are using MY REPUTATION to secure a warrant with evidence, that they know damn well I have NO DIRECT KNOWLEDGE OF!

That is exactly why your whole synopsis is off the rails, Steele had no direct knowledge of anything.

And where did he get his information?

From RUSSIANS, lol.

LESH, listen to what it is your are actually saying for just a minute------------> Steele's evidence was used to prove cause for a FISA warrant, and the evidence used came from the Russians.

Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?

The Stupidity of that idiotic post is almost beyond compare. I guess you had to say "something" no matter how retarded.

Steele had a REPUTATION as THE British expert on matters Russia.

That is enough to give a report by him credence...and claiming that using Russian sources he has cultivated over decades AS that British expert somehow compromises him is beyond stupid.

And again...the Dossier was NOT the main source of intel that supported that FISA application. It this slowly now...CORROBORATING evidence

IC, IC, lol.

So then, if YOU are on trial for murder and the prosecution brings in an EXPERT witness who has no knowledge of the evidence, but was TOLD by a Russian in RUSSIA that the evidence points to you, that is ok?

Got it, lol.

Do you know how fast that testimony would be thrown out in that court, lol!

You obviously know nothing about the constitution, and little about anything else, hehehehehehehe.

Of course, we all understand you had to defend your erroneous position, but as usual, failed miserably.

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