Comey tessifying in front of congress. ON NOW.

This should be gold.

Here's the crux of the matter - as Comey stated in his news conference - (paraphrasing) While we are not going to refer charges against Hillary, make no mistake about it, if anyone else try this there WILL be consequences.

Comey is a Washington insider. He is concerned with his pension.

You forgot the rest of what he said, and this ties everything up beautifully.

He said that if a government employee did this there would be consequences. But if they left government service then there would be nothing to be done. Guess where Mrs. Tuzla is today.

If I were trying to get away with something Comey is the guy I would want out in front. This whole thing is like a bad B movie where everyone is working, and lying in unison. I have no respect for the FBI or the DOJ.

And if saying that brings an investigation on me I must say I had no intent of doing anything wrong.

I would also add that the "black" section of the hearing was extremely hellbent on getting their "slaughter of black people" on the record today. Damned shame that they never mentioned Chicago even once.

I am not sure what you are referring to. But I was impressed how much in love the black member were with the FBI. I might have thought otherwise and on any other given day................

OK..I watched 90% of the testimony. First a lady (don't recall her name) went on a three minute rant about the FBI needs to investigate the "slaughter" of Blacks by the Police and then our "friend" Elijah Cummings went on a rant about the same thing. I just wish that one of these "victims" would have to decency to name Chicago and the black on black crime there when they are pointing out the conduct of the police.

OK, I did miss that part. It did seem like the black democrats had no questions for Comey but did have a lot of pontificating to do.
Here's the crux of the matter - as Comey stated in his news conference - (paraphrasing) While we are not going to refer charges against Hillary, make no mistake about it, if anyone else try this there WILL be consequences.

Comey is a Washington insider. He is concerned with his pension.

You forgot the rest of what he said, and this ties everything up beautifully.

He said that if a government employee did this there would be consequences. But if they left government service then there would be nothing to be done. Guess where Mrs. Tuzla is today.

If I were trying to get away with something Comey is the guy I would want out in front. This whole thing is like a bad B movie where everyone is working, and lying in unison. I have no respect for the FBI or the DOJ.

And if saying that brings an investigation on me I must say I had no intent of doing anything wrong.

I would also add that the "black" section of the hearing was extremely hellbent on getting their "slaughter of black people" on the record today. Damned shame that they never mentioned Chicago even once.

I am not sure what you are referring to. But I was impressed how much in love the black member were with the FBI. I might have thought otherwise and on any other given day................

OK..I watched 90% of the testimony. First a lady (don't recall her name) went on a three minute rant about the FBI needs to investigate the "slaughter" of Blacks by the Police and then our "friend" Elijah Cummings went on a rant about the same thing. I just wish that one of these "victims" would have to decency to name Chicago and the black on black crime there when they are pointing out the conduct of the police.

OK, I did miss that part. It did seem like the black democrats had no questions for Comey but did have a lot of pontificating to do.

Oh yeah....
The Republican members of the H. of Rep. scripted a wonderful witch hunt today, asking questions in the form of a speech, they went after an honest man, employing false praise for his honesty with subtle jabs, vetting words and suggesting HRC was guilty though the head of the agency which spent a full year investigating the issue found no such evidence.
You got confused because it wasn't a cartoon. He found she did all kind of shit wrong, he just refused to press charges due to the high nature of the politics involved.