Colorado gets a new Congressman. Yay


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

A Marxist teacher in Colorado was voted in to fill an open state House of Representatives seat on Saturday. The teacher has previously called for a "FORCEFUL Cultural Revolution" against "Whiteness."

Tim Hernandez will now be a state representative in Denver after a committee of Democrats filled the seat after its incumbent, Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, was elected to the Denver City Council, according to Fox News.

Hernandez previously worked at Denver's North High School. He apparently made headlines last year after his teaching contract with Denver Public Schools was not renewed. As a result, students walked out in protest.I just need to share some quotes from this guy and ask Democrats what he means by them, because I'm sure they speak his language.
Hernandez posted: "If white people spent HALF of the time they spend trying to distance themselves from their whiteness and instead spent it actually deconstructing systems of white supremacy, where would we be?"
"Systems of white supremacy are upheld by individuals- to remove individuality from this conversation is unproductive. I am absolutely advocating a cultural revolution where we dismantle individual and systemic white supremacy."
He continued: "Am I denying the freedom to uphold white supremacy? If so, I’m in favor of that denial. And, white supremacy IS CURRENTLY upheld by force. So yes, Im advocating a FORCEFUL cultural revolution wherein we assert the dignity of life for all at the expense of white supremacy."

"We’re talking about whiteness and white supremacy. And I’m willing to advocate for any form of disruption to it and every manifestation it has," he concluded.
At 26 years old, Hernandez will become the youngest member of the Colorado legislature. He will also be the first member of Generation Z to serve as a state lawmaker.

1. What does he mean by saying whites need to distance themselves from their whiteness? How does one go about that?

2. How does one have a revolution to end systemic white supremacy? What is Joe Biden, a white man, not doing for him now?

3. Being a teacher, does he not know Marx was a racist bigot? He hated blacks and Jews. This teacher is following the ideology of a white racist man. WTH?


A Marxist teacher in Colorado was voted in to fill an open state House of Representatives seat on Saturday. The teacher has previously called for a "FORCEFUL Cultural Revolution" against "Whiteness."

Tim Hernandez will now be a state representative in Denver after a committee of Democrats filled the seat after its incumbent, Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, was elected to the Denver City Council, according to Fox News.

Hernandez previously worked at Denver's North High School. He apparently made headlines last year after his teaching contract with Denver Public Schools was not renewed. As a result, students walked out in protest.I just need to share some quotes from this guy and ask Democrats what he means by them, because I'm sure they speak his language.
Hernandez posted: "If white people spent HALF of the time they spend trying to distance themselves from their whiteness and instead spent it actually deconstructing systems of white supremacy, where would we be?"
"Systems of white supremacy are upheld by individuals- to remove individuality from this conversation is unproductive. I am absolutely advocating a cultural revolution where we dismantle individual and systemic white supremacy."
He continued: "Am I denying the freedom to uphold white supremacy? If so, I’m in favor of that denial. And, white supremacy IS CURRENTLY upheld by force. So yes, Im advocating a FORCEFUL cultural revolution wherein we assert the dignity of life for all at the expense of white supremacy."

"We’re talking about whiteness and white supremacy. And I’m willing to advocate for any form of disruption to it and every manifestation it has," he concluded.

At 26 years old, Hernandez will become the youngest member of the Colorado legislature. He will also be the first member of Generation Z to serve as a state lawmaker.

1. What does he mean by saying whites need to distance themselves from their whiteness? How does one go about that?

2. How does one have a revolution to end systemic white supremacy? What is Joe Biden, a white man, not doing for him now?

3. Being a teacher, does he not know Marx was a racist bigot? He hated blacks and Jews. This teacher is following the ideology of a white racist man. WTH?

Violent racism is mainstream in the DemoKKKrat party. Has been for years.
Violent racism is mainstream in the DemoKKKrat party. Has been for years.
They talk about race more than Hitler.

But they keep insisting that whitey is keeping them down.

No other people have been as oppressed as the jews, yet they are arguably the most resilient and successful people in the world

Jews endured 400 years of slavery, more than Blacks. In fact, when they are spread-out all-over Europe, they are routinely rounded up and killed or kicked out of entire countries, and put in ghettos, etc. In fact, everything that was done to them in Nazi Germany had already been done to them, only, it was in a more concentrated and effective persecution that attempted to wipe them off the face of the earth. The Holocaust was just the climax of it as well, which is why the Jews were given Israel back by the UN.

Trouble is, when they got kicked out of entire countries the economies of those countries often failed. So, why were the Jews financially so successful compared to blacks?
They talk about race more than Hitler.

But they keep insisting that whitey is keeping them down.

No other people have been as oppressed as the jews, yet they are arguably the most resilient and successful people in the world

Jews endured 400 years of slavery, more than Blacks. In fact, when they are spread-out all-over Europe, they are routinely rounded up and killed or kicked out of entire countries, and put in ghettos, etc. In fact, everything that was done to them in Nazi Germany had already been done to them, only, it was in a more concentrated and effective persecution that attempted to wipe them off the face of the earth. The Holocaust was just the climax of it as well, which is why the Jews were given Israel back by the UN.

Trouble is, when they got kicked out of entire countries the economies of those countries often failed. So, why were the Jews financially so successful compared to blacks?

They have to keep that agenda/narrative going or else dems have no platform and jesse and al can't come be the heros.
It's true, Votto.

"Marxist" really does mean "Anyone the party told me to hate".

TheParty approves of your obedience. Such a reliable propaganda parrot.

A Marxist teacher in Colorado was voted in to fill an open state House of Representatives seat on Saturday. The teacher has previously called for a "FORCEFUL Cultural Revolution" against "Whiteness."

Tim Hernandez will now be a state representative in Denver after a committee of Democrats filled the seat after its incumbent, Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, was elected to the Denver City Council, according to Fox News.

Hernandez previously worked at Denver's North High School. He apparently made headlines last year after his teaching contract with Denver Public Schools was not renewed. As a result, students walked out in protest.I just need to share some quotes from this guy and ask Democrats what he means by them, because I'm sure they speak his language.
Hernandez posted: "If white people spent HALF of the time they spend trying to distance themselves from their whiteness and instead spent it actually deconstructing systems of white supremacy, where would we be?"
"Systems of white supremacy are upheld by individuals- to remove individuality from this conversation is unproductive. I am absolutely advocating a cultural revolution where we dismantle individual and systemic white supremacy."
He continued: "Am I denying the freedom to uphold white supremacy? If so, I’m in favor of that denial. And, white supremacy IS CURRENTLY upheld by force. So yes, Im advocating a FORCEFUL cultural revolution wherein we assert the dignity of life for all at the expense of white supremacy."

"We’re talking about whiteness and white supremacy. And I’m willing to advocate for any form of disruption to it and every manifestation it has," he concluded.

At 26 years old, Hernandez will become the youngest member of the Colorado legislature. He will also be the first member of Generation Z to serve as a state lawmaker.

1. What does he mean by saying whites need to distance themselves from their whiteness? How does one go about that?

2. How does one have a revolution to end systemic white supremacy? What is Joe Biden, a white man, not doing for him now?

3. Being a teacher, does he not know Marx was a racist bigot? He hated blacks and Jews. This teacher is following the ideology of a white racist man. WTH?

1. Stop denying White Privelege for one. And stop institutionalizing it too. Black kids are 7 times more likely to be busted for a small amount of pot because we can't be ruining that nice white boy's life over a joint or two, but lock that black thug up. Racial profiling, driving while black,.

2. The Voting Rights Act hasn't passed. American history is being "white washed" so that young white Americans have no idea of what went on before they were born, nor do they understand that similar conditions of segregation and inequality still exist today.

3. Every political leader of Marx' era was an anti-Semite. Hitler didn't get much pushback ititially because they figured anybody who hated Jews and Gypsies, can't be all bad, and they really didn't believe he was committing genocide. When the Canadian immigration minister was asked how many Jews Canada was willing to take in, he said "None is too many". Jews couldn't leave NAZI Germany because they couldn't get entry visas to go anywhere else.

Instead of just using factoids like Marx hated Jews to support 21st Century Rhetoric, why don't you try to understand history instead of just parroting right wing talking points about Karl Marx.
1. Stop denying White Privelege for one. And stop institutionalizing it too. Black kids are 7 times more likely to be busted for a small amount of pot because we can't be ruining that nice white boy's life over a joint or two, but lock that black thug up. Racial profiling, driving while black,.

2. The Voting Rights Act hasn't passed. American history is being "white washed" so that young white Americans have no idea of what went on before they were born, nor do they understand that similar conditions of segregation and inequality still exist today.

3. Every political leader of Marx' era was an anti-Semite. Hitler didn't get much pushback ititially because they figured anybody who hated Jews and Gypsies, can't be all bad, and they really didn't believe he was committing genocide. When the Canadian immigration minister was asked how many Jews Canada was willing to take in, he said "None is too many". Jews couldn't leave NAZI Germany because they couldn't get entry visas to go anywhere else.

Instead of just using factoids like Marx hated Jews to support 21st Century Rhetoric, why don't you try to understand history instead of just parroting right wing talking points about Karl Marx.
I'll deny white privilege and institutionalization .. as it is bullshit. Blacks, Browns and illegal aliens all have equal opportunities just like us whities .. Blacks should focus more on family values, instead of continuing to lead in single mother statistics, lack of a father figure and lack of respecting authority .. which they lead in .. it's not even a stereo type anymore.

Sorry .. you can paint a perfect picture but blacks aren't and never will be the rosey picture you describe as they continue to live and depend on leftist policies.
1. Stop denying White Privelege for one. And stop institutionalizing it too. Black kids are 7 times more likely to be busted for a small amount of pot because we can't be ruining that nice white boy's life over a joint or two, but lock that black thug up. Racial profiling, driving while black,.

2. The Voting Rights Act hasn't passed. American history is being "white washed" so that young white Americans have no idea of what went on before they were born, nor do they understand that similar conditions of segregation and inequality still exist today.

3. Every political leader of Marx' era was an anti-Semite. Hitler didn't get much pushback ititially because they figured anybody who hated Jews and Gypsies, can't be all bad, and they really didn't believe he was committing genocide. When the Canadian immigration minister was asked how many Jews Canada was willing to take in, he said "None is too many". Jews couldn't leave NAZI Germany because they couldn't get entry visas to go anywhere else.

Instead of just using factoids like Marx hated Jews to support 21st Century Rhetoric, why don't you try to understand history instead of just parroting right wing talking points about Karl Marx.
So the Left will tear down the statues of Washington who owned slaves and even tear down the statue of Lincoln even though he freed the slave, but not tear down the statues of Marx, why again?

Privilege has nothing to do with skin color

Some of the most privileged people in the world, for example, are Obama's daughters.
1. Stop denying White Privelege for one. And stop institutionalizing it too. Black kids are 7 times more likely to be busted for a small amount of pot because we can't be ruining that nice white boy's life over a joint or two, but lock that black thug up. Racial profiling, driving while black,.

2. The Voting Rights Act hasn't passed. American history is being "white washed" so that young white Americans have no idea of what went on before they were born, nor do they understand that similar conditions of segregation and inequality still exist today.

3. Every political leader of Marx' era was an anti-Semite. Hitler didn't get much pushback ititially because they figured anybody who hated Jews and Gypsies, can't be all bad, and they really didn't believe he was committing genocide. When the Canadian immigration minister was asked how many Jews Canada was willing to take in, he said "None is too many". Jews couldn't leave NAZI Germany because they couldn't get entry visas to go anywhere else.

Instead of just using factoids like Marx hated Jews to support 21st Century Rhetoric, why don't you try to understand history instead of just parroting right wing talking points about Karl Marx.
every American citizen who is of age and isnt a violent felon can vote in the USA .. though dem Biden wrote the crime bill that put millions of black men in prison for decades he didnt wear blackface like the current tyrant running Can'tada .. until your country elects a black PM shut up about the much freer country south of your irrelevant frozen wasteland .

A Marxist teacher in Colorado was voted in to fill an open state House of Representatives seat on Saturday. The teacher has previously called for a "FORCEFUL Cultural Revolution" against "Whiteness."

Tim Hernandez will now be a state representative in Denver after a committee of Democrats filled the seat after its incumbent, Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, was elected to the Denver City Council, according to Fox News.

Hernandez previously worked at Denver's North High School. He apparently made headlines last year after his teaching contract with Denver Public Schools was not renewed. As a result, students walked out in protest.I just need to share some quotes from this guy and ask Democrats what he means by them, because I'm sure they speak his language.
Hernandez posted: "If white people spent HALF of the time they spend trying to distance themselves from their whiteness and instead spent it actually deconstructing systems of white supremacy, where would we be?"
"Systems of white supremacy are upheld by individuals- to remove individuality from this conversation is unproductive. I am absolutely advocating a cultural revolution where we dismantle individual and systemic white supremacy."
He continued: "Am I denying the freedom to uphold white supremacy? If so, I’m in favor of that denial. And, white supremacy IS CURRENTLY upheld by force. So yes, Im advocating a FORCEFUL cultural revolution wherein we assert the dignity of life for all at the expense of white supremacy."

"We’re talking about whiteness and white supremacy. And I’m willing to advocate for any form of disruption to it and every manifestation it has," he concluded.

At 26 years old, Hernandez will become the youngest member of the Colorado legislature. He will also be the first member of Generation Z to serve as a state lawmaker.

1. What does he mean by saying whites need to distance themselves from their whiteness? How does one go about that?

2. How does one have a revolution to end systemic white supremacy? What is Joe Biden, a white man, not doing for him now?

3. Being a teacher, does he not know Marx was a racist bigot? He hated blacks and Jews. This teacher is following the ideology of a white racist man. WTH?

I see you did not read the article. e is NOT a Congressman.

A Marxist teacher in Colorado was voted in to fill an open state House of Representatives seat on Saturday. The teacher has previously called for a "FORCEFUL Cultural Revolution" against "Whiteness."

Tim Hernandez will now be a state representative in Denver after a committee of Democrats filled the seat after its incumbent, Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, was elected to the Denver City Council, according to Fox News.

Hernandez previously worked at Denver's North High School. He apparently made headlines last year after his teaching contract with Denver Public Schools was not renewed. As a result, students walked out in protest.I just need to share some quotes from this guy and ask Democrats what he means by them, because I'm sure they speak his language.
Hernandez posted: "If white people spent HALF of the time they spend trying to distance themselves from their whiteness and instead spent it actually deconstructing systems of white supremacy, where would we be?"
"Systems of white supremacy are upheld by individuals- to remove individuality from this conversation is unproductive. I am absolutely advocating a cultural revolution where we dismantle individual and systemic white supremacy."
He continued: "Am I denying the freedom to uphold white supremacy? If so, I’m in favor of that denial. And, white supremacy IS CURRENTLY upheld by force. So yes, Im advocating a FORCEFUL cultural revolution wherein we assert the dignity of life for all at the expense of white supremacy."

"We’re talking about whiteness and white supremacy. And I’m willing to advocate for any form of disruption to it and every manifestation it has," he concluded.

At 26 years old, Hernandez will become the youngest member of the Colorado legislature. He will also be the first member of Generation Z to serve as a state lawmaker.

1. What does he mean by saying whites need to distance themselves from their whiteness? How does one go about that?

2. How does one have a revolution to end systemic white supremacy? What is Joe Biden, a white man, not doing for him now?

3. Being a teacher, does he not know Marx was a racist bigot? He hated blacks and Jews. This teacher is following the ideology of a white racist man. WTH?

I just don't know what happened to Colorado. Must be they are all potheads.

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