Colorado black Democrat Lawmaker Introduces ‘Pet Tax’ for All Animals and It’s Worse Than You Think

I only get out there, once a year, if that much, but the locals where I go, (mostly shopkeeper/clerks, bar tenders, lease company maintenance, weed store clerk/operators, etc, seem like pretty normal people. I can't see it actually see it making it to the Governor's desk. Of course, no good judgement on my part, as mostly meeting and dealing with people that want to support me spending money by providing goods and services or fellow ski tourists.

I lived there for 10 years and was an Army Reserve Recruiter in Greely for 2.5 years. When we walked into a restaurant, in uniform, the folks looked at you like you was an alien from outer space. And that was 84 to 87. I was reassigned to Kingsport, TN and the attitude was 180 degrees from CO. I have family that still lives in CO and the only reason they stay is because of the large Korean community in the Denver area, but they hate the politics.

I lived there for 10 years and was an Army Reserve Recruiter in Greely for 2.5 years. When we walked into a restaurant, in uniform, the folks looked at you like you was an alien from outer space. And that was 84 to 87. I was reassigned to Kingsport, TN and the attitude was 180 degrees from CO. I have family that still lives in CO and the only reason they stay is because of the large Korean community in the Denver area, but they hate the politics.

Interesting. I am not out there often enough to have realized Denver had a large Korean community in its demographic makeup.
Colorado wants to impose a pet tax in hopes that it will cause owners to dispose of their pets. A tax on every fish or living thing that you have in your home would be an extra burden on the Middle-Class.

The bill, HB24-1163, sponsored by Democrat Regina English, requires all pet owners to register their animals in a state-run system, with fees that critics are calling exorbitant and unnecessary.

Draconian Measures Disguised as Welfare

The proposed Pet Animal Registration System under the ‘Pet Animal Registration Act’ stipulates annual registration for pets, with a sliding scale of fees that seems to punish those without the means to pay.

At $8.50 for pets with a designated caregiver, $16 for unneutered or unspayed pets with a caregiver, and a hefty $25 for pets without a caregiver, the financial burden could be significant for multi-pet households, not to mention breeders and sellers who may face the tax for each animal over six months old in their care.

This fee structure applies to a broad spectrum of animals, ranging from dogs and cats to reptiles, amphibians, fish, and even invertebrates, leaving no pet owner untouched.

Colorado wants to impose a pet tax in hopes that it will cause owners to dispose of their pets. A tax on every fish or living thing that you have in your home would be an extra burden on the Middle-Class.

There are too many cats and dogs. How do you propose reducing the problem? The main reason cats and dogs make such wonderful pets is that they are very hardy species. They don't die, they breed well, and very few people want to kill them. Some areas have spay and release programs. Those are usually conducted by non-profits. Any program you impose to reduce the cat or dog population will result in a bigger problem. People will panic and start breeding dogs like crazy to preempt the ban. It is like homelessness. You can't fix it. When you try to fix it, you just make it worse. I don't know why Colorado is doing this but it won't obtain the intended objective.
Maybe there should be a tax on Pro-Putin RATS and traitors? Foreign lobbyists have to register. Why not ex-“KGB” Putin’s open supporters, spies and propagandists?

I don’t say they don’t have “free speech rights” like all other U.S. citizens. But if they act like shameless hyenas calling for Putin’s victory, we might at least consider keeping them on a “leash” of some kind.
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There are too many cats and dogs. How do you propose reducing the problem? The main reason cats and dogs make such wonderful pets is that they are very hardy species. They don't die, they breed well, and very few people want to kill them. Some areas have spay and release programs. Those are usually conducted by non-profits. Any program you impose to reduce the cat or dog population will result in a bigger problem. People will panic and start breeding dogs like crazy to preempt the ban. It is like homelessness. You can't fix it. When you try to fix it, you just make it worse. I don't know why Colorado is doing this but it won't obtain the intended objective.
They want to do it because they're socialist/democrats which = Communists.

Liberals don't exist in the Dem Party anymore.

They're nothing but a bunch of communists and Marxists trying to sabotage America.
Maybe there should be a tax on Pro-Putin RATS and traitors? Foreign lobbyists have to register. Why not ex-“KGB” Putin’s open supporters, spies and propagandists?

I don’t say they don’t have “free speech rights” like all other U.S. citizens. But if they act like shameless hyenas calling for Putin’s victory, we might at least consider keeping them on a “leash” of some kind.
You need 30 days observation.
You need 30 days observation.
Could be. But they’ve been observing me for years already, and never found anything they can put me away for. So I must be doing something right — unlike Trump’s “chumps” who broke into the Capitol to try to stop the peaceful transfer of power!
Stop listening to those voices in your head.

I’m sure even a Trump Administered FBI with Steve Bannon as FBI director wouldn’t bother much about this 75 year old retiree in Florida. So I have no worries … for myself.

I fear a Trump Administration would have their hands full going after 10 million undocumented workers and their American born children, returning to a ZIRP economy, and in general creating chaos and maybe even civil war.

I was only referring to my long history as a young anti-imperialist radical, and my involvement in “illegal” union strikes, and the big COINTELPRO file they had on me in the old days.
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Colorado is racist as hell.

They would not vote for Daryl Glen, a black retired air force captain for Senate just because he is black.

Black people should get the fuck out of Colorado. Full of racists.
The “pet tax” is worse than anyone imagines. It is part of the WTF plan to starve America’s poor and old. After the dollar becomes worthless and there is no meat available in Walmart and Aldi, desperate oldsters here in Florida will of course be driven to cook and eat their little “emotional support dogs.” So that option must be taken away by a prohibitive tax on those scrawny little poodles.
People living in Cali get everything they deserve.

You voted for this shit. Live with it….dumb motherfuckers.

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