CO Democrat shows which party hates women

They have rape free zones, whistles, and call boxes to keep them safe, so they don't need to protect themselves because women can't be trusted with guns.

I don't think that is what he said, but whateves. And he has a point, which is some college students can't be trusted.
Oh! And the other students have the right to attend college without others carrying guns.
That's the part some forget. You have the right to own a gun, I have the right to attend college where people are not permitted to bring them.
I sure as hell wouldn't want my kid to attend a school where some dumb ass college student could carry a gun on campus.
Mysogyny seems to have plenty of bipartisan support.

Rush Limbaugh, after unceasing demands and outrage from the Left, and after message boards, including this one, gleefully reported an exodus of advertisers from his program, formally apologized to Sandra Fluke for saying that women who want others to pay for them to have sex are called sluts and prostitutes. He didn't exactly call HER a slut or prostitute but nobody can objectively say it couldn't be taken that way with his monologue that day. He has never been forgiven for that and this will be listed in the assigned 'bash Rush talking points' for probably as long as this generation exists. I personally am on the record that his remarks were in bad taste at best, and insulting at worst, and, while he was technically correct, it was wrong to apply the concept in that context.

But where was the outrage from the Left, the calls for boycotts of their programs, and pressure on their advertisers to abandon them when:

In 2008 Ed Shultz said Sarah Palin set off a bimbo alert. At another time he called Laura Ingraham a slut, for which he did apologize later, but not before he called Kirsten Powers a slut when she reported the incident--Kirsten didn't get an apology--and when. . . .

Keith Olbermann said S.E. Cupp should have been aborted by her parents, and when he said Michelle Malkin was "a mashed up bag of meat with lipstick", and when he decided to back Obama said that "somebody should take Hillary Clinton into a room and only he comes out." . . . and when. . . .

Matt Taibbi wrote on in 2009, “When I read [Malkin’s] stuff, I imagine her narrating her text, book-on-tape style, with a big, hairy set of balls in her mouth.” In Rolling Stone, he referred to Hillary's 'flabby arms' and when Erica Jong took him to task for that, he described Erica as "an 800-yr-old sex novelist." (Erica was 70 at the time.) I'm not sure but I think it was Taibbi who coined the phrase "batshit crazy' to refer to Michelle Bachmann, a phrase that was picked up and repeated thousands of times on blogs and message boards. (Not that opposition to conservative women brings out sheep quality in some folks or anything.). . .and when. . .

After Chris Matthews chose Obama over Clinton, at different times he referred to Hillary as: “she-devil,” “Nurse Ratchet,” and “Madame Defarge.” Matthews has also called Clinton “witchy,” “anti-male,” and “uppity” and once claimed she won her Senate seat only because her “husband messed around.” He asked a guest if “being surrounded by women” makes “a case for commander in chief—or does it make a case against it?” Matthews has wondered aloud whether Sarah Palin is even “capable of thinking” and has called Bachmann a “balloon head” and said she was “lucky we still don’t have literacy tests out there.". . .and when. . . .

Bill Maher has called Palin a “dumb twat” and used '****' to describe her. He called Palin and Congresswoman Bachmann “boobs” and “two bimbos.” He made a joke about Rick Santorum’s wife using a vibrator. (Would he still have a job if he had made the same joke about Michelle Obama?) Maher said of a woman who was harassed while breast-feeding at an Applebee’s, “Don't show me your tits!”. . .“And by the way, there is a place where breasts and food do go together. It’s called Hooters!”

The double standard of what is okay and what is not okay is so glaring as to be ridiculous.

For every misspeak by a Republican legislator, state or federal, we can also come up with an equivalent misspeak by a Democratic legislator. And both are quite capable of saying stupid things.

Even about guns. . . .

Rather than seeking to demonize somebody, even if he is a Democrat, :) I would hope we would find the maturity to look to the policy itself as reasonable or not. Colorado's current new gun law registration is likely to drive two long standing and very profitable gun manufacturers out of the state. And the Democrats who intend to or have voted for this legislation don't seem to care.

THAT is what thinking people need to stop and take a long look at. Sometimes political correctness is just dumb and counter productive beyond any defense we can make for it. Colorado should have full power to vote for whatever regulation it wants regarding everything, and people should have the right to say what they think about it however stupid their thoughts might be.

But if we don't learn from it what is smart and thoughtful and what is stupid, then I think we are all doomed. Whether it is "R" or "D" or something else shouldn't determine that; nor should we look at legislation as a valid way to strengthen a political party more than we look at it as a good or bad thing for everybody.
I don't think that is what he said, but whateves. And he has a point, which is some college students can't be trusted.

You can make that claim about any demographic.

Oh! And the other students have the right to attend college without others carrying guns.
That's the part some forget. You have the right to own a gun, I have the right to attend college where people are not permitted to bring them.

According to who? Where is that "right" enshrined?

I sure as hell wouldn't want my kid to attend a school where some dumb ass college student could carry a gun on campus.

They've been doing it in Utah for years without a single incident.
They have rape free zones, whistles, and call boxes to keep them safe, so they don't need to protect themselves because women can't be trusted with guns.

I don't think that is what he said, but whateves. And he has a point, which is some college students can't be trusted.
Oh! And the other students have the right to attend college without others carrying guns.
That's the part some forget. You have the right to own a gun, I have the right to attend college where people are not permitted to bring them.
I sure as hell wouldn't want my kid to attend a school where some dumb ass college student could carry a gun on campus.

Let me get this straigh, when he said "And you don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be," he was actually worried about the football players, not the coeds.

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