CNN trolls itself.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2012
We all know about fake news. It seems CNN has become the expert proprietor of it.

We also know that the MSM has absolutely no hard evidence that Russia has "hacked" the election.

Now, a story that is taken this to the height of absurdity, which just goes to show, the establishment media is the real fake news, as they have been caught trolling themselves. The on-line community has had so much fun with this. . . it's great for a laugh. . .

CNN uses Fallout 4 screenshot in report on Russian hacking
Russian hackers most likely did not use Pip-Boys to disrupt the US presidential election.
CNN uses Fallout 4 screenshot in report on Russian hacking


CNN used this shot of Fallout 4 to show what hacking looks like.
Photo by CNN (Screenshot by Alfred Ng/CNET)

"The gaming screengrab was first spotted by a Redditor on r/fo4, the Fallout 4 subreddit. CNN did not respond to requests for comment.

The clip used a scrolling video of a computer in Fallout 4, which features bright green text against a black background. CNN has since replaced the clip on its website, but it's still up on CNN's YouTube channel.

The shot comes from Fallout 4's hacking mini-game, which players tackle to unlock doors and get further in the game. It's unlikely that Russian hackers used a Pip-Boy to leak emails."

Naturally this has caused great fun among meme creators.

Thanks for the fun CNN!








Add to that the multiple lies by the NY Slimes and Wapo...and you have a trifecta of Fake News!

Is it any wonder lefties are clueless?

Amazingly the Today Show has the notorious liar Katie Couric on again. Have they no shame?
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From what I read there's more "hard evidence" against Russia than the Simpson jury had against OJ. Specifically the Russian cybersecurity groups Cozy Bear (Russia's Federal Security Service) and Fancy Bear ( Russia's military intelligence). What gets me is that this stems from an idiot giving away his password, an idiot who was working on behalf of another fool that conducted government business through her private server. We all should count ourselves lucky these folks didn't get into office.
Add to that the multiple lies by the NY Slimes and Wapo...and you have a trifecta of Fake News!

Is it any wonder lefties don't have a clue?

Amazingly the Today Show has the notorious liar Katie Couric on again. Have they no shame?

Seems to me that you like Fake News when it is not about your party jerk..
Add to that the multiple lies by the NY Slimes and Wapo...and you have a trifecta of Fake News!

Is it any wonder lefties don't have a clue?

Amazingly the Today Show has the notorious liar Katie Couric on again. Have they no shame?

Seems to me that you like Fake News when it is not about your party jerk..
That's not nice....dummy.

I have been here for many years, and not once have I indicated I am an R. In fact, I am most anti-R...almost as much as I am anti-D and anti-government.

Please keep up.
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gipper loves Fake News if it advances the causes he likes.

The thread trolls itself.
We all know about fake news. It seems CNN has become the expert proprietor of it.

We also know that the MSM has absolutely no hard evidence that Russia has "hacked" the election.

Now, a story that is taken this to the height of absurdity, which just goes to show, the establishment media is the real fake news, as they have been caught trolling themselves. The on-line community has had so much fun with this. . . it's great for a laugh. . .

CNN uses Fallout 4 screenshot in report on Russian hacking
Russian hackers most likely did not use Pip-Boys to disrupt the US presidential election.
CNN uses Fallout 4 screenshot in report on Russian hacking


CNN used this shot of Fallout 4 to show what hacking looks like.
Photo by CNN (Screenshot by Alfred Ng/CNET)

"The gaming screengrab was first spotted by a Redditor on r/fo4, the Fallout 4 subreddit. CNN did not respond to requests for comment.

The clip used a scrolling video of a computer in Fallout 4, which features bright green text against a black background. CNN has since replaced the clip on its website, but it's still up on CNN's YouTube channel.

The shot comes from Fallout 4's hacking mini-game, which players tackle to unlock doors and get further in the game. It's unlikely that Russian hackers used a Pip-Boy to leak emails."

Naturally this has caused great fun among meme creators.

Thanks for the fun CNN!








Looks like a CNN MeMe hack
Add to that the multiple lies by the NY Slimes and Wapo...and you have a trifecta of Fake News!

Is it any wonder lefties are clueless?

Amazingly the Today Show has the notorious liar Katie Couric on again. Have they no shame?

Well it's a demotion from CBS Evening News, she got shitcanned.
From what I read there's more "hard evidence" against Russia than the Simpson jury had against OJ. Specifically the Russian cybersecurity groups Cozy Bear (Russia's Federal Security Service) and Fancy Bear ( Russia's military intelligence). What gets me is that this stems from an idiot giving away his password, an idiot who was working on behalf of another fool that conducted government business through her private server. We all should count ourselves lucky these folks didn't get into office.

What you read stabs around in the dark and tries to impute motives, but never really gives any, does it? What you read never, ever, really considers the astronomically high motives and capabilities of insiders instead, does it?

I've read those same pieces, and while credible, they lack one essential element, motive.

OTH, you have real actors, in the game, who have told us, what material they have come by, and who they have gotten it from, and why.

However, because it is such a charged and partisan issue, no one cares to listen to the folks that have put the information out there. When insiders in the very corrupted bureaucracy have told us why and how they expose corruption, but the establishment ignores that information, that should give you a clue as to who the real culprit is.

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