CNN running cover for the raid by the FBI.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
My random sampling of CNN today showed Wolf Blitzer running a report on how "respectful" the FBI agents were during their scavenger hunt raid of Michael Cohen's office. Pffffft. Are you kidding? How is that news? It is pure cover for Mueller and his Democrat minions. You know if CNN is trying to put lipstick on the pig, then something is wrong.
My random sampling of CNN today showed Wolf Blitzer running a report on how "respectful" the FBI agents were during their scavenger hunt raid of Michael Cohen's office. Pffffft. Are you kidding? How is that news? It is pure cover for Mueller and his Democrat minions. You know if CNN is trying to put lipstick on the pig, then something is wrong.

No, this thread’s premise is a pig – as delusional as it is idiotic.
My random sampling of CNN today showed Wolf Blitzer running a report on how "respectful" the FBI agents were during their scavenger hunt raid of Michael Cohen's office. Pffffft. Are you kidding? How is that news? It is pure cover for Mueller and his Democrat minions. You know if CNN is trying to put lipstick on the pig, then something is wrong.

Wow! You will try to "spin" anything. And don't try to tell us you aren't trying to "spin" things with that OP of yours. You don't even provide a link that allows readers to see from where your "respectful' assertion comes. That's okay, below, I have....

Wolf Blitzer running a report on how "respectful" the FBI agents were during their [search] of Michael Cohen's office.
Let's be clear. It was Michael Cohen who took it upon himself to state that agents who conducted the search were "respectful." He said that when responding to a CNN reporter.
What's news about that is the remark is among Cohen's first public statements in the wake of the search. The man said what he said and CNN is reporting what he said. That's what they're supposed to do.

Apparently, per what I just heard on CNN, one can watch the interview tonight at 10 o'clock.​
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My random sampling of CNN today showed Wolf Blitzer running a report on how "respectful" the FBI agents were during their scavenger hunt raid of Michael Cohen's office. Pffffft. Are you kidding? How is that news? It is pure cover for Mueller and his Democrat minions. You know if CNN is trying to put lipstick on the pig, then something is wrong.

The media are beating the war drums again....remember we always rebuild what we destroy with our tax dollars....oh and did I mention the Feds can't find 21 trillion dollars? no one knows where it we go again....Iraq X 20.....

CNN can't wait...another war? like the one that Bush was suckered into?

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