CNN: Polls Show Americans Don't Care About the Left's Kangaroo Courts Against Trump

Democrats thought they had turned Trump into an underdog. Underdogs are popular but not impossible to overcome. But they went too far. They made Trump into an antihero. Now enemy democrats can smell their own deep shit.
Americans see these court cases for what they are. So Trump is well ahead in 6 key swing states.
Plan A failed, in addition Trump has picked up a lot of minority votes.

And the Democrats have no Plan B with Election Day just 6 months away.

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CNN chief national affairs correspondent Jeff Zeleny reports that swing-state voters are showing disdain and fatigue over the ongoing Trump trial, amidst polling data that shows Trump leading Biden in six key states.

Jeff Zeleny revealed that swing-state voters he interviewed feel "disgusted" and "tired" of the Trump trial, suggesting minimal political fallout against Trump so far.

Recent New York Times/Siena College polling indicates Trump is leading Biden in swing states like Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona, with significant margins.

Voters are more concerned with economic issues rather than the trial, with inflation noted as a critical issue affecting voter sentiment.

In a recent commentary, CNN's Jeff Zeleny highlighted a significant disconnect between the media coverage of Donald Trump's ongoing trial and the concerns of voters in battleground states. According to Zeleny, despite exhaustive media focus, the trial has not resonated as a critical issue among these voters. Instead, economic issues, particularly inflation, are at the forefront of voters' concerns as they assess their choices for the upcoming election.


The polling also reveals a surprising shift in demographic support, with Trump making gains among Black and Hispanic voters, groups traditionally seen as Democratic strongholds. Biden's lead among these voters has diminished compared to previous elections, further complicating the electoral landscape for Democrats.

Zeleny notes that while the trial garners considerable media attention, the actual impact on voter decision-making may be limited. He suggests that unless the economic concerns are addressed effectively, the trial itself will likely remain a peripheral issue for many voters, overshadowed by more immediate personal and financial impacts.

Why are you spinning a CNN story through some right wing website? And one that's owned by the Trump Family??????

  • Overall we rate MxM News as right-biased based on story selection that favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a lack of transparency.

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According to a Staten Island Advance article, MxM News was founded by Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump spokesperson Taylor Budowich to combat perceived bias against conservative viewpoints in news aggregation. Former Trump White House aide Cliff Sims has an equity partnership with the company. Funding for MxM News comes primarily from advertising and subscriptions.

Why are you spinning a CNN story through some right wing website? And one that's owned by the Trump Family??????

  • Overall we rate MxM News as right-biased based on story selection that favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a lack of transparency.

Funded by / Ownership

According to a Staten Island Advance article, MxM News was founded by Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump spokesperson Taylor Budowich to combat perceived bias against conservative viewpoints in news aggregation. Former Trump White House aide Cliff Sims has an equity partnership with the company. Funding for MxM News comes primarily from advertising and subscriptions.

However you spin it, keep up the good work. You loons are producing new Trump voters daily.
Inflation is lower in the US than most of the world.

You keep telling yourself that.
Who is more fit to be president, Trump or Biden?
Biden. I've heard him on 3 different occasions sound great.

Let's ask Trump

Trump on Hillary Clinton: A president under indictment would represent constitutional crisis​

Former President Trump, who has now been indicted over his handling of classified records, said in 2016 that a president under an indictment would cause a constitutional crisis

Trump is now talking about himself.
Biden. I've heard him on 3 different occasions sound great.

Let's ask Trump

Trump on Hillary Clinton: A president under indictment would represent constitutional crisis​

Former President Trump, who has now been indicted over his handling of classified records, said in 2016 that a president under an indictment would cause a constitutional crisis

Trump is now talking about himself.

Criminal indictments
Not political ones.
You think this trial is going to last that long? Trump in court 5 days a week for 5 more months? OMG Trump won't survive. The only break being his son's graduation? LOL

The other 3 trials? Don't cry about a corrupt system that the Dems control. What about the Supreme's who side with Bush and Trump every time?
Why not, this trial is producing new Trump supporters daily.
Here's a poll question for ya: What if Donald Trump were convicted of a FELONY that you literally could not understand? To wit, conspiring to classify a campaign expense as a legal expense?

Oh absolutely, such a crushing defeat would turn America against Donald Trump!
The poll, released Wednesday from Bloomberg and Morning Consult, found that 53 percent of voters in key swing states would refuse to vote for Trump if he were convicted of a criminal offense. A slightly higher share, 55 percent, say they would reach that conclusion if he were sentenced to prison.
If those figures are accurate, they could easily decide the election, given how close Trump’s two elections so far, in 2016 and 2020, have been.
A conviction “is absolutely a potential dealbreaker in an election that either [Trump or President Biden] could win or lose for a whole variety of reasons,” said GOP strategist Doug Heye, a former communications director for the Republican National Committee.
The Bloomberg poll was conducted in seven states that will likely determine the outcome of the election: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Interestingly, the poll suggested 20 percent of voters from those states who had voted for Trump in 2020 would be either “somewhat unwilling” or “very unwilling” to vote for him again if he were convicted.
“The preponderance of polling out there shows that there is a chunk of Republican voters who say a felony conviction would be a bridge too far,” said GOP strategist Dan Judy. “Does that mean that Donald Trump still gets 80 to 85 percent of Republican voters, rather than 90 or 95 percent? Probably. But that could easily be the election right there.”
That "poll" was from January. Well before the Dem cases had been exposed for the partisan bullshit they really are.
Here's a poll question for ya: What if Donald Trump were convicted of a FELONY that you literally could not understand? To wit, conspiring to classify a campaign expense as a legal expense?

Oh absolutely, such a crushing defeat would turn America against Donald Trump!
1. There is no FELONY. Just an expired misdemeanor bookkeeping error.
2. If Trump was convicted of a bullshit FELONY thn we'd wait for it to be overturned on appeal.
3. There is no such crime as "conspiring to win an election" dumbass.
I can't imagine, and this is just me, that at least one True Believer won't make it on to any Trump jury. Plus, from what I've seen, Bragg still hasn't proven that Trump directly ordered and knew about the fraudulent entries (though I have no doubt he did). We'll see, I guess, but I'd be surprised.

What's the fraudulent part? And who was he defrauding?

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