CNN: 'Our Ratings Are Only Tanking Because Trump Is Killing Off Viewers By The Millions'


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
"Airports, lobbies, waiting rooms, and gas station pumps are now playing CNN to absolutely no one, since Trump has killed them all."


CNN: 'Our Ratings Are Only Tanking Because Trump Is Killing Off Viewers By The Millions'
"Airports, lobbies, waiting rooms, and gas station pumps are now playing CNN to absolutely no one, since Trump has killed them all."

View attachment 276183
CNN: 'Our Ratings Are Only Tanking Because Trump Is Killing Off Viewers By The Millions'
CNN ratings are tanking because they have been exposed as the leftist socialist mouthpiece they are and nobody wants to hear the lies anymore. if want to listen to lies I can wait for the next Democratic debate. Our president exposed the Wizard of OZ is just a man behind a curtain who wants the power to control the population through fear, intimidation, and lies. We get it !
CNN keeps having to learn over and over that being FOX-lite doesn't pay. They think that if they just get a little more conservative, surely it will pay off this time.
CNN keeps having to learn over and over that being FOX-lite doesn't pay. They think that if they just get a little more conservative, surely it will pay off this time.

CNN a little more "conservative"???


Please name one single "conservative" CNN has given audience to? Meanwhile, the Fair & Balanced FOX News gives free reign to Juan Williams, Donna Brasille, and that goofy libtard girl with the annoying squeaky voice, whose name I can't remember.

Plus a whole slough of never-Trumpers who personally, should have their eyes poked out with a sharp stick. Hell, Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity regularly host a liberal idiot of the day.

CNN trails only MSNBC as being the most liberally-biased, one-sided, and disingenuous propaganda machine the left has. They seriously deserve their low ratings.
"Airports, lobbies, waiting rooms, and gas station pumps are now playing CNN to absolutely no one, since Trump has killed them all."

View attachment 276183
CNN: 'Our Ratings Are Only Tanking Because Trump Is Killing Off Viewers By The Millions'
Not bad, but he's not killing them as quickly as opioids are offing Faux news viewers.
Mexico caught 55 ton of it at their port of entry a short time ago. Might be a shortage now. Sorry.
"Airports, lobbies, waiting rooms, and gas station pumps are now playing CNN to absolutely no one, since Trump has killed them all."

View attachment 276183
CNN: 'Our Ratings Are Only Tanking Because Trump Is Killing Off Viewers By The Millions'
Not bad, but he's not killing them as quickly as opioids are offing Faux news viewers.
Mexico caught 55 ton of it at their port of entry a short time ago. Might be a shortage now. Sorry.
55 tons of opioid painkillers? I'm not finding anything about that.... Lotsa stuff about cocaine busts and such but nothing on fentanyl or other opiates.
CNN a little more "conservative"???

Our whole nutty conservative MSM busted their butts to put Trump in office, and they're busting their butts to make his corruption and stupidity look normal.

If you see any mewling kook blubbering about a supposed "liberal media", just smile and back away slowly, before you get drooled on. You can't talk sense to any human who is that stupid, so don't bother trying. Saying "The media is liberal!" is like writing "I'm a retarded cultist!' on your forehead.
CNN a little more "conservative"???

Our whole nutty conservative MSM busted their butts to put Trump in office, and they're busting their butts to make his corruption and stupidity look normal.

If you see any mewling kook blubbering about a supposed "liberal media", just smile and back away slowly, before you get drooled on. You can't talk sense to any human who is that stupid, so don't bother trying. Saying "The media is liberal!" is like writing "I'm a retarded cultist!' on your forehead.

Hang in there. Only 5 more years to go. :auiqs.jpg:
Our whole nutty conservative MSM busted their butts to put Trump in office, and they're busting their butts to make his corruption and stupidity look normal.

If you see any mewling kook blubbering about a supposed "liberal media", just smile and back away slowly, before you get drooled on. You can't talk sense to any human who is that stupid, so don't bother trying. Saying "The media is liberal!" is like writing "I'm a retarded cultist!' on your forehead.
Your TDS is affecting your comprehension.

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