Cnn On The Republican Debate

All true, of course liberals have their own brand of “vitriol” as well; I suppose it just shows how extremists have come to dominate the discussion on a national level.
You know, I have a funny little theory. If we could have a perfect democracy with totally free speech and zero partisanship where everyone has a chance to be heard and be given due consideration, then valuable and intelligent opinions and policies would be elevated while less valuable ones shrink to obscurity. The end result would be the cumulative intelligence of the entire nation becomes equal to the combined intelligence of every citizen; the result would be government would work well and the nation would prosper endlessly.
This is, of course, and unattainable perfect ideal. But while it may be impossible to attain a truly perfect democracy, we should always strive to because the closer we can come the more the country will benefit as a result.

Democracy (I.E. tyranny of the masses, unchecked) is a perfect ideal?? Nah... I'll stick with a constitutional republic over that, every time
Right...because the tyranny of the minority is a great thing. Just look at Wisconsin...the Republicans won! they should get to be able to pass the laws they want, even if they are the majority. Do you think that situation is an example of the tyranny of the masses?

A constitutional republic is 'tyranny of the minority'?

That is fucking RICH!!!

You see.... in a constitutional republic, laws, and the checks and balances of those laws, are governed by the constitution itself... the thing that gives the government its power, or the limitations thereof

Actually I’m neither liberal nor conservative, I’m a registered independent and my opinions reflect that. I’m not offended though, I have noticed some people are quick to label one as the opposition the moment ones opinions disagree with their own.
I have been known to criticize or support policies from either side, and I’m often labeled as a conservative when I disagree with liberal policies and a liberal when I disagree with conservatives. I suppose its just par for the course anytime one engages in political discussions.

I'll reserve judgment until I see you critical of liberal policy. Until then, if it quacks like a duck......

The health care law commonly referred too as Obama care is an area I can certainly criticize.This Health care law is a excellent example of democrats being simply wrong and deserving of criticism.
When President Obama was running for office what he promised us was Universal health care. I (like most everyone else) took this to mean a British type health care system where the sick simply walk into a doctor’s office or hospital and receive treatment.
What we got once he was elected was mandatory health insurance, a bill designed to hand millions of new customers to the health insurance corporations. This Health care law does NOTHING to reform the brutal health care system, but instead forces working class people (under threat of monetary penalty, and possibly worse) to buy health insurance they cannot afford. Furthermore the people deciding if said working class people can afford said insurance will be the heartless, overpaid, and under worked bureaucrats that work for the IRS, not the working people who have to balance their own budget and pay the bills.
Several times now I have heard the left try to justify this law by comparing it to mandatory auto insurance (in fact they have used some vary tricky word-plays to try and justify that position), however this is not a valid analogy. The simple fact is you have a choice in whether or not you own or operate a motor vehicle, that choice is usually made based on whether or not one can afford the cost and the mandatory insurance is the most significant part of that cost. Since liberals haven’t seemed to notice, there are allot of people who ride the bus because they can’t afford a car.
Unlike a car, people don’t have a choice in whether or not they live. To try and force people to pay for insanely expense health insurance that they clearly can’t afford is even more cruel and heartless than taking away the basic minimum state health care that has been keeping some people alive.
There is no mistaking that washington liberals have betrayed working class americans this time, in fact they have out right cut our throughts for the sake of money from the health insurance lobby and that’s a fundamental betrayal of every working class person who voted for them.

So with your support of a socialist, non-working ideal (I.E. a socialized medicine plan like in GB)... it is even more clear that you are not some independent as you portray yourself to be.... even if you do not register with the DEM party.... your ideals pretty much paint you as the leftist many on here already see you as

I just read an opinion on I would like to share. Are Republicans at war with reality?
It’s a fairly enjoyable read mostly about the policies expressed by the G.O.P. hopefuls during Thursday’s debate. There is one small point I would disagree with the author on however. Are Republicans at war with reality? -
In the op/ed, John Avlon writes: “The lowest moment for responsible governance occurred when all the candidates on stage raised their hands to say that they would reject a 10-to-1 spending cut to tax hike split as a deal to reduce the deficit. That is a sign of a party that is being held intellectually captive by its most extreme activist elements”.
Frankly I think everyone should be clear on this one point if nothing else, conservatives (both republican and teaparty) are being held “intellectually captive” by their billionaire puppet masters and the corporations who buy and sell politicians in Washington like cattle at a meat market. They didn’t care what the American people thought; I doubt they care what some activists think either (that is as long as fox news can keep conning people into voting for them).
I think when we sit here and pretend like conservative fiscal policies aren’t written by and handed down to them from the Koch brothers and other like minded top earners, it lends both conservatives and their ludicrous economic policies legitimacy they do not deserve.

What economic policies of conservatives do you find "ludicrous"?

Now that is a reasonable post.
Specifically I think its incredible foolish to cut taxes when the country is running a minor budget surplus and then increase military spending dramatically so the country returns to an enormous deficit when the economy is strong, run that deficit for a decade, then when the economy is weak demand huge spending cuts while insisting on doing nothing to increase revenues.
The fact is the Bush administration should have maintained the budget surplus, but now that it’s too late we should at least wait until the economy is strong again to demand budget cuts. Furthermore, I think we should close some tax loopholes to require some of the 66% of corporations that pay no taxes, to pay some.

So you're talking about Republican economic policy from the last Administration? I thought we were discussing Republican economic policy "now". With all due respect, many of the Republicans who spent us into trouble during the Bush years are long gone...they were kicked out of office in 2008. The Republicans that swept into office in 2010 are a different group. They are asking for spending cuts and entitlement reform because that's what their constituents sent them to Washington to get done. What part of "their" economic policy do you disagree with?

As for waiting until the economy is "strong again" before asking for budget cuts? Do you not understand that part of the reason the economy isn't strong is that the public sector is sucking capital out of the private sector at an unsustainable rate?
Democracy (I.E. tyranny of the masses, unchecked) is a perfect ideal?? Nah... I'll stick with a constitutional republic over that, every time
Right...because the tyranny of the minority is a great thing. Just look at Wisconsin...the Republicans won! they should get to be able to pass the laws they want, even if they are the majority. Do you think that situation is an example of the tyranny of the masses?

A constitutional republic is 'tyranny of the minority'?

That is fucking RICH!!!

You see.... in a constitutional republic, laws, and the checks and balances of those laws, are governed by the constitution itself... the thing that gives the government its power, or the limitations thereof
Do you think the laws Governor Walker signed into law represent a "tyranny of the masses"?

See, the trick here is....those who claim tyranny are usually the ones who didn't win the previous election. That's all. Nobody is losing thier freedomsandliberties.
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I just read an opinion on I would like to share. Are Republicans at war with reality?
It’s a fairly enjoyable read mostly about the policies expressed by the G.O.P. hopefuls during Thursday’s debate. There is one small point I would disagree with the author on however. Are Republicans at war with reality? -
In the op/ed, John Avlon writes: “The lowest moment for responsible governance occurred when all the candidates on stage raised their hands to say that they would reject a 10-to-1 spending cut to tax hike split as a deal to reduce the deficit. That is a sign of a party that is being held intellectually captive by its most extreme activist elements”.
Frankly I think everyone should be clear on this one point if nothing else, conservatives (both republican and teaparty) are being held “intellectually captive” by their billionaire puppet masters and the corporations who buy and sell politicians in Washington like cattle at a meat market. They didn’t care what the American people thought; I doubt they care what some activists think either (that is as long as fox news can keep conning people into voting for them).
I think when we sit here and pretend like conservative fiscal policies aren’t written by and handed down to them from the Koch brothers and other like minded top earners, it lends both conservatives and their ludicrous economic policies legitimacy they do not deserve.

Fairly enjoyable read? Typical left wing whackaloon nonsense is what it reads like.

All true, of course liberals have their own brand of “vitriol” as well; I suppose it just shows how extremists have come to dominate the discussion on a national level.
You know, I have a funny little theory. If we could have a perfect democracy with totally free speech and zero partisanship where everyone has a chance to be heard and be given due consideration, then valuable and intelligent opinions and policies would be elevated while less valuable ones shrink to obscurity. The end result would be the cumulative intelligence of the entire nation becomes equal to the combined intelligence of every citizen; the result would be government would work well and the nation would prosper endlessly.
This is, of course, and unattainable perfect ideal. But while it may be impossible to attain a truly perfect democracy, we should always strive to because the closer we can come the more the country will benefit as a result.

Democracy (I.E. tyranny of the masses, unchecked) is a perfect ideal?? Nah... I'll stick with a constitutional republic over that, every time
Right...because the tyranny of the minority is a great thing. Just look at Wisconsin...the Republicans won! they should get to be able to pass the laws they want, even if they are the majority. Do you think that situation is an example of the tyranny of the masses?

That is not tyranny of the masses. The people of Wisconsin elected representatives that shared their political ideals in the same manner as they elect US Congressmen as in a Constitutional Republic.

Actually I’m neither liberal nor conservative, I’m a registered independent and my opinions reflect that. I’m not offended though, I have noticed some people are quick to label one as the opposition the moment ones opinions disagree with their own.
I have been known to criticize or support policies from either side, and I’m often labeled as a conservative when I disagree with liberal policies and a liberal when I disagree with conservatives. I suppose its just par for the course anytime one engages in political discussions.

I'll reserve judgment until I see you critical of liberal policy. Until then, if it quacks like a duck......

The health care law commonly referred too as Obama care is an area I can certainly criticize.This Health care law is a excellent example of democrats being simply wrong and deserving of criticism.
When President Obama was running for office what he promised us was Universal health care. I (like most everyone else) took this to mean a British type health care system where the sick simply walk into a doctor’s office or hospital and receive treatment.
What we got once he was elected was mandatory health insurance, a bill designed to hand millions of new customers to the health insurance corporations. This Health care law does NOTHING to reform the brutal health care system, but instead forces working class people (under threat of monetary penalty, and possibly worse) to buy health insurance they cannot afford. Furthermore the people deciding if said working class people can afford said insurance will be the heartless, overpaid, and under worked bureaucrats that work for the IRS, not the working people who have to balance their own budget and pay the bills.
Several times now I have heard the left try to justify this law by comparing it to mandatory auto insurance (in fact they have used some vary tricky word-plays to try and justify that position), however this is not a valid analogy. The simple fact is you have a choice in whether or not you own or operate a motor vehicle, that choice is usually made based on whether or not one can afford the cost and the mandatory insurance is the most significant part of that cost. Since liberals haven’t seemed to notice, there are allot of people who ride the bus because they can’t afford a car.
Unlike a car, people don’t have a choice in whether or not they live. To try and force people to pay for insanely expense health insurance that they clearly can’t afford is even more cruel and heartless than taking away the basic minimum state health care that has been keeping some people alive.
There is no mistaking that washington liberals have betrayed working class americans this time, in fact they have out right cut our throughts for the sake of money from the health insurance lobby and that’s a fundamental betrayal of every working class person who voted for them.

So let me see if I've got this order to prove that you are a criticize liberals for betraying working class people because they didn't pass a British Style health care system? You do realize that what you're asking for is a far more liberal stance than what Obama and the Democrats delivered?

I just read an opinion on I would like to share. Are Republicans at war with reality?
It’s a fairly enjoyable read mostly about the policies expressed by the G.O.P. hopefuls during Thursday’s debate. There is one small point I would disagree with the author on however. Are Republicans at war with reality? -
In the op/ed, John Avlon writes: “The lowest moment for responsible governance occurred when all the candidates on stage raised their hands to say that they would reject a 10-to-1 spending cut to tax hike split as a deal to reduce the deficit. That is a sign of a party that is being held intellectually captive by its most extreme activist elements”.
Frankly I think everyone should be clear on this one point if nothing else, conservatives (both republican and teaparty) are being held “intellectually captive” by their billionaire puppet masters and the corporations who buy and sell politicians in Washington like cattle at a meat market. They didn’t care what the American people thought; I doubt they care what some activists think either (that is as long as fox news can keep conning people into voting for them).
I think when we sit here and pretend like conservative fiscal policies aren’t written by and handed down to them from the Koch brothers and other like minded top earners, it lends both conservatives and their ludicrous economic policies legitimacy they do not deserve.

What economic policies of conservatives do you find "ludicrous"?

Now that is a reasonable post.
Specifically I think its incredible foolish to cut taxes when the country is running a minor budget surplus and then increase military spending dramatically so the country returns to an enormous deficit when the economy is strong, run that deficit for a decade, then when the economy is weak demand huge spending cuts while insisting on doing nothing to increase revenues.
The fact is the Bush administration should have maintained the budget surplus, but now that it’s too late we should at least wait until the economy is strong again to demand budget cuts. Furthermore, I think we should close some tax loopholes to require some of the 66% of corporations that pay no taxes, to pay some.

So you think Republicans who at least say they're for cutting spending but not raising taxes are unreasonable, but you favor raising taxes and not cutting spending? Wouldn't that be equally unreasonable?
Democracy (I.E. tyranny of the masses, unchecked) is a perfect ideal?? Nah... I'll stick with a constitutional republic over that, every time
Right...because the tyranny of the minority is a great thing. Just look at Wisconsin...the Republicans won! they should get to be able to pass the laws they want, even if they are the majority. Do you think that situation is an example of the tyranny of the masses?

That is not tyranny of the masses. The people of Wisconsin elected representatives that shared their political ideals in the same manner as they elect US Congressmen as in a Constitutional Republic.
I'm straying from the OP now...but I agree....and do you think the Healthcare Reform law was the tyranny of the masses?
CNN (Communist News Network) is entitled to their opinion. Just keep in mind that their opinion is very biased. They've been in the tank for the Democrats since their founding. So this opinion shouldn't be surprising to anyone.
Yeah... someone claiming puppet masters and Fox working for Republican votes is a balanced independent :rolleyes:

Time will tell.. but I know exactly what I would place my money on for a bet on where this newbie's political affiliation sits

I’m not trying to blame all the corruption on billionaire lobbying. However It is a fact that the super rich have been spending hundreds of millions on campaign donations with the vast majority going to conservatives, and conservative fiscal policy clearly shows this.

Naa can't take that bet,its a loser.
CNN (Communist News Network) is entitled to their opinion. Just keep in mind that their opinion is very biased. They've been in the tank for the Democrats since their founding. So this opinion shouldn't be surprising to anyone.
Of course they are....Ted Turner?...Jane Fonda....James Carville...etc....

The only difference between CNN or MSNBC...and Fox, is that Fox is the only one who claims to be fair and balanced. And the people who watch Fox seem to actually buy that foolish notion. I don't know any lefties, and I'm not a lefty, that think MSNBC and CNN are fair and balanced. Then all kinds of Fox dolts run around on the face of the planet with heads full of BS...thinking the whole time they've got fair, balanced, and unbiased information. And it gives rational conservatives a bad name.
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Right...because the tyranny of the minority is a great thing. Just look at Wisconsin...the Republicans won! they should get to be able to pass the laws they want, even if they are the majority. Do you think that situation is an example of the tyranny of the masses?

That is not tyranny of the masses. The people of Wisconsin elected representatives that shared their political ideals in the same manner as they elect US Congressmen as in a Constitutional Republic.
I'm straying from the OP now...but I agree....and do you think the Healthcare Reform law was the tyranny of the masses?

Government going beyond its constitutionally granted power is not tyranny of the masses... nor are representatives operating within their constitutional charge.... but a democracy, as this newbie twit is trying to champion, is susceptible in high degree to tyranny of the masses... that is why we have the checks and balances of our constitution
When The One named Billionaire GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt his "Jobs Czar",it told me everything I needed to know. An American "Jobs Czar" who Outsources Hundreds of American Jobs every year? What a disgrace. Also keep in mind,The One will have the first $Billion Presidential Campaign. Just something else to ponder in 2012 i guess.
CNN has been known as the 'Communist News Network' and "Clinton News Network' for many years. So i take their opinions with a grain of salt. I know where they're coming from.
What economic policies of conservatives do you find "ludicrous"?

Now that is a reasonable post.
Specifically I think its incredible foolish to cut taxes when the country is running a minor budget surplus and then increase military spending dramatically so the country returns to an enormous deficit when the economy is strong, run that deficit for a decade, then when the economy is weak demand huge spending cuts while insisting on doing nothing to increase revenues.
The fact is the Bush administration should have maintained the budget surplus, but now that it’s too late we should at least wait until the economy is strong again to demand budget cuts. Furthermore, I think we should close some tax loopholes to require some of the 66% of corporations that pay no taxes, to pay some.

Yet you do not speak about the tax laws and loopholes that have ~50% of the citizenry that pay no federal income tax.... you do not speak about the fact that it is increased spending that is the major cause of the deficit increase, and not a revenue problem... not do you talk about the mythical surplus (please look at all govt spending inclusive of things outside what was published in the budget) and how military cuts to the point of hurting national defense and the military were a big part of the path that was taken to get there... you do not talk about which party was in charge of spending (I.E. congress) when things happened...

It is pretty evident, at least IMHO, where your 'political loyalty' sits

Yet all workers pay payroll taxes, gas taxes, taxes on their phones, sales tax;etc. And the loopholes benefit the wealthy much more than your average middle working family. So lay off working Americans! Why does the right hate the working class? I guess no one on the right is from the working class, if they were they'd be shooting themselves in the foot with all their anti-working class rhetoric.
What economic policies of conservatives do you find "ludicrous"?

Now that is a reasonable post.
Specifically I think its incredible foolish to cut taxes when the country is running a minor budget surplus and then increase military spending dramatically so the country returns to an enormous deficit when the economy is strong, run that deficit for a decade, then when the economy is weak demand huge spending cuts while insisting on doing nothing to increase revenues.
The fact is the Bush administration should have maintained the budget surplus, but now that it’s too late we should at least wait until the economy is strong again to demand budget cuts. Furthermore, I think we should close some tax loopholes to require some of the 66% of corporations that pay no taxes, to pay some.

So you think Republicans who at least say they're for cutting spending but not raising taxes are unreasonable, but you favor raising taxes and not cutting spending? Wouldn't that be equally unreasonable?

I’m not opposed to cutting spending at all, in fact that’s one issue I strongly agree with conservatives on, I just don’t think its wise to make drastic cuts right now. We should have addressed that issue when the economy was strong, but even though there were numerous votes to raise the debt ceiling, the cuts were never even proposed.
Now that we are where we are, I think it would be wiser to wait until the economy recovers, then make spending cuts AND increase revenue by requiring those who pay no taxes to pay some. The country has been running massive deficits for years, we can afford to wait for a while, thought admittedly not indefinitely.
CNN has been known as the 'Communist News Network' and "Clinton News Network' for many years. So i take their opinions with a grain of salt. I know where they're coming from.

Yeah, any news source that doesn't walk to the beat of the far right drum is "Communist"! :lol:
I'll take CNN over the heavy ideologically tilted Fox News or MSNBC any day.
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I’m not trying to blame all the corruption on billionaire lobbying. However It is a fact that the super rich have been spending hundreds of millions on campaign donations with the vast majority going to conservatives, and conservative fiscal policy clearly shows this.

Vast majority??!!

That's so unbelievably false it's not even funny. Do any random google search and you'll find tons of data showing that corporate campaign contributions are almost evenly split between the parties, with Democrats holding a small lead.

The 10 Biggest Corporate Campaign Contributors in U.S. Politics - DailyFinance
Largest Hedge Fund Donors Show Bipartisan Support, though Democrats Collect More - ABC News

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