CNN Hires Conservative Republican To Lead Politics Coverage - Liberals Go Nuts


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It was bound to happen. And now it has. CNN has just hired a Republican, Sarah Isgur, a former colleague of Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz, to be at the top of their political coverage. So just as the 2020 election campaign is getting underway, with a very contentious Democratic primary, CNN will have somebody who was, until recently, a spokesperson for the Trump administration Department of Justice, calling the shots for an election that will involve Trump.

Sounds like a bit of a conflict of interest, but on the other hand, CNN entirely has been one big conflict of interest with crews of left-wing reporters and anchors, spending about 90% of their time bashing President Trump. With CNN struggling to match the ratings over at Fox News and MSNBC, it looks like upper management decided something had to be done.

Apparently, CNN's head honchos have done some constructive criticism of their network and didn't like what they saw. Having suffered one fake news embarrassment after another, the network has become a political no man’s land, pretending to be objective. At least MSNBC has the decency to admit what they are. CNN is still trying to get people to believe that it has no agenda.

Making this new hire all the more controversial, and unendurable to liberals, is that Sarah Isgur has been a relentless attacker of the the media for their one-sided coverage of the Trump presidency. Time will tell how this will work out at CNN. Have they decided "If you can't beat them (Fox News), join them" ? Will more Republicans fill slots at CNN now, and it's news coverage shift to the right ? That's exactly what many liberals are saying, and they are about flipping their lids over it.

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “Are we still pretending that hires like these are evidence of a meritocracy?”

“You just gave every Democrat in the country a reason to doubt your objectivity,”
wrote former Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor, apparently without any sense of irony whatsoever.

ThinkProgress writer Ian Millhiser. said "I cannot understand why CNN would undermine itself this way,”

Well, I can. However one may see CNN and define it, it still fundamentally is a business. And from a business standpoint, one can only withstand getting their brains beat in by their competition for so long. If conservatism is what sells, maybe it's time to move in that direction, and then give Fox News a run for its money.

Liberals Throw Tantrum as CNN Hires Republican to Lead Politics Coverage
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It was bound to happen. And now it has. CNN has just hired a Republican, Sarah Isgur, a former colleague of Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz, to be at the top if their political coverage. So just as the 2020 election campaign is getting underway, with a very contentious Democratic primary, CNN will have somebody who was, until recently, a spokesperson for the Trump administration Department of Justice, calling the shots for an election that will involve Trump.

Sounds like a bit of a conflict of interest, but on the other hand, CNN entirely has been one big conflict of interest with crew of left-wing reporters and anchors, spending about 90% of their time bashing President Trump. With CNN struggling to match the ratings over at Fox News and MSNBC, it looks like upper management decided something had to be done.

Apparently, CNN's head honchos have done some constructive criticism of their network and didn't like what they saw. Having suffered one fake news embarrassment after another, the network has become a political no man’s land, pretending to be objective, At least MSNBC has the decency to admit what they are. CNN is still trying to get people to believe that it has no agenda.

Making this new hire all the more controversial, and unendurable to liberals, is that Sarah Isgur has been a relentless attacker of the the media for their one-sided coverage of the Trump presidency. Time will tell how this will work out at CNN. have they decided "If you can't beat them (Fox News), join them" ? Will more Republicans fill slots at CNN now, and it's news coverage shift to the right ? That's exactly what many liberals are saying, and they are about flipping their lids over it.

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “Are we still pretending that hires like these are evidence of a meritocracy?”

“You just gave every Democrat in the country a reason to doubt your objectivity,”
wrote former Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor, apparently without any sense of irony whatsoever.

ThinkProgress writer Ian Millhiser. said "I cannot understand why CNN would undermine itself this way,”

Well, I can. However one may see CNN and define it, it still fundamentally is a business. And from a business standpoint, one can only withstand getting their brains beat in by their competition for so long. If conservatism is what sells, maybe it's time to move in that direction, and then give Fox News a run for its money.

Liberals Throw Tantrum as CNN Hires Republican to Lead Politics Coverage

So far its working, we're talking about them.

Also consider, just because an organization doesn't agree with you (or I) it doesn't mean something is wrong with them.
So far its working, we're talking about them.

Also consider, just because an organization doesn't agree with you (or I) it doesn't mean something is wrong with them.

But NEWS networks aren't really supposed to agree or disagree. Technically, they are supposed to just report the news, and let us decide for ourselves. Of course Fox nd CNN both do much more.

Oh, we're talking about them all right. And once the word gets around, this may be the biggest talk of the town for quite a while.
So far its working, we're talking about them.

Also consider, just because an organization doesn't agree with you (or I) it doesn't mean something is wrong with them.

But NEWS networks aren't really supposed to agree or disagree. Technically, they are supposed to just report the news, and let us decide for ourselves. Of course Fox nd CNN both do much more.

Oh, we're talking about them all right. And once the word gets around, this may be the biggest talk of the town for quite a while.

I think from Benjamin Franklin through the muckrackers and yellow journalism and Edward R Murrow news has had a slant. Lately it seems sloppier, not sure if the decentralization of the news is having the positive effect I thought it would.
It was bound to happen. And now it has. CNN has just hired a Republican, Sarah Isgur, a former colleague of Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz, to be at the top of their political coverage. So just as the 2020 election campaign is getting underway, with a very contentious Democratic primary, CNN will have somebody who was, until recently, a spokesperson for the Trump administration Department of Justice, calling the shots for an election that will involve Trump.

Sounds like a bit of a conflict of interest, but on the other hand, CNN entirely has been one big conflict of interest with crews of left-wing reporters and anchors, spending about 90% of their time bashing President Trump. With CNN struggling to match the ratings over at Fox News and MSNBC, it looks like upper management decided something had to be done.

Apparently, CNN's head honchos have done some constructive criticism of their network and didn't like what they saw. Having suffered one fake news embarrassment after another, the network has become a political no man’s land, pretending to be objective. At least MSNBC has the decency to admit what they are. CNN is still trying to get people to believe that it has no agenda.

Making this new hire all the more controversial, and unendurable to liberals, is that Sarah Isgur has been a relentless attacker of the the media for their one-sided coverage of the Trump presidency. Time will tell how this will work out at CNN. Have they decided "If you can't beat them (Fox News), join them" ? Will more Republicans fill slots at CNN now, and it's news coverage shift to the right ? That's exactly what many liberals are saying, and they are about flipping their lids over it.

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “Are we still pretending that hires like these are evidence of a meritocracy?”

“You just gave every Democrat in the country a reason to doubt your objectivity,”
wrote former Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor, apparently without any sense of irony whatsoever.

ThinkProgress writer Ian Millhiser. said "I cannot understand why CNN would undermine itself this way,”

Well, I can. However one may see CNN and define it, it still fundamentally is a business. And from a business standpoint, one can only withstand getting their brains beat in by their competition for so long. If conservatism is what sells, maybe it's time to move in that direction, and then give Fox News a run for its money.

Liberals Throw Tantrum as CNN Hires Republican to Lead Politics Coverage

All they’re going to do is surround her by a chorus of regressive shitbags that will shout her down every time she expresses an opinion or points out facts. CNN used to have semi interesting shows like Crossfire where libs and conservatives went at it, but they dropped it because the libs lost every debate.
They're trying to give the appearance of balance. They still have an agenda, they're just trying to regain credibility.
A colleague of Jeff Sessions? Sounds like she’s a member of the Deep State™.
Damn it. Looks like I missed another "Time to go Nuts" secret message. My decoder ring must be broke.
It was bound to happen. And now it has. CNN has just hired a Republican, Sarah Isgur, a former colleague of Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz, to be at the top of their political coverage. So just as the 2020 election campaign is getting underway, with a very contentious Democratic primary, CNN will have somebody who was, until recently, a spokesperson for the Trump administration Department of Justice, calling the shots for an election that will involve Trump.

Sounds like a bit of a conflict of interest, but on the other hand, CNN entirely has been one big conflict of interest with crews of left-wing reporters and anchors, spending about 90% of their time bashing President Trump. With CNN struggling to match the ratings over at Fox News and MSNBC, it looks like upper management decided something had to be done.

Apparently, CNN's head honchos have done some constructive criticism of their network and didn't like what they saw. Having suffered one fake news embarrassment after another, the network has become a political no man’s land, pretending to be objective. At least MSNBC has the decency to admit what they are. CNN is still trying to get people to believe that it has no agenda.

Making this new hire all the more controversial, and unendurable to liberals, is that Sarah Isgur has been a relentless attacker of the the media for their one-sided coverage of the Trump presidency. Time will tell how this will work out at CNN. Have they decided "If you can't beat them (Fox News), join them" ? Will more Republicans fill slots at CNN now, and it's news coverage shift to the right ? That's exactly what many liberals are saying, and they are about flipping their lids over it.

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “Are we still pretending that hires like these are evidence of a meritocracy?”

“You just gave every Democrat in the country a reason to doubt your objectivity,”
wrote former Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor, apparently without any sense of irony whatsoever.

ThinkProgress writer Ian Millhiser. said "I cannot understand why CNN would undermine itself this way,”

Well, I can. However one may see CNN and define it, it still fundamentally is a business. And from a business standpoint, one can only withstand getting their brains beat in by their competition for so long. If conservatism is what sells, maybe it's time to move in that direction, and then give Fox News a run for its money.

Liberals Throw Tantrum as CNN Hires Republican to Lead Politics Coverage
I hear Buck Sexton, perhaps the dumbest of all conservative commentators, talking about this on his show last night. It’s amusing to hear people like you and Buck going after the MSM for reacting to this when CNN, let me repeat, CNN made the hire!! I thought CNN was the mothership of fake news liberal propaganda corruption. How about a “Good for CNN for showing some balance and making a good hire, perhaps they aren’t as bad as we’ve been accusing them of”

That would be the appropriate response.
Wait and see is the only response at this time. Just because of the pedigree there’s no guarantee she’ll work hard to pull CNN out of the sewer. She’ll be making one hell of a lot more money in this gig and lots of folks will do whatever for money.
A colleague of Jeff Sessions? Sounds like she’s a member of the Deep State™.
Don't be ridiculous. Sessions is as hard core right wing, especially on immigration, as anyone alive. He got dumped because he was just a bit too passive. Should have arrested sanctuary city leaders. The new AG needs to do that.
Wait and see is the only response at this time. Just because of the pedigree there’s no guarantee she’ll work hard to pull CNN out of the sewer. She’ll be making one hell of a lot more money in this gig and lots of folks will do whatever for money.
I agree. Wait and see.,

As for the liberals who are losing their minds, they never really had them much in the first place.
I hear Buck Sexton, perhaps the dumbest of all conservative commentators, talking about this on his show last night. It’s amusing to hear people like you and Buck going after the MSM for reacting to this when CNN, let me repeat, CNN made the hire!! I thought CNN was the mothership of fake news liberal propaganda corruption. How about a “Good for CNN for showing some balance and making a good hire, perhaps they aren’t as bad as we’ve been accusing them of”

That would be the appropriate response.
Well, that IS the response. Did you read the OP ? What's the problem ?

As for how bad CCN has been, they've been atrocious, but that could be changing now, and possibly in a major way.
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It was bound to happen. And now it has. CNN has just hired a Republican, Sarah Isgur, a former colleague of Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz, to be at the top of their political coverage. So just as the 2020 election campaign is getting underway, with a very contentious Democratic primary, CNN will have somebody who was, until recently, a spokesperson for the Trump administration Department of Justice, calling the shots for an election that will involve Trump.

Sounds like a bit of a conflict of interest, but on the other hand, CNN entirely has been one big conflict of interest with crews of left-wing reporters and anchors, spending about 90% of their time bashing President Trump. With CNN struggling to match the ratings over at Fox News and MSNBC, it looks like upper management decided something had to be done.

Apparently, CNN's head honchos have done some constructive criticism of their network and didn't like what they saw. Having suffered one fake news embarrassment after another, the network has become a political no man’s land, pretending to be objective. At least MSNBC has the decency to admit what they are. CNN is still trying to get people to believe that it has no agenda.

Making this new hire all the more controversial, and unendurable to liberals, is that Sarah Isgur has been a relentless attacker of the the media for their one-sided coverage of the Trump presidency. Time will tell how this will work out at CNN. Have they decided "If you can't beat them (Fox News), join them" ? Will more Republicans fill slots at CNN now, and it's news coverage shift to the right ? That's exactly what many liberals are saying, and they are about flipping their lids over it.

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “Are we still pretending that hires like these are evidence of a meritocracy?”

“You just gave every Democrat in the country a reason to doubt your objectivity,”
wrote former Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor, apparently without any sense of irony whatsoever.

ThinkProgress writer Ian Millhiser. said "I cannot understand why CNN would undermine itself this way,”

Well, I can. However one may see CNN and define it, it still fundamentally is a business. And from a business standpoint, one can only withstand getting their brains beat in by their competition for so long. If conservatism is what sells, maybe it's time to move in that direction, and then give Fox News a run for its money.

Liberals Throw Tantrum as CNN Hires Republican to Lead Politics Coverage

All they’re going to do is surround her by a chorus of regressive shitbags that will shout her down every time she expresses an opinion or points out facts. CNN used to have semi interesting shows like Crossfire where libs and conservatives went at it, but they dropped it because the libs lost every debate.

Crossfire was the freaking BEST.

One conservative host, one liberals host, one conservative guest and one liberal guest.

And yes, in a balanced debate like that, where both sides got to present their case, the libs did tend to get beaten like a rented mule.

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