CNN finds there's more to the Ayers story


Oct 2, 2007
Obama Brushes Off Terrorist Ties, But CNN Digs Deeper & Finds There's More to the Story

Vice presidential candidate Barack Obama's chief strategist, David Axelrod, said yesterday that Obama "didn't know the history" of domestic terrorist bomber William Ayers' activities in the violent Weather Undergroud movement when he attended a political event at Ayers' home in 1995. CNN's Anderson Cooper 360, however, did an investigation into Obama's ties to Ayers, and found that there's a lot more to the story than the Obama campaign lets on.

Arguing for the first time since the story surfaced earlier this year, Axelrod told reporters "When he went he certainly didn't know the history. There's no evidence that they're close. There's no evidence that Obama is any way subscribed to Ayers' views. And Obama's been very clear about condemning the despicable acts that Bill Ayers committed 40 years ago when Obama was 8 years old."

The Obama campaign used a similar approach when the Rev. Jeremiah Wright scandal first broke, revealing the pastor's controversial views on race and American politics, by playing down the Illinois' senator's connection with his long-time "spiritual advisor".

Ayers arguably helped to launch Barack Obama's political career, and that 1995 political event held at Ayers' home catapulted him from an Chicago lawyer to a political player. Obama himself has tried to downplay the relationship, arguing that "Ayers was just another guy in the neighborhood."

Ayers, however, was far from being just another guy. He co-founded the organization Weather Underground, which took credit for multiple bombings and targeted the Pentagon and the Capitol. Ayers' case was later dropped due to technicalities, and he joined the faculty at the University of Illinois in Chicago. But claims that Ayers is a "former radical" are unfounded.

AS the CNN piece revealed, Ayers may no longer use force, but he is still a radical. Just a few years ago, he told the New York Times that he didn't regret his past terrorist activities and that he believed he and his friends "should have done more." Furthermore, in April 2008, Ayers published a blog post in which he ranted against capitalism, describing it as a tool for oppression, thuggery, and slavery.
Nevertheless, Obama claims not to have known anything about this radical's past, and insists that their interactions were limited. Rival Senator John McCain's campaign have tried to make the case that the Ayers-Obama relationship went further than they've been willing to admit, and running mate Sarah Palin has especially shown interest in exposing these connections.

Palin hammered Obama over his connections to Ayers just last weekend, saying Obama "pals around with terrorists." Speaking at various Florida events, Palin pointed out Axelrod's latest comments, saying "Today they're saying for the first time that Barack Obama didn't know back then about Ayers' radical background. Wait a minute. He didn't know a few months ago that he had launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist?"
One of the places that CNN found the two having repeatedly crossed paths was Chicago's Annenberg Challenge project. Reporters scoured through board minutes and other records, which they say "according to program participants and records Bill Ayers fought to bring the Annenberg grant to Chicago." It was a "$50 million grant" that would be used to "match locally raised funds to improve schools".

According to CNN, Obama was "recruited as the chair" of Ayers' organization aimed at bringing the Annenberg project schools in order to improve the system: "For seven years, Bill Ayers and Obama, among many others, worked on funding for education projects including some experiments supported by Ayers."
CNN also found that Ayers and Obama served "on the board" of a second organization, the Woods fund. "Among its receipients: Jeremiah Wright's Trinity Church where Obama attended and a children and family justice center where Ayers' wife worked."

The CNN investigation concludes:

"The chairmanship of the $100 million Annenberg board helped volt him from southside Chicago lawyer to political player and that too has another connection to Bill Ayers.” Shortly after joining the Annenberg board in 1995, a female state senator appointed Barack Obama as her apparent political heir. “Where was that introduction made?” CNN questioned? Simple: “in the home of the 60s radicals Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.”
However Obama and his campaign contends that there's nothing there. During an interview on the Tom Joyner radio show, Obama said "Mr. Ayers is somebody who lives in Chicago. He's a professor at the University of Chicago, Illinois, teaches education, and he engaged in these despicable acts 40 years ago when I was 8 years old. I served on a board with him."

View the video of CNN's investigation (scroll down)

Obama Brushes Off Terrorist Ties, But CNN Digs Deeper & Finds There's More to the Story | Cleveland Leader
It's sickening the MSM isn't all over this. It's been common knowledge for a long time now that Obama has extremely shady ties including those with terrorists.

If this was a republican it would be a lynching.
Who owned the Board that Ayers was on?


He is a long time big R supporter.

Why would this Reagan friend put Ayers on the board?
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Who cares? Reagan is dead. Obama's running for pres.
Did Ayers knock down the WTC? Because the guy who did got a free pass from W.

Really, cause last I checked there is a major military operation in the region that that person is suspected to be in.

If you think you can do a better a better finding him, then pick up a rifle, get on a camel, and get to work.
Who cares? Reagan is dead. Obama's running for pres.

Anneberg is dead too.

But he was alive when this was taking place and was a huge R supporter who was a friend of your god Ronny.

Yet he hired Ayers for the board?

who do you think kis more responsible for him being on the board with Obama?

Obama who had no choice in who was on the board or the guy who hired him?

You see you are a hypocrit and dont really care about facts you only care about party.
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Did Ayers knock down the WTC? Because the guy who did got a free pass from W.

No, he bombed the Pentagon.

And who is the guy who got a free pass from W? More info, please on who he pardoned who knocked down the WTC.
Who cares? Reagan is dead. Obama's running for pres.

you're right Reagan IS dead....

But Annenberg's widow is ENDORSING JOHN MCCAIN you dried up bitter old twat.

Annenberg is the one who picked Ayers to be on the board that he sat on with Obama. Annenberg gave Ayers 49 MILLION DOLLARS in grant money to work on education for the Chicago foundation.

There were Republicans, Democrats AND independents on this board.

This doesn't matter to people Allie. and the more you retards try to turn the subject away from the economy the more pathetic and desparate you look.

And who is the guy who got a free pass from W? More info, please on who he pardoned who knocked down the WTC

how about words from his own mouth

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What makes him a "friend" of Obamas?

He served on a board with him , they lived in the same area and the guy supported Obama for office.

Under that same criteria this guy would be a "friend" to half of the republican politicains in chicago.
I know, you're thinking "which one?"

"Ayers's group planned but failed to succeed in a 1970 plot to detonate a bomb and kill hundreds of U.S. soldiers in Fort Dix, N.J.

And Obama's close personal friend is proud even to this day of waging war against America. Ayers said he had no regrets about bombing New York City police headquarters, the Capitol, and the Pentagon in the 1970s. "I don't regret setting bombs," Ayers said in a New York Times interview that happened to be published September 11, 2001. "I feel we didn't do enough." When asked if he would do it all again, he said, "I don't want to discount the possibility." The home page of Ayers's personal website is, unsurprisingly, graced with a photograph of mass murderer Che Guevara."

Bill Ayers Blogspot

McCain Was P.O.W. When Obama Buddy Bombed Pentagon |

Some more of Obama's close personal friends:

"The Democratic presidential nominee-in-waiting continues to hang out with people who really don't like America, such as Obama campaign advisor Cornel West, a radical Princeton professor who denounces his native land as racist and patriarchal and who embraces Venezuela's leftist strongman Hugo Chavez. Chavez allows terrorist groups Hezbollah and Hamas to operate in his country and has been backing communist rebels trying to overthrow the democratically elected government of Colombia. Another politically radioactive Obama friend is Rashid Khalidi, a Palestinian-American and former Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) spokesman who is now Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University.

McCain Was P.O.W. When Obama Buddy Bombed Pentagon |

what in the hell is your definition of that word?

BTW at the same time Obama was eight years old you fool.
Not when Ayers said this:

"I don't regret setting bombs," Ayers said in a New York Times interview that happened to be published September 11, 2001. "I feel we didn't do enough." When asked if he would do it all again, he said, "I don't want to discount the possibility."
What does Osama Bin Laden and Barrack Obama have in common?

They both have friends that bombed the pentegon!

So true. It really is sad.

It is sad. In the end it won't matter. McCain and Palin will be in the WH come next year and Obama will fade away like a bad fart. He can go back to work and do nothing as he's done his whole life. Maybe Ayers will hook him up with a job if he gets booted from the Senate.
Anneberg is dead too.

But he was alive when this was taking place and was a huge R supporter who was a friend of your god Ronny.

Yet he hired Ayers for the board?

who do you think kis more responsible for him being on the board with Obama?

Obama who had no choice in who was on the board or the guy who hired him?

You see you are a hypocrit and dont really care about facts you only care about party.
No, you see you're an idiot.

We're talking about OBAMA...say it slowly...OBAMA and his friends, who are alive NOW.
It is sad. In the end it won't matter. McCain and Palin will be in the WH come next year and Obama will fade away like a bad fart. He can go back to work and do nothing as he's done his whole life. Maybe Ayers will hook him up with a job if he gets booted from the Senate.

That's right. And if McCain and Palin are the the WhiteHouse, Obama might want to get busy burying any other illegal connections he has as well, including whatever sweetheart deals he got.

And if McCain doesn't make it..Sarah will make it in 4 years. Which might be even better.
No, you see you're an idiot.

We're talking about OBAMA...say it slowly...OBAMA and his friends, who are alive NOW.

Wow, so only live people huh?

OK Mrs Annenberg who owns this board and is alive is supporting McCain and has bigger ties to Ayers than Obama.

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