CNN Employee Banned From Twitter For Doxxing Musk, Putting Son In Danger; AOC Calls Him a Fascist


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
A CNN employee's Twitter accound for endangering the life of Elon Musk's young son by Doxxing him.

For protecting his son and declaring such targeting of people for violence will not be allowed on Twitter, AOC called Musk a Fascist.

Democrats and their surrogate fanatical leftist domestic terrorists already doxxed the USSC Justices after they failed to get their way with the RvW decision, resulting in violent, illegal protests outside Justices' homes, a would-be assassin being arrested outside of a Justice's home, and Justices and their families having to be relocated for their safety.

Elected Democrats personally threatened the USSC Justices, called for violence against them, publicly undermined the Courts, and even called for actual Insurrection.

Now AOC has decided to lead the attacks on Musk for refusing to allow Democrats, fake news violence-supporting media, and leftist domestic terrorists / would-be assassins to use Twitter to track and facilitate violent attacks on people.

AOC is either still pissed her Green New Deal / Global Warming movie BOMBED, or she is too stupid to know what 'Fascist' means.

The lunatic BAR TENDER believes it is perfectly fine for CNN and the Democrats' indoctrinated terrorists to doxx people they disapprove of for the purpose of attacking them and their families.

...of course the insane left, while doing this, claim their intended victims are the biggest threats to our democracy, which to them justifies their violent actions.

Censorship is what fascist do
AOC is the fascist
Musk is just trying to protect his family and himself from fanatical fascist like AOC and the Democrat Cultists
A CNN employee's Twitter accound for endangering the life of Elon Musk's young son by Doxxing him.

For protecting his son and declaring such targeting of people for violence will not be allowed on Twitter, AOC called Musk a Fascist.

Democrats and their surrogate fanatical leftist domestic terrorists already doxxed the USSC Justices after they failed to get their way with the RvW decision, resulting in violent, illegal protests outside Justices' homes, a would-be assassin being arrested outside of a Justice's home, and Justices and their families having to be relocated for their safety.

Elected Democrats personally threatened the USSC Justices, called for violence against them, publicly undermined the Courts, and even called for actual Insurrection.

Now AOC has decided to lead the attacks on Musk for refusing to allow Democrats, fake news violence-supporting media, and leftist domestic terrorists / would-be assassins to use Twitter to track and facilitate violent attacks on people.

AOC is either still pissed her Green New Deal / Global Warming movie BOMBED, or she is too stupid to know what 'Fascist' means.

The lunatic BAR TENDER believes it is perfectly fine for CNN and the Democrats' indoctrinated terrorists to doxx people they disapprove of for the purpose of attacking them and their families.

...of course the insane left, while doing this, claim their intended victims are the biggest threats to our democracy, which to them justifies their violent actions.

But when peaceful whistleblowers like myself are shadowbanned, throttled and such, it's ok because "I'm one of those guys". The Creepy Ones surely do their part as well in pushing Twitter to silence people.

Just how can the West claim to be any different than Russia or China? Hell, in China you can often just do a mea culpa if cornered and the government will allow you back to normality. What is going on in the West is frightening. America has followed the wrong countries of late.
"Fascist icon Elon Musk lies big, his lackeys repeat it. Film at 11."

We get it, Musk cultists. You're all very obedient when it comes to repeating propaganda. No need to keep hammering on that point.
But when peaceful whistleblowers like myself are shadowbanned, throttled and such, it's ok because "I'm one of those guys". The Creepy Ones surely do their part as well in pushing Twitter to silence people.

Just how can the West claim to be any different than Russia or China? Hell, in China you can often just do a mea culpa if cornered and the government will allow you back to normality. What is going on in the West is frightening. America has followed the wrong countries of late.

Banning proven leftist terrorists and violence-facilitators for using Twitter to track and commit violence against Musk and others, refusing to allow Twitter to be used in this way, will not cause anyone intelligent and/or non-partisan to confuse Twitter / the US with China or Russia.

The Biden administration / FBI colluding with Twitter to Un-Constitutionally track, spy on, and censor Americans while pushing disinformation and propaganda - which Demicrats say is a threat to our democracy - will do so.
"Fascist icon Elon Musk lies big, his lackeys repeat it. Film at 11."

We get it, Musk cultists. You're all very obedient when it comes to repeating propaganda. No need to keep hammering on that point.

So you approve of CNN, Democrats, and their surrogate domestic terrorists using Twitter to track, target, and attack Musk, his family, comservatives, and others.

Thanks for self-identifying, comrade.
You're one _seriously_ brainwashed cultist. You just so badly want reasons to get violent..

Why are you falsely accusing me of doing what CNN, Democrats, and their surrogate domestic terrorists have literally already done - using Twitter to track, target, and attack Musk and his son?

Why are you protecting these proven violent Marxists who are screaming and gnashing at teeth because Musk has taken their anility to keep doing so away?

Nice job, comrade. AOC would be proud of you.
A CNN employee's Twitter accound for endangering the life of Elon Musk's young son by Doxxing him.

For protecting his son and declaring such targeting of people for violence will not be allowed on Twitter, AOC called Musk a Fascist.

Democrats and their surrogate fanatical leftist domestic terrorists already doxxed the USSC Justices after they failed to get their way with the RvW decision, resulting in violent, illegal protests outside Justices' homes, a would-be assassin being arrested outside of a Justice's home, and Justices and their families having to be relocated for their safety.

Elected Democrats personally threatened the USSC Justices, called for violence against them, publicly undermined the Courts, and even called for actual Insurrection.

Now AOC has decided to lead the attacks on Musk for refusing to allow Democrats, fake news violence-supporting media, and leftist domestic terrorists / would-be assassins to use Twitter to track and facilitate violent attacks on people.

AOC is either still pissed her Green New Deal / Global Warming movie BOMBED, or she is too stupid to know what 'Fascist' means.

The lunatic BAR TENDER believes it is perfectly fine for CNN and the Democrats' indoctrinated terrorists to doxx people they disapprove of for the purpose of attacking them and their families.

...of course the insane left, while doing this, claim their intended victims are the biggest threats to our democracy, which to them justifies their violent actions.

Notice how in every case that when liberals are presented with being disciplined due to their own bad behavior, that they always react like a small child threatening to hold his breath because he won't be getting any supper tonight for breaking the living-room TV.

Never once do they ever say: Whoops! Lesson learned! Mistake made! Won't do that again!

Democrats are like the neighborhood punk who steals your patio plants who when you give them a second chance hoping not to ruin their lives with a police record, come back the next night to steal all of the patio furniture, too.
Why are you falsely accusing me
You're free to be as fascist and violence-supporting as you want, but you can't stop normal Americans pointing out what you're doing.

I know in one sense it's a waste of time, given how your fascism goes soul-deep and you won't ever change. However, you (your side in general) may refrain from even more fascist violence if we keep reminding you that you're being watched.
Notice how in every case that when liberals are presented with being disciplined due to their own bad behavior, that they always react like a small child threatening to hold his breath because he won't be getting any supper tonight for breaking the living-room TV.

Never once do they ever say: Whoops! Lesson learned! Mistake made! Won't do that again!

Democrats are like the neighborhood punk who steals your patio plants who when you give them a second chance hoping not to ruin their lives with a police record, come back the next night to steal all of the patio furniture, too.

....and each time they aren't punished their crimes continue to get worse and worse...

...until they are defrauding FISA Courts, violating the Patriot Act, violating the Constitution, and illegally spying on you....
Notice how in every case that when liberals are presented with being disciplined due to their own bad behavior,
Pointing out your constant stinking hypocrisy does not make us hypocrites.

In contrast to your double-standard based lifestyle, liberals have been consistent. No one has argued that Musk doesn't have the right to censor people, or that the government needs to step in, as conservatives were arguing.

As is the case every time, moral high ground to the liberals.

And we know that's why you hate us. The immoral hate the morally righteous.
You're free to be as fascist and violence-supporting as you want, but you can't stop normal Americans pointing out what you're doing.

I know in one sense it's a waste of time, given how your fascism goes soul-deep and you won't ever change. However, you (your side in general) may refrain from even more fascist violence if we keep reminding you that you're being watched.

You did not answer the question!

Why are you falsely accusing me of doing what CNN, Democrats, and their surrogate domestic tertorists have already been proven to have done, comrade?

And why do you advocate criminal, Un-Constitutional spying under the justification of atempting to ensure non-violent people do not commit the same acts of violence Democtats and snowflakes like you have already been proven to have committed?

Your thinking and attempts to justify your criminal actions is WARPED - LIKE YOU, much like your continued false accusations and attempts to justify them, as well ... COMRADE.
Pointing out your constant stinking hypocrisy does not make us hypocrites.

Why do you and Democrats constantly falsely accuse others of being who YOU are and of doing what YOU have done / continue to do?

Its completely transparent ... and pathetic ... like you.
Why do you
No, I won't stop pointing out your constant stinking hypocrisy just because it makes you cry.

You were the ones proclaiming how awful it was that Twitter was being "censored", and that it was illegal and required government intervention to fix. Now you revel in the "censorship". That makes you stinking hypocrites.

Liberals have not been hypocrites. Liberals point out that while Musk is behaving in a shitty immature vindictive manner, he has the right to throw a tantrum, and it is not a crime or something requiring government intervention. As always, liberals have been consistent.
You did not answer the question!
I answered. I'm not doing any of that. You're just lying outright for the glory of fascism, again.

You really shouldn't bother. The only people pretending to believe your lies are your fellow fascist goosesteppers. Everyone else knows you're lying.

Yes, I know you earn cult brownie points when you lie.

Yes, I know you get a tingle up the leg when you lie to pwn the libs.

Just consider acting ethically instead. That will give you a more wholesome kind of good feeling.
AOC is a total fabrication and a CIA spook majoring in controlled opposition .For her full bio melt down find the blow by blow account at Miles Mathis' Updates--April2,2019 . But here is one lovely piece of BS about her having an asteroid named after her

" .The Science Fair story is another bad creation of Langley, and we should demand to see the project, the ISEF rolls for that year, and the reports.
It is never explained why LINEAR would name an asteroid for a high school girl, in honour of her project on worms. We must assume a ranking person in the lab is a close relative.
Plus, if we check the page for that asteroid, we find that it was discovered in 2000, when AOC was eleven years old.
Even worse, we see that this asteroid 2000 WU111=asteroid 1992 UB9, which indicates it was actually discovered in 1992, when AOC was three years old.
They just “rediscovered” it in 2000, giving it the spook WU111 designation. As in wuwu 111. Although we aren't given a date of naming, they couldn't have named it for her before about 2009-2010, when she would have been a senior. So it just sat there without a name for 18 years, until someone spotted this pretty hispanic girl at a science fair?
Are we supposed to believe these astronomers were hanging out at a high school science fair, checking out the young female talent? Sort of creepy, isn't it?
And hilarious
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No, I won't stop pointing out your constant stinking hypocrisy just because it makes you cry.

Again, why do you accuse others of being who YOU have proven yourself to be and of doing things YOU have done and continue to do?

Like a blind, deaf bull in a china shop, you charge ahead, ignore what has been proven and, as true Democrats do, you blame everyone else but yourself.

Again, you are completely transparent and pathetic.

You are one sad little man, comrade.

I answered. I'm not doing any of that.

No, lil' comrade, you completely ignored it and immediately began to falsely accuse and blame others again.

Your attempt to spin the whole thing again failed.

You are completely transparent and pathetic, a sad little marxist...


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