CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
People need to wake up to this Lamestream left leaning media. they have become an ENEMY to SOME OF us in this country

CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White

Jim Hoft Oct 4th, 2015 12:23 am

CNN photoshops the photo of Oregon killer Chris Harper-Mercer to make him look white.

Chris was the son of Ian Mercer from Great Britain and Laurel Margaret Harper.

Conservative Treehouse

Chris lived with his mother Laurel.
He posted this selfie online.

ALL of it here:
CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White - The Gateway Pundit
Seriously if CNN has done this hit them and hit them with everything you've got. His stupid father is already out there calling for gun control.
Seriously if CNN has done this hit them and hit them with everything you've got. His stupid father is already out there calling for gun control.

Yes, the left/commie/fascist found themselves another TOOL to use. he should worry about why he didn't raise his KID any better. come out preaching to the rest of us. How dare he.
he can go to hell with his son
What our press did in the hype surrounding the shootings was unreal and the government ran with it. Marc Lepine the ecole polytechnique shooter was not really Marc Lépine he was Gamil Gharbi.

They used this shooting to inflict on us over the top gun laws. We are talking insane gun laws. So freaking crazy that when we moved back from Tennessee our moving company that PPG set us up with had put my bows with my guns and the government would not release even my bows till I and my husband had to get FACs for our guns.
Seriously if CNN has done this hit them and hit them with everything you've got. His stupid father is already out there calling for gun control.

Yes, the left/commie/fascist found themselves another TOOL to use. he should worry about why he didn't raise his KID any better. come out preaching to the rest of us. How dare he.
he can go to hell with his son

No kidding steph watch out for what the press will do.
Seriously if CNN has done this hit them and hit them with everything you've got. His stupid father is already out there calling for gun control.

Yes, the left/commie/fascist found themselves another TOOL to use. he should worry about why he didn't raise his KID any better. come out preaching to the rest of us. How dare he.
he can go to hell with his son

No kidding steph watch out for what the press will do.

I know it. I hate the people in the aftermath of these more than I do the shooter. and how they work to take away OUR RIGHTS who had nothing to do with ANY OF IT. that's why I said: the people need to wake up
And one more time thank heavens we have social media to hit the mainstream. YAY Gateway for getting this out there.
And YAY STEPH! for making sure we know about it. I really mean that with all my heart. If it wasn't for all us little guys this new "faux marc lepine" would be the one that would take away the Second Amendment.
People need to wake up to this Lamestream left leaning media. they have become an ENEMY to SOME OF us in this country

CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White

Jim Hoft Oct 4th, 2015 12:23 am

CNN photoshops the photo of Oregon killer Chris Harper-Mercer to make him look white.

Chris was the son of Ian Mercer from Great Britain and Laurel Margaret Harper.

Conservative Treehouse

Chris lived with his mother Laurel.
He posted this selfie online.

ALL of it here:
CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White - The Gateway Pundit

Post a link to it or to a legit source.
Trillions of dollars in Tax Revenue or Federal Reserve Printing can buy LOTS of influence.

People need to wake up to this Lamestream left leaning media. they have become an ENEMY to SOME OF us in this country

CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White

Jim Hoft Oct 4th, 2015 12:23 am

CNN photoshops the photo of Oregon killer Chris Harper-Mercer to make him look white.

Chris was the son of Ian Mercer from Great Britain and Laurel Margaret Harper.

Conservative Treehouse

Chris lived with his mother Laurel.
He posted this selfie online.

ALL of it here:
CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White - The Gateway Pundit

I knew it would only be a matter of time before a Rightie would inject race into this.

Congrats, Stephanie, you win the prize for asshole of the day.
What next? Anyone at NBC photo shop a Donald Trump for President wrapped in a confederate flag poster behind the maniac?
And one more time thank heavens we have social media to hit the mainstream. YAY Gateway for getting this out there.

Agree!!! remember Dan Rather? he tried to get away with presenting FAKE papers on George Bush. that was picked up and Destroyed by those in the social media. thank goodness for them is right on. :2up:
People need to wake up to this Lamestream left leaning media. they have become an ENEMY to SOME OF us in this country

CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White

Jim Hoft Oct 4th, 2015 12:23 am

CNN photoshops the photo of Oregon killer Chris Harper-Mercer to make him look white.

Chris was the son of Ian Mercer from Great Britain and Laurel Margaret Harper.

Conservative Treehouse

Chris lived with his mother Laurel.
He posted this selfie online.

ALL of it here:
CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White - The Gateway Pundit

I knew it would only be a matter of time before a Rightie would inject race into this.

Congrats, Stephanie, you win the prize for asshole of the day.

If CNN gets caught out photoshopping him how is this Steph's fault.

Mac is right. Remember white hispanic? The press was going wild at the time spinning the Trayvon story that a white jew named Zimmerman whacked an innocent black teeny tiny baby called Trayvon.

They kept running pictures of Trayvon when he was eight years old for crying out loud.

THEN OMG the press realized the shooter was hispanic. They shit their pants. So they had to turn George into "a white hispanic".

It's what they do. It's pathetic and we catch them out these days.
And YAY STEPH! for making sure we know about it. I really mean that with all my heart. If it wasn't for all us little guys this new "faux marc lepine" would be the one that would take away the Second Amendment.

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