C'mon Republicans...If You Think Your Position is the Right One...Why Ya Gotta Cheat?

it just says MAILING THEM TO THEIR OWN ADDRESS is ok.....if they are for official Govt Elections and they are telling you they will get them to the City Clerk....if they dont....then they have broken a Federal Law using the Mail for this Purpose......where i work its called MAIL FRAUD.....you dont fuck with Govt Election Ballots....

If you can prove even a single solitary flier was returned to the PAC, and they did not turn it in, then I would agree with you.

Do you have any such proof?

BTW... there are unofficial Govt elections???

Anyone who filled out this flyer returned it to the PAC and not to the registrar. Why would they have them sent to the PAC and not to the registrar in the first place? We will never know if they did or didn't forward them on.

you're really dense, you know that?

The Wisconsin election board said it is not against the law to have those flyers go back to the PAC. If you have proof a single, solitary flier was returned to the PAC and they in turn did NOT forward it on to the election officials... please produce it or shut the fuck up about it.
As I've already posted, the Wisconsin election office disagrees with you...

Care to try again?

Oh, btw.. ballets would be more than one ballet dance. You meant ballots. You even suck at being a partisan hack.
it just says MAILING THEM TO THEIR OWN ADDRESS is ok.....if they are for official Govt Elections and they are telling you they will get them to the City Clerk....if they dont....then they have broken a Federal Law using the Mail for this Purpose......where i work its called MAIL FRAUD.....you dont fuck with Govt Election Ballots....

If you can prove even a single solitary flier was returned to the PAC, and they did not turn it in, then I would agree with you.

Do you have any such proof?

BTW... there are unofficial Govt elections???

an unofficial one where they are turning them over to the City Clerk?......why would they do that if it is not official?.....
it just says MAILING THEM TO THEIR OWN ADDRESS is ok.....if they are for official Govt Elections and they are telling you they will get them to the City Clerk....if they dont....then they have broken a Federal Law using the Mail for this Purpose......where i work its called MAIL FRAUD.....you dont fuck with Govt Election Ballots....

If you can prove even a single solitary flier was returned to the PAC, and they did not turn it in, then I would agree with you.

Do you have any such proof?

BTW... there are unofficial Govt elections???

Anyone who filled out this flyer returned it to the PAC and not to the registrar. Why would they have them sent to the PAC and not to the registrar in the first place? We will never know if they did or didn't forward them on.
all you would have to do is, do just what the directions say...any questions contact the City Clerks Office......see if they are indeed sending them over.....
If you can prove even a single solitary flier was returned to the PAC, and they did not turn it in, then I would agree with you.

Do you have any such proof?

BTW... there are unofficial Govt elections???

Anyone who filled out this flyer returned it to the PAC and not to the registrar. Why would they have them sent to the PAC and not to the registrar in the first place? We will never know if they did or didn't forward them on.
all you would have to do is, do just what the directions say...any questions contact the City Clerks Office......see if they are indeed sending them over.....

fortunately, it is not my job to prove the assumption of another.

If anyone here thinks the PAC involved failed to turn over so much as a single flyer, they are free to find the proof in any way they wish. If they can do so, I'll be right there with them claiming fraud. If not, then they should cease whining about fraud they have not proven.
Boy, those WI Republicans sure love democracy. They love it so much, they've decided to take the initiative and help absentee voters by sending out fake fliers instucting them to send in their ballots no later than Aug 11. Only problem is, the election is being held on Aug 9. Those Republicans sure do love democracy, don't they?

Something Stinks in Wisconsin | GroundReport

Something stinks in Wisconsin, and it’s not the cheese. Once again a ultra right-wing Koch brothers astroturf group, Americans for Prosperity (AFP), and the Republican Party are engaging in voter suppression, if not outright voter fraud. AFP is one of the organizations that helped fund the phony Tea Party organizations.

Some might recall, during the primary elections earlier this month in Wisconsin the Republican Party placed six fake Democrats on the ballots in order to confuse voters. Fortunately for the voters, the news of the phony candidates got out, made it to mainstream media outlets, and the Republicans plan was foiled. All six of the actual Democrats won their primary challenges and are now in a recall race against the Republican state Senators that voted for the bill stripping public employees of their free speech rights to collective bargaining.

Today, POLITICO posted on their website a copy of an absentee ballots flier found over the weekend on the door handles in two heavily Democrat leaning districts. The fliers clearly state the ballots must be in the hands of the city clerk “before Aug. 11.” However, the actually election date is August 9. Anyone that sends in their ballot after the 9th will not have their vote counted.

Of course, Republicans have been on a nationwide campaign to restrict lawful Americans from voting. In Wisconsin, the stink is especially repugnant. State Representative Robin Vos, Republican co-chair of the powerful Legislative Joint Finance Committee, pushed through a bill that “enacting one of the most restrictive voter ID laws in the nation”, according to John Nichols in a recent article in the Nation titled “Rigging Elections”.
Yea sure,it's always "Voter Tampering" when Democrats lose Elections. It's funny though,you never hear them whining about such things when they win Elections huh? And no one steals Elections like Democrats anyway. How many dead Democrats are Voting up there? So cry me a river and then go away. We've heard all this before. It's boooooooring.
Yea sure,it's always "Voter Tampering" when Democrats lose Elections. It's funny though,you never hear them whining about such things when they win Elections huh? And no one steals Elections like Democrats anyway. How many dead Democrats are Voting up there? So cry me a river and then go away. We've heard all this before. It's boooooooring.

Don't forget the slashing of tires, and cigarettes for votes.
you might want to review the other thread on this. The one where I posted the email from the Wisconsin Elections Board which stated the PAC did nothing wrong?

Facts are your friends people.
Yea i'll give this one up in Wisconsin if they agree to take that Al Franken buffoon back. There's no way he won that Election in Minnesota. He should not be serving in our U.S. Senate. So lets have a swap. I'll give them this one. But Franken gots to go.
Yea sure,it's always "Voter Tampering" when Democrats lose Elections. It's funny though,you never hear them whining about such things when they win Elections huh? And no one steals Elections like Democrats anyway. How many dead Democrats are Voting up there? So cry me a river and then go away. We've heard all this before. It's boooooooring.

Hmm, did you read the OP before you took off on your rant? I think it is time the Dems start busting knee caps with garden shovels and baseball bats. Wank on that imbecile.
Yea sure,it's always "Voter Tampering" when Democrats lose Elections. It's funny though,you never hear them whining about such things when they win Elections huh? And no one steals Elections like Democrats anyway. How many dead Democrats are Voting up there? So cry me a river and then go away. We've heard all this before. It's boooooooring.

Umm what are you talking about? Dems haven't lost any elections. In fact, the one recall election that already took place had a Dem as the winner. Did you even read the article? This is actual voter tampering. Republicans sent out fake fliers trying to keep Democrat voters from getting their absentee ballots in on time. Do you care about facts, or are you just one of those knee-jerk guys? Never mind, you've already made it clear what you are.
Yea i'll give this one up in Wisconsin if they agree to take that Al Franken buffoon back. There's no way he won that Election in Minnesota. He should not be serving in our U.S. Senate. So lets have a swap. I'll give them this one. But Franken gots to go.

Well we have actual proof that Republicans are trying to steal these elections. Do you have any proof that Franken won his seat fraudulently? Of course not.
Yea sure,it's always "Voter Tampering" when Democrats lose Elections. It's funny though,you never hear them whining about such things when they win Elections huh? And no one steals Elections like Democrats anyway. How many dead Democrats are Voting up there? So cry me a river and then go away. We've heard all this before. It's boooooooring.

Hmm, did you read the OP before you took off on your rant? I think it is time the Dems start busting knee caps with garden shovels and baseball bats. Wank on that imbecile.

That is the next phase for Union Democrat assholes. Those plans are already in the works. So you'll probably get your wish. It sure wouldn't surprise me.

Just sent the email below to the Wisconsin Elections office...

Is it legal for a PAC to send out a flyer with an application for an absentee ballot, and have the mailing address that said request will be sent to listed as an address NOT controlled by the Wisconsin Elections Division?


I'll post any reply I get.

First response is the typical form letter...

Thank you for your interest in this Elections Division - Wisconsin Government Accountability Board topic. We may need to forward your question to a staff expert. Please allow time for the appropriate person to respond to your request.


Elections Division - Wisconsin Government Accountability Board

Got a response...

There is no law that restricts the ability of a PAC or any other person/organization from soliciting absentee applications to their own address.


David Buerger

Elections Specialist

Wisconsin Government Accountability Board

[email protected]

(608) 267-0951

Seems pretty definitive. No law was broken.

I included the contact information so that anyone who wants to say I made this up can verify it for themselves.
Aw Hell,lets just blame DA BOOOOOOSH,PALIN,BACHMANN and call it a day. Democrats rig Elections all the time. Now quit ya bitchin and get over it. That's life.
Aw Hell,lets just blame DA BOOOOOOSH,PALIN,BACHMANN and call it a day. Democrats rig Elections all the time. Now quit ya bitchin and get over it. That's life.

So, because Dems (supposedly) do it too, it's ok for Reps to do it? You're a man of principle, aren't you?

Just sent the email below to the Wisconsin Elections office...


I'll post any reply I get.

First response is the typical form letter...

Got a response...

There is no law that restricts the ability of a PAC or any other person/organization from soliciting absentee applications to their own address.


David Buerger

Elections Specialist

Wisconsin Government Accountability Board

[email protected]

(608) 267-0951

Seems pretty definitive. No law was broken.

I included the contact information so that anyone who wants to say I made this up can verify it for themselves.

So what? Just because no law was technically broken, that makes it ok? Please don't act like you wouldn't be foaming at the mouth if we were talking about Dems.
Yea sure,it's always "Voter Tampering" when Democrats lose Elections. It's funny though,you never hear them whining about such things when they win Elections huh? And no one steals Elections like Democrats anyway. How many dead Democrats are Voting up there? So cry me a river and then go away. We've heard all this before. It's boooooooring.

Hmm, did you read the OP before you took off on your rant? I think it is time the Dems start busting knee caps with garden shovels and baseball bats. Wank on that imbecile.

That is the next phase for Union Democrat assholes. Those plans are already in the works. So you'll probably get your wish. It sure wouldn't surprise me.

Sorry, but what do unions have to do with Republicans committing voter fraud? This ought to be good.

First response is the typical form letter...

Got a response...

There is no law that restricts the ability of a PAC or any other person/organization from soliciting absentee applications to their own address.


David Buerger

Elections Specialist

Wisconsin Government Accountability Board

[email protected]

(608) 267-0951

Seems pretty definitive. No law was broken.

I included the contact information so that anyone who wants to say I made this up can verify it for themselves.

So what? Just because no law was technically broken, that makes it ok? Please don't act like you wouldn't be foaming at the mouth if we were talking about Dems.


Got a response...

Seems pretty definitive. No law was broken.

I included the contact information so that anyone who wants to say I made this up can verify it for themselves.

So what? Just because no law was technically broken, that makes it ok? Please don't act like you wouldn't be foaming at the mouth if we were talking about Dems.


For the load on your face? Why don't you just lick it off like usual?

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