Clinton disgraced the office

Clinton took lying to a hole other level.

At the end of the day, I think him and his wife, are two of the worst people this planet has ever seen.
Is it too late for the Selective Service to go after the cowardly draft -dodger???????????????????????????????????????????
I can tell how effective any DEM is based on the nature of the lies told about him.

Obviously the hatred the GOP loyalists have gor Clinton speaks to how effectively he made them look like ineffective whiners.

Clinton STOLE the GOP's welfare reform and got it passed.

Clinton STOLE the GOP's BUDGET BALANCING complaints and balanced the budget.

No wonder they hate this guy.

He was a more effective REPUBLICAN they they EVER WERE!!!

he even gave them NAFTA... which actually was his biggest mistake. but that's another story.

I agree with you about the level of whining though. He hasn't been president in a really long time and the same people who cry "boooooooooooosh" when you point out that shrub bankrupted the country are the ones still hysterical over clinton.

what's really funny is clinton has the highest approval rating of any living former president.
Is it too late for the Selective Service to go after the cowardly draft -dodger???????????????????????????????????????????

you mean dick cheney?

Cheney had a heart -condition even in in his 20s - was unfilt for the draft .

Clinton was a flat-out draft- dodger.........................................

actually, he got five deferments... but nice lie.

Cheney and #39 - s Five Draft Deferments During the Vietnam Era Emerge as a Campaign Issue -

people were entitled to student deferments even during vietnam.

but feel free to cry about chickenhawk cheney who got his wife pregnant just as he had to ask for his last deferment and then helped lie to send how many american soldiers to their deaths?
Wow...really playing the hits today aren't we?

I went to the Selective Service in 1971and registered forthedraft .
Clinton is a disgrace. The man has no character.

I have no respect for a man that cannot curb his baser instincts in other words who can't keep his dick in his pants.

And I'm pretty sure hosing the Oval Office in bodily fluids is a sign of disrespect
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As far as I'm concerned, every president should have a stable of concubines at his/her disposal.

Here's the whole deal with Clinton...we never would've heard about the "scandal" if not for republicans allowing a Civil court case to go forward against a sitting president. (Jones v Clinton)

All members of Congress, all members of the Supreme court, and even the lowly grunt private in the military, are allowed to delay civil trials until after their term of service, or during recess.

But the single most important man in the world is forced to face charges in civil court?!

This was a despicable act by republicans who showed their true character.

I swore I would never vote republican again after what the GOP tried to do to Clinton. The "right" couldn't bring Clinton down any other way, so they resorted to taking the most powerful man in the world and forcing him to take time out from his duly elected duties to face charges in civil court.

Suppose I live next door to Bush in Crawford, Texas, and I believe Bush put a fence on my property, so I sue Bush in civil court?

Suppose I sue Bush the day after 9/11?

That ok with you right wing nut cases? After all, no one's above the law, right?
Clinton is a disgrace. The man has no character.

I have no respect for a man that cannot curb his baser instincts in other words who can't keep their his dick in his pants.

I'm sure glad you self-righteous blowhards are in the minority on this.

Fifty-five percent of those polled hold a positive view of Clinton, while only 23 percent have a negative view, the best ratio of any of the politicians or political parties polled.

Poll: Bill Clinton most popular politician - Andy Barr -

If he could run again there is NO Republican who could beat him.

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