Clinton, and The Seeds of Obama's Destruction


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.. The Obama re-election hopes are based on credit he’d like in domestic and foreign policy. It is summarized as “Osama is dead and GM is alive.” This is why it is essential that the Benghazi attack be portrayed as a spontaneous response to the Muhammad video. The have gone so far as to claim that there are few Al Queda left…but…

a. “CBS News Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan, … shredded the Obama administration and Islamist "apologists" in a recent speech for claims Al Qaeda is weakened. Logan made clear the War on Terror isn't in a downslide and said Islamists are as strong as ever with a willingness to attack Americans.” Lara Logan: The Idea Al Qaeda Is Weak is a Major Lie - Katie Pavlich

2. This is why they sent Biden out with numerous provable lies about the incident. “Newt Gingrich … bluntly attacking the Obama administration for what he sees as a deliberate and intentional lie about the fatal attack in Benghazi…Newt Gingrich: ‘Clear’ That Obama Team Had Biden Lie About Benghazi | Mediaite

a. Why did you say it was a protest? ‘The intelligence community told us that.”

b. “…we weren’t told they wanted more security there. We did not know they wanted more security again. And by the way, at the time we were told exactly — we said exactly what the intelligence community told us…”Biden's Benghazi claim: Is he lying, or is the Obama administration really this incompetent? | The Daily Caller

c. The administration’s tale is that there were no warnings about 9/11; it was all due to the video; there were no requests for additional security; they reported to the American people what they knew and when they knew it.

3. “In fact, two security officials who worked for the State Department in Libya at the time testified Thursday that they repeatedly requested more security and two State Department officials admitted they had denied those requests…. "In those conversations, I was specifically told [by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charlene Lamb] ‘You cannot request an SST extension.' I determined I was told that because there would be too much political cost. We went ahead and requested it anyway."… he said, "For me, the Taliban is on the inside of the building."… the State Department, which acknowledged receiving multiple requests for more Libya security in the months before the attacks. …requests were ignored or just never met," testified Lt. Col.Andrew Wood, a Utah National Guardsman who was leading a security team in Libya until August.” Biden contradicts State Department on Benghazi security | The Cable

a. According to Larry Kudlow, former member of th Reagan administration, when a request comes in…it is written in the security briefing by National Security Council.

b. “Conservative critics of President Obama are accusing him of “skipping” daily intelligence briefings throughout his first term and in the days leading up to this week’s deadly attacks on a U.S. diplomatic outpost in Libya.” Is President Obama ‘Skipping’ Intelligence Briefings? - ABC News

c. “State Department officials said yesterday they had never concluded the attack grew out of a protest over a video depicting the Prophet Muhammad, …” State Department Followed Benghazi Attack as It Happened - Bloomberg

4. This is key: the Clinton’s are prepared for an attempt to throw Hillary under the bus! “A nasty rift has opened up between President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over the fallout from the terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Libya that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens. This feud may undermine and threaten Obama’s reelection chances. “Libya Fallout Gives Rise to Obama-Clinton Feud

a. Ed Klein, author of “The Amateur,” (Barack Obama) reported on the Kudlow show, that Bill Clinton has gathered legal advisers to prepare to counter any such attempt by Obama to blame Hillary.

b. Klein writes “the latest quarrel began when Clinton heard that Obama was behaving so cocky about his first debate against Mitt Romney that he wasn’t taking his debate prep seriously. Clinton offered to give Obama some advice, and Obama brushed him off.

So....if Obama is lying about Benghazi and al-Queda.....his foreign policy sucesses are as empty as his domestic....

...the fraud at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is as incompetent as we on the Right warned he would be!!

Where is the apology from you who voted for this empty suit???
Obama would not think twice about throwing Hillary under the bus, as he did with his supposed friend ambassador Rice, who would have been Secretary of state if Obama wins. Now there is no chance of that.
Obama would not think twice about throwing Hillary under the bus, as he did with his supposed friend ambassador Rice, who would have been Secretary of state if Obama wins. Now there is no chance of that.

....and the grandmother who raised him:

[ame=]Obama GrandMa Typical White Person - YouTube[/ame]

The mistake, Ed Klein points out, is that the Clinton's are as capable Arkansas thug tactics as Obama is of Chicago same.
Benghazi won't sink Obama any more than Beirut sank Reagan...

...despite the latter being 50 times the tragedy, in lives lost.

1. You've missed the point:

Bill Clinton will sink him.

This Bill Clinton:

"In public, at least, they're the best of friends. And no one will have a more public role extolling President Obama than his Democratic predecessor, former President Bill Clinton.
...He derided Obama's candidacy at the time as "the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen" and reportedly dismissed Obama by saying, "A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee" (or "carrying our bags," depending on the source.)"
The Odd Couple: What Clinton Adds For Obama : It's All Politics : NPR

2. "Benghazi won't sink Obama..."
Have someone with insight read the OP to you, and explain the lengths to which Obama has gone to cover it up.....

....then, guess why.

I've seen your posts,....your first 50 or 60 guesses will be wrong.
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It's Hillarys fault? 'We didn't know"

[ame=]Biden: We Did Not Know They Wanted More Security. - YouTube[/ame]
Obama Administration Didn’t Reach Benghazi For 17 Days Because They Were WAITING ON Visa’s (Video)
Gateway Pundit ^ | 10-13-2012 | Jim Hoft

The Obama State Department testified this week that the rational that they were not on the ground for 17 days in Benghazi was because they could not get Visa’s.
Former CIA officer Gary Bernsten was on with Judge Jeanine Saturday:

Gary Bernsten:

“It’s about leadership. In this particular case I saw the Department of State and I heard testimony that said that the rational that we were not on the ground in Benghazi after 17 days is because they couldn’t get Visa’s. Which is insanity. They should have gotten people on planes, both the agency and the FBI, and similarly they should have had military people there, moving there to aid an embassy that was under attack that was sovereign US territory in an area that weakly controlled by the government. And even if it’s a diplomatic problem, you move to save your people first.”

It’s true… Press TV reported on this back on October 6th.

According to the report, security concerns had kept the American intelligence agents and investigators from traveling the 400 miles from the American embassy in Tripoli to gather evidence at the US consulate in Benghazi. Administration officials on Thursday attributed the delay to the Libyan government, which they said was slow in granting approval for the US operation.

Terrorists attacked our consulate and murdered our ambassador on 9-11 and the Obama administration waited 17 days to investigate the crime scene because they were waiting on visas.
Obama Administration Didn’t Reach Benghazi For 17 Days Because They Were WAITING ON Visa’s (Video)
Gateway Pundit ^ | 10-13-2012 | Jim Hoft

The Obama State Department testified this week that the rational that they were not on the ground for 17 days in Benghazi was because they could not get Visa’s.
Former CIA officer Gary Bernsten was on with Judge Jeanine Saturday:

Gary Bernsten:

“It’s about leadership. In this particular case I saw the Department of State and I heard testimony that said that the rational that we were not on the ground in Benghazi after 17 days is because they couldn’t get Visa’s. Which is insanity. They should have gotten people on planes, both the agency and the FBI, and similarly they should have had military people there, moving there to aid an embassy that was under attack that was sovereign US territory in an area that weakly controlled by the government. And even if it’s a diplomatic problem, you move to save your people first.”

It’s true… Press TV reported on this back on October 6th.

According to the report, security concerns had kept the American intelligence agents and investigators from traveling the 400 miles from the American embassy in Tripoli to gather evidence at the US consulate in Benghazi. Administration officials on Thursday attributed the delay to the Libyan government, which they said was slow in granting approval for the US operation.

Terrorists attacked our consulate and murdered our ambassador on 9-11 and the Obama administration waited 17 days to investigate the crime scene because they were waiting on visas.

And two weeks later, the fraud addressed the UN.....and six times advanced the fabrication that it was the video....

....not a planned assault by an organization he claimed to have decimated:

"( - In an address to the United Nations General Assembly today, President Barack Obama dedicated several long passages to discussing and condemning what the New York Times has described as a 14-minute "amateurish video" that was posted on YouTube in June."
U.S. President Speaks to U.N. About YouTube Video Posted in June |
Ah..Oh..Hillary is getting pissed.... Obama doesn't want to screw with Hillary..It won't be good for Obama:badgrin:

Hillary Strikes Back: Attaches U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to Obama White House Propaganda Messaging


The Clinton’s are clearly on a divergent path than President Obama. Hillary just Judo’d Obama in this informative article posted in the UK Daily Mail.

In this report Secretary Clinton separates U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice from her State Department, and instead says that Rice was selling the message, and following orders, from the White House, not from the State Department. President Obama made Susan Rice (UN Ambassador) a cabinet level position - not part of State Dept.
Hillary Strikes Back: Attaches U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to Obama White House Propaganda Messaging | The Last Refuge
Benghazi won't sink Obama any more than Beirut sank Reagan...

...despite the latter being 50 times the tragedy, in lives lost.

Funny I was around for Beirut. I don't recall The President sending his people out right after to lie about what happened, and why. Then Sending people to Brief congress and repeating those lies to them as well.
Benghazi won't sink Obama any more than Beirut sank Reagan...

...despite the latter being 50 times the tragedy, in lives lost.

Except that Reagan was driving policy that promoted a thriving economy, freedom, and national security, while Obama is driving policy that is collpasing our economy, stripping us of freedoms, and weakening our national security.

Obama was already going to lose in a landslide anyway (just like November 2010). This scandal is just the icing on the cake.
A major point from the OP is the reason why Obama is fabricating the details of the attack..... reveals that he has zero foreign policy successes!

A major point from the OP is the reason why Obama is fabricating the details of the attack..... reveals that he has zero foreign policy successes!


Well this is a lie.

Oh and this wont sink him. The economy is more important than some attack in another country.

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