Climate Models Continue to Significantly Overstate Warming


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
These are the models used to push the warming narrative and the government uses to justify policies with.

I know, you’re as shocked as I am. How could computer software so radically skew results in only the direction that gets the software creators even more money down the road and the government to restrict more of our freedoms?



Actuals at the bottom

Global warming was the first bogus alarm by Democrats. Then it was Covid and the vaccines, where Democrats were pathetically wrong again. Now it's bogus investigations of Trump. Their credibility is already zero but stick around, they'll come up with more bullshit jive. It's all they have. MAGA
These are the models used to push the warming narrative and the government uses to justify policies with.

I know, you’re as shocked as I am. How could computer software so radically skew results in only the direction that gets the software creators even more money down the road and the government to restrict more of our freedoms?


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Actuals at the bottom
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They kept saying that the illegals from South America are coming to America because of globull warming. Not one city is above 90 degrees down there and it is their summertime. So the big lie continues...
The citation for the current temperature is unreadable ... is that by design? ... if not, then please post ... I'd like to see why they're a degree Celsius below the NOAA citation ...

If you're using model results from the early 1970's ... you might want to consider running these same models on more advanced computers, like your wrist watch ... because the CESM2 model is right ... and it's open source ... so could you please point to the code that shows the corruption ...
The citation for the current temperature is unreadable ... is that by design? ... if not, then please post ... I'd like to see why they're a degree Celsius below the NOAA citation ...

If you're using model results from the early 1970's ... you might want to consider running these same models on more advanced computers, like your wrist watch ... because the CESM2 model is right ... and it's open source ... so could you please point to the code that shows the corruption ...
Show us how the CESM2 model has been spot on.

Link away, myther!
Show us how the CESM2 model has been spot on.

Link away, myther!

Where's your citation? ... mine's at NOAA, stupid, "Global Average Surface Temperature" ... clearly this chart shows a 1ºC temperature increase between 1973 and 2022 ... I'm asking why you've posted no increase in this time frame ... doesn't that seem odd to you ? ...

... or is this all about "Demonazis" ...
Where's your citation? ... mine's at NOAA, stupid, "Global Average Surface Temperature" ... clearly this chart shows a 1ºC temperature increase between 1973 and 2022 ... I'm asking why you've posted no increase in this time frame ... doesn't that seem odd to you ? ...

... or is this all about "Demonazis" ...
So you quote the liars who’s jobs depend upon the myth and place weather stations on roof tops and next to A/C units.

Now either back up your claim that CESM2 model is accurate or move on.


“More serious, perhaps, is the continued failure of NOAA to recognize that its climate record is really quite wrong. This official record shows a warming at the beginning of the 20th century and also at the end. The first warming is genuine, the second warming is an artifact, based on an incomplete analysis of all of the available data.

Second, while the warming may exist in the surface record of weather stations, it does not exist in the atmospheric record. In fact, the gap between model results based on increasing CO2and the atmospheric observations is continuing to grow. Scientists are at a loss in trying to explain the puzzling ineffectiveness of CO2 as a greenhouse gas.”
In fact, other than from Urban Heat Effect, there is NO WARMING, which is why there is no ongoing ice melt and hence NO OCEAN RISE.
In fact, other than from Urban Heat Effect, there is NO WARMING, which is why there is no ongoing ice melt and hence NO OCEAN RISE.

There is warming, ice melt, and ocean rise.
The problem that slowed down ocean warming, ice melt, and ocean rise, is the huge thermal mass of the oceans.
When the Northwest Passage melted open for the first time in over 100k years, in 1997, that changed ocean currents. Warm water is getting mixed with deeper currents, and it will take decades to average out all the ocean water.

But the oceans are rising at an increasing rate:


Earth lost 28 trillion tonnes of ice between 1994 and 2017: ice sheets and glaciers raised the global sea level by 34.6 ± 3.1 mm. The rate of ice loss has risen by 57% since the 1990s−from 0.8 to 1.2 trillion tonnes per year.[73]
Scientists are at a loss in trying to explain the puzzling ineffectiveness of CO2 as a greenhouse gas.”

Everyone expects what is happening.
Global temperature is not immediately changed by atmospheric carbon increases.
Carbon is not heat.
All carbon does is prevent heat loss from radiation out into space.
So the way carbon increases work is to start an increase in heat accumulation.
That heat accumulation is slow.
For a given increase in carbon in one year, the heat accumulation may take 20 years to reach a new and higher equilibrium.
What we are unsure of, is how much heat increase there will ultimately be from the carbon increases we have already caused.
There are some scientists who believe we already have ensured an over 12 degree increase, which is expected to kill all human life on the planet.

But again, there is no reason to take any risk.
We are running out of fossil fuel and it is getting too expensive.
It makes more sense to switch to hydrogen or some bio fuel, that is a little more expensive now, but will be stable and sustainable forever.
Everyone expects what is happening.
Global temperature is not immediately changed by atmospheric carbon increases.
Carbon is not heat.
All carbon does is prevent heat loss from radiation out into space.
So the way carbon increases work is to start an increase in heat accumulation.
That heat accumulation is slow.
For a given increase in carbon in one year, the heat accumulation may take 20 years to reach a new and higher equilibrium.
What we are unsure of, is how much heat increase there will ultimately be from the carbon increases we have already caused.
There are some scientists who believe we already have ensured an over 12 degree increase, which is expected to kill all human life on the planet.

But again, there is no reason to take any risk.
We are running out of fossil fuel and it is getting too expensive.
It makes more sense to switch to hydrogen or some bio fuel, that is a little more expensive now, but will be stable and sustainable forever.
Wait... are you saying the GHG effect (molecules vibrating) doesn't immediately heat up the surrounding air due to friction from the vibrating GHG molecules?
These are the models used to push the warming narrative and the government uses to justify policies with.

I know, you’re as shocked as I am. How could computer software so radically skew results in only the direction that gets the software creators even more money down the road and the government to restrict more of our freedoms?


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Actuals at the bottom
View attachment 893275

But experts. But science!

Science models is political science. It's not real science, it's a computer program to skew a graph out to push the narrative
There is warming, ice melt, and ocean rise.
The problem that slowed down ocean warming, ice melt, and ocean rise, is the huge thermal mass of the oceans.
When the Northwest Passage melted open for the first time in over 100k years, in 1997, that changed ocean currents. Warm water is getting mixed with deeper currents, and it will take decades to average out all the ocean water.

But the oceans are rising at an increasing rate:


Earth lost 28 trillion tonnes of ice between 1994 and 2017: ice sheets and glaciers raised the global sea level by 34.6 ± 3.1 mm. The rate of ice loss has risen by 57% since the 1990s−from 0.8 to 1.2 trillion tonnes per year.[73]

Show us a PHOTO of something sinking because of "ocean rise," and when you cannot do that, ask yourself WHY....
These are the models used to push the warming narrative and the government uses to justify policies with.

I know, you’re as shocked as I am. How could computer software so radically skew results in only the direction that gets the software creators even more money down the road and the government to restrict more of our freedoms?


View attachment 893276

Actuals at the bottom
View attachment 893275

Heritage ? You bozos are blatantly ignorant. Heritage is no source for anything but garbage ..
These are the models used to push the warming narrative and the government uses to justify policies with.

I know, you’re as shocked as I am. How could computer software so radically skew results in only the direction that gets the software creators even more money down the road and the government to restrict more of our freedoms?


View attachment 893276

Actuals at the bottom
View attachment 893275

It has always been a scam.
Everyone expects what is happening.
Global temperature is not immediately changed by atmospheric carbon increases.
Carbon is not heat.
All carbon does is prevent heat loss from radiation out into space.
So the way carbon increases work is to start an increase in heat accumulation.
That heat accumulation is slow.
For a given increase in carbon in one year, the heat accumulation may take 20 years to reach a new and higher equilibrium.
What we are unsure of, is how much heat increase there will ultimately be from the carbon increases we have already caused.
There are some scientists who believe we already have ensured an over 12 degree increase, which is expected to kill all human life on the planet.

But again, there is no reason to take any risk.
We are running out of fossil fuel and it is getting too expensive.
It makes more sense to switch to hydrogen or some bio fuel, that is a little more expensive now, but will be stable and sustainable forever.
The idiots don't know jackshit about atmospheric CO2 and they sure as hell can't model it with any degree of accuracy. Of course if you give them research grant money they will sure as hell come up with any conclusion you want. Research Climate Scientists have a record of being bought and paid for almost as bad as politicans.

The earth was cooler several times when the CO2 levels were much higher and it was warmer at times when it was lower. CO2 levels lags temperature increases for the most part.

CO2 at the levels we see now have no effect on climate as a green house gas. Anybody that tells you different is part of the scam.

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