CDZ Climate Denial or Climate Dishonesty?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Check out the projected days over 104 degrees after 2020 and compare them with the actual days over 104 degrees from 1960 to the present:

June 21, 2017 3:05 PM
Sick of Sacramento days above 104°? Scientists say your kids will see a lot more of them
By Phillip Reese

[email protected]

Sacramento likely will see its fifth straight day of temperatures above 104 degrees on Thursday, an unusually intense heat wave.

Such heat waves will be the norm if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise over the rest of the century, according to projections by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego.

Sacramento saw an average of four days each year when temperatures exceeded 104 degrees between 1960 and 2000.

Sacramento will see an average of 40 days each year with temperatures above 104 degrees between 2070 and 2100 if emissions continue to rise strongly through 2050 and plateau around 2100, according to the UC San Diego projections. For comparison, Tucson, AZ, saw about 30 days that hot last year.

That model predicts that Sacramento will begin to see several days with temperatures above 104 degrees in May and October as soon as the next decade.

A more hopeful scenario assumes the state will cut back emissions so they peak around 2040, then begin to decline. It provides a slightly rosier picture: 28 Sacramento days per year with temperatures over 104 degrees by 2100, with extreme heat in May and October beginning around 2040.

This chart shows the projected number of 100 degree days in Sacramento under the two scenarios. It uses the second generation Canadian Earth System Model, a widely-disseminated climate model developed by the Canadian government.

Data Tracker is a regular feature that breaks down the numbers behind today’s news. Explore more trends at

Phillip Reese: 916-321-1137, @PhillipHReese

Notice anything interesting? While the actual number of days over 104 degrees has remained constant over the past six decades, the projected number of days over 104 degrees for the next six decades is up to 10 times greater! How is it that all of the emissions of the last 60 years has had no effect on the number of these days, but the effects of emissions during the next 60 years will have an astronomical effect?

The answer is that this ludicrous claim is based on a concocted "model" which is completely devoid of empirical data. In our society, fake science is every bit as prevalent as fake news.
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I always like how the left say they are for the poor yet won't tell them the real facts on the Paris accord and the money involved.

Check out the chart of projected days over 104 degrees after 2020 and compare them with the actual days over 104 degrees from 1960 to the present:

Notice anything interesting? While the actual number of days over 104 degrees has remained constant over the past six decades, the projected number of days over 104 degrees for the next six decades is up to 10 times greater! How is it that all of the emissions of the last 60 years has had no effect on the number of these days, but the effects of emissions during the next 60 years will have an astronomical effect?

The answer is that this ludicrous claim is based on a concocted "model" which is completely devoid of empirical data. In our society, fake science is every bit as prevalent as fake news.
You chicken littles need to get your lies straight before spewing them.

Absolute proof global warming is real
' Something the global heating Denialists should be forced to write on the blackboard 1,000 times after school : WEATHER IS NOT CLIMATE...

Come on, cons. You loved to talk about snow in please talk about heat in Iran please
Weather is not climate.

Warm weather causes 40' wall of snow isolates town
Weather is not climate.

Climate is Weather
No, weather is not climate.

997 record highs in the last week
Newsflash Chris - weather is not climate.
Check out the chart of projected days over 104 degrees after 2020 and compare them with the actual days over 104 degrees from 1960 to the present:

Notice anything interesting? While the actual number of days over 104 degrees has remained constant over the past six decades, the projected number of days over 104 degrees for the next six decades is up to 10 times greater! How is it that all of the emissions of the last 60 years has had no effect on the number of these days, but the effects of emissions during the next 60 years will have an astronomical effect?

The answer is that this ludicrous claim is based on a concocted "model" which is completely devoid of empirical data. In our society, fake science is every bit as prevalent as fake news.
You chicken littles need to get your lies straight before spewing them.

Absolute proof global warming is real
' Something the global heating Denialists should be forced to write on the blackboard 1,000 times after school : WEATHER IS NOT CLIMATE...

Come on, cons. You loved to talk about snow in please talk about heat in Iran please
Weather is not climate.

Warm weather causes 40' wall of snow isolates town
Weather is not climate.

Climate is Weather
No, weather is not climate.

997 record highs in the last week
Newsflash Chris - weather is not climate.

Why don't you address the "findings" cited in the OP?

P.S. Your "chicken little" reference is pathetically misplaced...
All valid points.

End result is for some reason the world is getting warmer. Me being conservative, I am going to back mildly stricter standards instead of liberally looking at one flowing glacier and thinking the ice caps are expanding.

I'm not gonna take away your car, heck, I own 3 cars which EACH HAVE 250 to 350 HP.

But sure, lets not cripple our economy so much we can't fight the Chinese but lets not be lazy and not prod alomg a littld tougher emissions standards.

Anyways, if the ice age was coming and you wanted to stop it, what would you do?
Check out the projected days over 104 degrees after 2020 and compare them with the actual days over 104 degrees from 1960 to the present:

June 21, 2017 3:05 PM
Sick of Sacramento days above 104°? Scientists say your kids will see a lot more of them
By Phillip Reese

[email protected]

Sacramento likely will see its fifth straight day of temperatures above 104 degrees on Thursday, an unusually intense heat wave.

Such heat waves will be the norm if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise over the rest of the century, according to projections by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego.

Sacramento saw an average of four days each year when temperatures exceeded 104 degrees between 1960 and 2000.

Sacramento will see an average of 40 days each year with temperatures above 104 degrees between 2070 and 2100 if emissions continue to rise strongly through 2050 and plateau around 2100, according to the UC San Diego projections. For comparison, Tucson, AZ, saw about 30 days that hot last year.

That model predicts that Sacramento will begin to see several days with temperatures above 104 degrees in May and October as soon as the next decade.

A more hopeful scenario assumes the state will cut back emissions so they peak around 2040, then begin to decline. It provides a slightly rosier picture: 28 Sacramento days per year with temperatures over 104 degrees by 2100, with extreme heat in May and October beginning around 2040.

This chart shows the projected number of 100 degree days in Sacramento under the two scenarios. It uses the second generation Canadian Earth System Model, a widely-disseminated climate model developed by the Canadian government.

Data Tracker is a regular feature that breaks down the numbers behind today’s news. Explore more trends at

Phillip Reese: 916-321-1137, @PhillipHReese

Notice anything interesting? While the actual number of days over 104 degrees has remained constant over the past six decades, the projected number of days over 104 degrees for the next six decades is up to 10 times greater! How is it that all of the emissions of the last 60 years has had no effect on the number of these days, but the effects of emissions during the next 60 years will have an astronomical effect?

The answer is that this ludicrous claim is based on a concocted "model" which is completely devoid of empirical data. In our society, fake science is every bit as prevalent as fake news.
I don't trust anything coming out of Canada now days, Progressives have it fully tied up in knots and control most if not all of the main media outlets. Talked with several people from there and they agree that things have changed for the worst up north. I think this is why many are moving to the U.S>A for more freedom. Who would ever have expected that to happen.
Check out the projected days over 104 degrees after 2020 and compare them with the actual days over 104 degrees from 1960 to the present:

June 21, 2017 3:05 PM
Sick of Sacramento days above 104°? Scientists say your kids will see a lot more of them
By Phillip Reese

[email protected]

Sacramento likely will see its fifth straight day of temperatures above 104 degrees on Thursday, an unusually intense heat wave.

Such heat waves will be the norm if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise over the rest of the century, according to projections by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego.

Sacramento saw an average of four days each year when temperatures exceeded 104 degrees between 1960 and 2000.

Sacramento will see an average of 40 days each year with temperatures above 104 degrees between 2070 and 2100 if emissions continue to rise strongly through 2050 and plateau around 2100, according to the UC San Diego projections. For comparison, Tucson, AZ, saw about 30 days that hot last year.

That model predicts that Sacramento will begin to see several days with temperatures above 104 degrees in May and October as soon as the next decade.

A more hopeful scenario assumes the state will cut back emissions so they peak around 2040, then begin to decline. It provides a slightly rosier picture: 28 Sacramento days per year with temperatures over 104 degrees by 2100, with extreme heat in May and October beginning around 2040.

This chart shows the projected number of 100 degree days in Sacramento under the two scenarios. It uses the second generation Canadian Earth System Model, a widely-disseminated climate model developed by the Canadian government.

Data Tracker is a regular feature that breaks down the numbers behind today’s news. Explore more trends at

Phillip Reese: 916-321-1137, @PhillipHReese

Notice anything interesting? While the actual number of days over 104 degrees has remained constant over the past six decades, the projected number of days over 104 degrees for the next six decades is up to 10 times greater! How is it that all of the emissions of the last 60 years has had no effect on the number of these days, but the effects of emissions during the next 60 years will have an astronomical effect?

The answer is that this ludicrous claim is based on a concocted "model" which is completely devoid of empirical data. In our society, fake science is every bit as prevalent as fake news.
I don't trust anything coming out of Canada now days, Progressives have it fully tied up in knots and control most if not all of the main media outlets. Talked with several people from there and they agree that things have changed for the worst up north. I think this is why many are moving to the U.S>A for more freedom. Who would ever have expected that to happen.

Well then, lets take it one step at a time.

Are glaciers almost world wide retreating?

The answer is yes.

Oceans also seem to be rising.

From that I believe it is almost certain the world is getting warmer.

Now we are down to the possible causes:
solar output
orbital changes
natural cycles
man made greenhouse gases
urban heat islands (my own from my horticultural experiences)

Perhaps we aren't all that different. What do you think we should do?
Whatever one model may have stated or not the fact does remain that weather does not reflect overall climate.
A shift in global temperatures WILL make simple places COLDER and others warmer - that is a fact.

I would add that anyone trying to predict overall weather trends is an a single city or state clearly is not bothering with science whatsoever - there are simply to many variables to consider.
Check out the projected days over 104 degrees after 2020 and compare them with the actual days over 104 degrees from 1960 to the present:

June 21, 2017 3:05 PM
Sick of Sacramento days above 104°? Scientists say your kids will see a lot more of them
By Phillip Reese

[email protected]

Sacramento likely will see its fifth straight day of temperatures above 104 degrees on Thursday, an unusually intense heat wave.

Such heat waves will be the norm if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise over the rest of the century, according to projections by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego.

Sacramento saw an average of four days each year when temperatures exceeded 104 degrees between 1960 and 2000.

Sacramento will see an average of 40 days each year with temperatures above 104 degrees between 2070 and 2100 if emissions continue to rise strongly through 2050 and plateau around 2100, according to the UC San Diego projections. For comparison, Tucson, AZ, saw about 30 days that hot last year.

That model predicts that Sacramento will begin to see several days with temperatures above 104 degrees in May and October as soon as the next decade.

A more hopeful scenario assumes the state will cut back emissions so they peak around 2040, then begin to decline. It provides a slightly rosier picture: 28 Sacramento days per year with temperatures over 104 degrees by 2100, with extreme heat in May and October beginning around 2040.

This chart shows the projected number of 100 degree days in Sacramento under the two scenarios. It uses the second generation Canadian Earth System Model, a widely-disseminated climate model developed by the Canadian government.

Data Tracker is a regular feature that breaks down the numbers behind today’s news. Explore more trends at

Phillip Reese: 916-321-1137, @PhillipHReese

Notice anything interesting? While the actual number of days over 104 degrees has remained constant over the past six decades, the projected number of days over 104 degrees for the next six decades is up to 10 times greater! How is it that all of the emissions of the last 60 years has had no effect on the number of these days, but the effects of emissions during the next 60 years will have an astronomical effect?

The answer is that this ludicrous claim is based on a concocted "model" which is completely devoid of empirical data. In our society, fake science is every bit as prevalent as fake news.
I don't trust anything coming out of Canada now days, Progressives have it fully tied up in knots and control most if not all of the main media outlets. Talked with several people from there and they agree that things have changed for the worst up north. I think this is why many are moving to the U.S>A for more freedom. Who would ever have expected that to happen.

Well then, lets take it one step at a time.

Are glaciers almost world wide retreating?

The answer is yes.

Oceans also seem to be rising.

From that I believe it is almost certain the world is getting warmer.

Now we are down to the possible causes:
solar output
orbital changes
natural cycles
man made greenhouse gases
urban heat islands (my own from my horticultural experiences)

Perhaps we aren't all that different. What do you think we should do?

And yet, no. There isn't any proof any of what you mentioned is actually happening from a source that can actually be trusted. After Climategate, all research needs to be seen as compromised .....and then you had NASA caught cooking the books as well........there is too much money involved to trust any of these people, then throw in the anti-West, anti-capitalism agenda and there is no way to trust these people...
All valid points.

End result is for some reason the world is getting warmer. Me being conservative, I am going to back mildly stricter standards instead of liberally looking at one flowing glacier and thinking the ice caps are expanding.

I'm not gonna take away your car, heck, I own 3 cars which EACH HAVE 250 to 350 HP.

But sure, lets not cripple our economy so much we can't fight the Chinese but lets not be lazy and not prod alomg a littld tougher emissions standards.

Anyways, if the ice age was coming and you wanted to stop it, what would you do?

The world always gets warmer until it maxes out and then starts proceeding toward the next ice age

Based on what the pro-AGW climate scientists have been able to determine--and their determinations are based on the climate models that they developed using government money that only goes to pro-AGW research--if AGW is real, we may be holding off the next ice age at least for awhile.

Scientists who don't have a political (or self serving) agenda, however, seem to attribute climate change to forces well beyond what we humans have ability to affect except on a minute scale:

Between 20 and 16 million years ago, there was a brief respite from the big chill, but this was followed by a second major cooling period so intense that by 7 million years ago southeastern Greenland was completely covered with glaciers, and by 5-6 million years ago, the glaciers were creeping into Scandinavia and the northern Pacific region. The Earth was once more released from the grip of the big chill between 5 and 3 million years ago, when the sea was much warmer around North America and the Antarctic than it is today. Warm-weather plants grew in Northern Europe where today they cannot survive, and trees grew in Iceland, Greenland, and Canada as far north as 82 degrees North.

We are still in the midst of the third major cooling period that began around 3 million years ago. . . .​
What Triggers Ice Ages? — NOVA | PBS
Check out the projected days over 104 degrees after 2020 and compare them with the actual days over 104 degrees from 1960 to the present:

June 21, 2017 3:05 PM
Sick of Sacramento days above 104°? Scientists say your kids will see a lot more of them
By Phillip Reese

[email protected]

Sacramento likely will see its fifth straight day of temperatures above 104 degrees on Thursday, an unusually intense heat wave.

Such heat waves will be the norm if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise over the rest of the century, according to projections by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego.

Sacramento saw an average of four days each year when temperatures exceeded 104 degrees between 1960 and 2000.

Sacramento will see an average of 40 days each year with temperatures above 104 degrees between 2070 and 2100 if emissions continue to rise strongly through 2050 and plateau around 2100, according to the UC San Diego projections. For comparison, Tucson, AZ, saw about 30 days that hot last year.

That model predicts that Sacramento will begin to see several days with temperatures above 104 degrees in May and October as soon as the next decade.

A more hopeful scenario assumes the state will cut back emissions so they peak around 2040, then begin to decline. It provides a slightly rosier picture: 28 Sacramento days per year with temperatures over 104 degrees by 2100, with extreme heat in May and October beginning around 2040.

This chart shows the projected number of 100 degree days in Sacramento under the two scenarios. It uses the second generation Canadian Earth System Model, a widely-disseminated climate model developed by the Canadian government.

Data Tracker is a regular feature that breaks down the numbers behind today’s news. Explore more trends at

Phillip Reese: 916-321-1137, @PhillipHReese

Notice anything interesting? While the actual number of days over 104 degrees has remained constant over the past six decades, the projected number of days over 104 degrees for the next six decades is up to 10 times greater! How is it that all of the emissions of the last 60 years has had no effect on the number of these days, but the effects of emissions during the next 60 years will have an astronomical effect?

The answer is that this ludicrous claim is based on a concocted "model" which is completely devoid of empirical data. In our society, fake science is every bit as prevalent as fake news.
I don't trust anything coming out of Canada now days, Progressives have it fully tied up in knots and control most if not all of the main media outlets. Talked with several people from there and they agree that things have changed for the worst up north. I think this is why many are moving to the U.S>A for more freedom. Who would ever have expected that to happen.

Well then, lets take it one step at a time.

Are glaciers almost world wide retreating?

The answer is yes.

Oceans also seem to be rising.

From that I believe it is almost certain the world is getting warmer.

Now we are down to the possible causes:
solar output
orbital changes
natural cycles
man made greenhouse gases
urban heat islands (my own from my horticultural experiences)

Perhaps we aren't all that different. What do you think we should do?
How about the Weather changes just like it has in History. Then you can understand why the Weather in Egypt is so dry, this was because the Himalayas were growing up. So it blocked the weather system and changed the flow of the upper winds carrying moisture away from the area. North Africa use to be wet and now its dry, proven by space photos of dry river beds and lakes. At one time the Gulf stream moved away from the British Isles and it got colder, but did return. They could really be happy with Global warming. You do have the carbon tax people who want to profit, even if they lie to get the support and the people to buy into the global warming story.
Are glaciers almost world wide retreating?

The answer is yes.

Oceans also seem to be rising.

From that I believe it is almost certain the world is getting warmer.

How about actual temperature measurements? :cow:
The key word is "PROJECTED". From a "model".

Q: Which of the climate "models" from the past 20 years have been able to accurately predict today's weather?

A: None of them.

Totally wrong. The models have been very good. Anyone familiar with the science knows that. That's why no denier knows it -- they only know what their cult sees fit to tell them, and their cult deliberately keeps them ignorant.

I suggest you deniers now refrain from posting the fraudulent Christy graph, as that would only confirm the way deniers always push fraud. Here's the actual record.

Climate model projections compared to observations[/QUOTE]

Thing is, the models aren't even necessary. The directly measured data proves global warming theory is correct. The success of the models is just icing on the cake.
How about actual temperature measurements?

Not a problem. Actual data is never a problem for we people on the rational side.

Check out the projected days over 104 degrees after 2020 and compare them with the actual days over 104 degrees from 1960 to the present:

June 21, 2017 3:05 PM
Sick of Sacramento days above 104°? Scientists say your kids will see a lot more of them
By Phillip Reese

[email protected]

Sacramento likely will see its fifth straight day of temperatures above 104 degrees on Thursday, an unusually intense heat wave.

Such heat waves will be the norm if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise over the rest of the century, according to projections by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego.

Sacramento saw an average of four days each year when temperatures exceeded 104 degrees between 1960 and 2000.

Sacramento will see an average of 40 days each year with temperatures above 104 degrees between 2070 and 2100 if emissions continue to rise strongly through 2050 and plateau around 2100, according to the UC San Diego projections. For comparison, Tucson, AZ, saw about 30 days that hot last year.

That model predicts that Sacramento will begin to see several days with temperatures above 104 degrees in May and October as soon as the next decade.

A more hopeful scenario assumes the state will cut back emissions so they peak around 2040, then begin to decline. It provides a slightly rosier picture: 28 Sacramento days per year with temperatures over 104 degrees by 2100, with extreme heat in May and October beginning around 2040.

This chart shows the projected number of 100 degree days in Sacramento under the two scenarios. It uses the second generation Canadian Earth System Model, a widely-disseminated climate model developed by the Canadian government.

Data Tracker is a regular feature that breaks down the numbers behind today’s news. Explore more trends at

Phillip Reese: 916-321-1137, @PhillipHReese

Notice anything interesting? While the actual number of days over 104 degrees has remained constant over the past six decades, the projected number of days over 104 degrees for the next six decades is up to 10 times greater! How is it that all of the emissions of the last 60 years has had no effect on the number of these days, but the effects of emissions during the next 60 years will have an astronomical effect?

The answer is that this ludicrous claim is based on a concocted "model" which is completely devoid of empirical data. In our society, fake science is every bit as prevalent as fake news.

All of the projections have been CONSISTENTLY scaled back. The original predictions from the 80s and 90s have already failed. And after 60 years of reasonably accurate record keeping, there is still NO SIGN of any "accelerated" warming. It's not a crisis if a couple 102 degree days get promoted to 104 deg days. Not compared to the hysterical predictions and accelerated warming scenarios offered up when this circus first rolled into town..
How about actual temperature measurements?

Not a problem. Actual data is never a problem for we people on the rational side.


Fake as the day is long. They've wiped out the 1998 El Nino completely. There is no ACCELERATION at the end of the graph. It all comes from a desperate attempt to go back 19th century methods of measuring water temperature by the folks at Goddard Inst for SPACE Studies. The folks that don't want to use their fleet of SATELLITES to track temperature....
Fake as the day is long.

It must be rough for you. As time goes on, and all the data disagrees with you more and more strongly, your conspiracy theories have to get progressively crazier to explain why reality refuses match your claims.

They've wiped out the 1998 El Nino completely.

No, it just doesn't have the huge erroneous effect that shows up in the much less accurate satellite measurements.

There is no ACCELERATION at the end of the graph.

But nobody claimed warming will be accelerating.

It all comes from a desperate attempt to go back 19th century methods of measuring water temperature by the folks at Goddard Inst for SPACE Studies.

Are you going to start rambling about buckets now?

The folks that don't want to use their fleet of SATELLITES to track temperature....

Being that satellites don't measure temperature, why would anyone want to use satellites for measuring temperature? Satellites only measure microwave radiation from across the whole troposphere. That doesn't show surface temperature, and it's only loosely tied to temperature at all. Such data has to be massaged and tweaked and run through a very complex model using all the right fudge factors to get a guess at temperature. That's why the sensible people don't rely on satellite data to get temperature. Dr. Mears of RSS, for example, says that the surface data set is obviously better, and that his satellite data should not be used in climate studies.

Sensible people measure temperature on the surface by measuring temperature on the surface, using miraculous devices called "thermometers" which directly measure actual temperature. It's an obvious indication of pseudoscience when a group deliberately throws away the good data so that they can use much fuzzier data. That's what deniers do in more or less every case, which is another reason why it's so obvious that denialism is pseudoscience.

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