Climate change is a global control and tax opportunity that DEMs cannot resist


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Obama says the greatest threat facing us is climate change. Now why would he say that with the entire Middle East in chaos, government entitlements growing, debt skyrocketing? Because "climate change" is the holy grail of tax and control which is the prime directive of the Democratic Party. That is what they want, they don't want to fix things or make life better for anyone. They want above all else to expand the reach of government into everything while ignoring all the boring stuff Federal government is supposed to do. You know stuff like domestic security, Federal highways and bridges, foreign policy.
You can talk all you want about climate change/global warming the bottom line is this: It is IMPOSSIBLE to know what the human contribution is to increasing global temperature. Period. You can make a computer model tell you anything you want.

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