Climate change caused by man is false and we have proven it already.

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How We Know Today's Climate Change Is Not Natural 4, 2017 - Last week, the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, chaired by climate contrarian Lamar Smith, R-Texas, held a hearing on ...

How do we know global warming is not a natural cycle? | Climate ... 7, 2009 - Answer. If the Earth's temperature had been steady for millions of years and only started rising in the past half century or so, the answer would ...

How do we know? - Evidence | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of ... Signs of the Planet: Global Climate Change and Global Warming. ...Not only was 2016 the warmest year on record, but eight of the 12 months that make up .... the Earth's natural greenhouse effect and suggested that slight changes in the ...

Human fingerprints on climate change rule out natural cycles, internal forces do not cause climate change. ... and oceanic emissions of CO2 and know that they are small compared to anthropogenic emissions, but ...
How Do We Know Humans Are Causing Climate Change? | Climate ... 1, 2019 - Yes, we know humans are responsible for the climate changewe see ... as if we're wrapping another, not-so-natural blanket around the Earth.

Global warming isn't just a natural cycle » Yale Climate Connections 18, 2018 - Here's how we know that. ... Global warming isn't just anatural cycle. By Sara Peach on Sep ... The earth's temperature changesnaturally over time. Variations ... Earth's warming: How scientists know it'snot the sun. From Yale ...

How Do We Know that Humans Are the Major Cause of Global ... to Natural and human factors that influence the climate (known as ...- Natural climate drivers include the energy ... in snow and ice cover thatchange how much ... if it were not for these human-made and natural tiny particles.



Those are all theories. All of my examples were evidence.

And it still doesn't dismiss the fact that everything (and much worse) that is happening now hasn't happened multiple times millions of years before man ever showed up. So this idea that man has somehow created all of these things that have never happened before it a complete falsehood.

The fact is we don't know exact time frames for onset down to a specific year from 350 million years ago, no one can be that specific about a time so long ago. So this idea they can somehow say onset is faster and a reaction to man is entirely based on nothing.

So I reject your hypothesis.
I think its naive to think humans don't effect the climate. Imagine a world without humans in which there are not cities, no roads no infrastructure as built by humans and replace that with wilderness. Think about the square miles of that wilderness that now has the foot print of humans. The asphalt and buildings for nearly 8 billion people alone has got to have some effect on the climate. I used to work with a guy that flew a glider plane as a hobby. He told me how he would glide over a parking lot and the heated air would take him up in altitude.
I think its naive to think humans don't effect the climate. Imagine a world without humans in which there are not cities, no roads no infrastructure as built by humans and replace that with wilderness. Think about the square miles of that wilderness that now has the foot print of humans. The asphalt and buildings for nearly 8 billion people alone has got to have some effect on the climate. I used to work with a guy that flew a glider plane as a hobby. He told me how he would glide over a parking lot and the heated air would take him up in altitude.
Naive? tell me how we affect the wind?
Naive? tell me how we affect the wind?
I told you one way in the post you quoted. Over a large parking lot the heated air rises. That's why my friend who flew gliders would glide over a sun heated parking lot so that he could increase in altitude.

NY city is 306 square miles.. Yes, if you think there is no difference in the climate for that place on Earth than it would be had people not built NC City and it were simply wilderness, then you are naive. The structures built by man absorb and reflects sun light/heat differently than the land would without those structures.

Now do I buy into the end of the planet due to global But to think we humans have zero effect on the climate is naive considering how much we have changed the surface of the planet in many areas.
I told you one way in the post you quoted. Over a large parking lot the heated air rises. That's why my friend who flew gliders would glide over a sun heated parking lot so that he could increase in altitude.
how's that any different than the dirt that was there before it? Or do you think dirt doesn't radiate?
If you believe climate change is caused by man then don't forget some of these facts we all know and have been agreed upon by scientists allover the world for decades now.

350 million years ago Antarctica was a unfrozen continent with life on it.

2.6 million years ago most of earth was covered in ice.

There have been a lot of times the earths poles have reversed millions of years before man.

Over 300 million years ago we lost the ozone layer which killed most life.

Those are just some examples of how earth is always changing. Earth has seen world wide floods, world wide fires, tectonic activity so great it broke apart land masses, been bombarded by cosmic radiation, extinction level volcanic activity and a lot more millions and billions of years before man ever showed up.

Man wasn't even around to manufacture all of those changes. Man is not "causing climate change" because climate change is a natural occurrence of earth itself. We can not stop it, we can not change, we can't even alter it because it's the planet itself doing this as it always has for billions of years.

Anytime you see someone say climate change feel free to link this post or any of the countless forms of evidence found online from credible sources showing even simply Antarctica hasn't always been frozen when you see some moron say we're causing it melt and the oceans to rise.
Doesn't's too late to fix now.
how's that any different than the dirt that was there before it? Or do you think dirt doesn't radiate?
I think it's pretty obvious that pavement isn't covered in vegetation such as trees.
all of that still radiates. without the sun you got nothing. Man doesn't create the sun.
I agree, without the sun we've got nothing. That being said, sun radiates off of trees differently that it radiates off asphalt and roof tops.

Also, lakes are know to effect climate. Got any man made lakes in your area? They are all over the place. Not as big as the great lakes, but still a lot of area in which rivers have been impounded to make lakes.

I am not arguing that man is the sole driver of climate change, but like I said, if you think man has zero effect on the climate then you are naive.
I agree, without the sun we've got nothing. That being said, sun radiates off of trees differently that it radiates off asphalt and roof tops.

Also, lakes are know to effect climate. Got any man made lakes in your area? They are all over the place. Not as big as the great lakes, but still a lot of area in which rivers have been impounded to make lakes.

I am not arguing that man is the sole driver of climate change, but like I said, if you think man has zero effect on the climate then you are naive.
wind blows even when there is no sun, how does it blow at night?
wind blows even when there is no sun, how does it blow at night?
So, what. Wind blows in many different of climates. I never said the wind wouldn't blow without man or because of man.

I'm done arguing with you. If you disagree with me, that's fine. If you think I'm full of shit and I think you are naive.. so be it.
So, what. Wind blows in many different of climates. I never said the wind wouldn't blow without man or because of man.

I'm done arguing with you. If you disagree with me, that's fine. If you think I'm full of shit and I think you are naive.. so be it.
yep and man has no control on how it blows. To say we did like you did infers we can change it. You don't realize what you even said.
yep and man has no control on how it blows. To say we did like you did infers we can change it. You don't realize what you even said.
LOL.... control... talk about moving the goal posts.
If you believe climate change is caused by man then don't forget some of these facts we all know and have been agreed upon by scientists allover the world for decades now.

350 million years ago Antarctica was a unfrozen continent with life on it.

2.6 million years ago most of earth was covered in ice.

There have been a lot of times the earths poles have reversed millions of years before man.

Over 300 million years ago we lost the ozone layer which killed most life.

Those are just some examples of how earth is always changing. Earth has seen world wide floods, world wide fires, tectonic activity so great it broke apart land masses, been bombarded by cosmic radiation, extinction level volcanic activity and a lot more millions and billions of years before man ever showed up.

Man wasn't even around to manufacture all of those changes. Man is not "causing climate change" because climate change is a natural occurrence of earth itself. We can not stop it, we can not change, we can't even alter it because it's the planet itself doing this as it always has for billions of years.

Anytime you see someone say climate change feel free to link this post or any of the countless forms of evidence found online from credible sources showing even simply Antarctica hasn't always been frozen when you see some moron say we're causing it melt and the oceans to rise.
It astounds me that someone could type all that and never realize how fundamental an error in logic they are making. To resurrect Mamooth's aging but ever-pertinent analog: we had forest fires before humans evolved. Therefore forest fires cannot be caused by humans. Right? Right? For christ's sake wake up your brain.
Impressive list of links from your Priests and Shamans.

I wonder if any other religions have similar links? (correlation)

The challenge here would be for you to refute the reasons given (if you can). Presenting other articles pushing other completely disparate points of view says NOTHING about Abu Akak's article other than that you are apparently unable to challenge his points. Any of them.
Mid-Holocene Warm Period – About 6,000 Years Ago

""Mid-Holocene Warm Period – About 6,000 Years Ago Paleoclimatologists have long suspected that the "middle Holocene," a period roughly from 7,000 to 5,000 years ago, was warmer than the present day. Terms like the Altithermal or Hypsithermal or Climatic Optimum have all been used to refer to this warm period that marked the middle of the current interglacial period.
Today, however, we know that these terms are obsolete and that the truth of the Holocene is more complicated than originally believed. What is most remarkable about the mid-Holocene is that we now have a good understanding of both the global patterns of temperature change during that period and what caused them.

It appears clear that changes in Earth's orbit have operated slowly over thousands and millions of years to change the amount of solar radiation reaching each latitudinal band of Earth during each month. These Orbital changes can be easily calculated and predict that the Northern Hemisphere Should have been warmer than today during the mid-Holocene in the summer and colder in the winter. The combination of warmer summers and colder winters is apparent for some regions in the proxy records and model simulations. There are some important exceptions to this pattern, however, including colder summers in the monsoon regions of Africa and Asia due to stronger monsoons with associated increased cloud cover during the mid-Holocene, and warmer winters at high latitudes due to reduction of winter sea ice cover caused by more summer melting.

In summary, the mid-Holocene, roughly 6,000 years ago, was generally warmer than today during summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
In some locations, this could be true for winter as well.
Moreover, we clearly know the cause of this Natural warming, and we know without doubt that this proven "astronomical" climate forcing mechanism CANNOT be responsible for the warming over the last 100 years. Mid-Holocene Warm Period & Penultimate Interglacial Period & Early Eocene Period -FINAL OCT 2021.pdf

NOAA, the CDC of weather.
The challenge here would be for you to refute the reasons given (if you can). Presenting other articles pushing other completely disparate points of view says NOTHING about Abu Akak's article other than that you are apparently unable to challenge his points. Any of them.
The challenge for you warmers is that your models have NEVER EVER been predictive.....Thus rendering all your text bricks of "points" and pretty colored charts and graphs impotent.
Climate models all the way back to Hansen's 1985 issue HAVE been predictive. Your statement is false.
Apparently, one of the Cardinals of your cult disagrees.....


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