Climate change and our children!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Hmmmm..........a new one on me. A group of kids suing the government for "inaction on climate change"......thus "violating children's constitutional rights to freedom, liberty and property". Holy fuck....:ack-1:....these pos's are now resorting to using kids to meet economic and political objectives.

Except the factual assertions of the lawsuit are fatally the author astutely points out here >>>

That is only the beginning of the problematic factual assertions and assumptions underlying the children's lawsuit. The measureable effects of increasing GHG concentrations are far smaller than the climate models would lead one to believe. The degree to which recent warming has been anthropogenic is unsettled in the scientific literature; and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its fifth assessment report (AR5) has reduced its estimated range of the effect in 2100 of a doubling of GHG concentrations from 2.0–4.5 to 1.5–4.5 degrees C.

There actually is little evidence of strong climate effects attendant upon increasing GHG concentrations, in terms of sea levels; Arctic and Antarctic sea ice; tornado activity; tropical cyclones; U.S. wildfires; drought; and flooding. IPCC in the AR5 is deeply dubious (Table 12.4) about the various severe effects often hypothesized (or asserted) as future impacts of increasing GHG concentrations

fakery is ghey:gay:

The author correctly concludes.........

"It is part of the long-term effort by the environmental left to use any means possible to exert control over other people's property, economic choices, and lifestyles"

The Children's Climate Lawsuit Against The Children | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Indeed........anybody with even half a brain can take a casual look into the topic of climate change just outside the matrix and will determine that this is bogus science being used to meet political objectives.
Hmmmm..........a new one on me. A group of kids suing the government for "inaction on climate change"......thus "violating children's constitutional rights to freedom, liberty and property". Holy fuck....:ack-1:....these pos's are now resorting to using kids to meet economic and political objectives.

Except the factual assertions of the lawsuit are fatally the author astutely points out here >>>

That is only the beginning of the problematic factual assertions and assumptions underlying the children's lawsuit. The measureable effects of increasing GHG concentrations are far smaller than the climate models would lead one to believe. The degree to which recent warming has been anthropogenic is unsettled in the scientific literature; and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its fifth assessment report (AR5) has reduced its estimated range of the effect in 2100 of a doubling of GHG concentrations from 2.0–4.5 to 1.5–4.5 degrees C.

There actually is little evidence of strong climate effects attendant upon increasing GHG concentrations, in terms of sea levels; Arctic and Antarctic sea ice; tornado activity; tropical cyclones; U.S. wildfires; drought; and flooding. IPCC in the AR5 is deeply dubious (Table 12.4) about the various severe effects often hypothesized (or asserted) as future impacts of increasing GHG concentrations

fakery is ghey:gay:

The author correctly concludes.........

"It is part of the long-term effort by the environmental left to use any means possible to exert control over other people's property, economic choices, and lifestyles"

The Children's Climate Lawsuit Against The Children | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Indeed........anybody with even half a brain can take a casual look into the topic of climate change just outside the matrix and will determine that this is bogus science being used to meet political objectives.
Unplug the little bastards from all electronic devices to save Mother Gia.
From the 'Conservatives' actions on the devastation suffered by 3 1/2 Americans in Puerto Rico, we certainly see that they care nothing for anyone but themselves. Like the President, they care nothing about their fellow Americans, or about the nation itself. They, like him, are willing to commit or condone treason to further their ambitions. So the future generation mean absolutely nothing to them. Only when they can use them as a lever in a political debate, as in abortion. But after they are born, let the little bastards die.
If climate alarmists had their way, they would chose tomorrow to steer a course to America going 100% a cost of 76 trillion dollars.........according to the UN >>

To spend that kind of $$ based upon computer models which the IPCC itself has stated cannot be used to predict the future climate.

The future of our kids..........imagine leaving their future to people who never factor costs into quality of life. Perhaps because climate alarmists, who are all progressives, are just fine with our kids living like sheep as wards of the state. The math on this shit doesn't matter to them. When you live in a fantasy world, you don't have to worry about costs.

But imagine a world with them in private private cell air conditioning...........almost no disposable income.........a Third World culture and standard of living. And that's just a start. Yep........a fabulous life for our kids. Oh......but maybe.......maybe, we'll have lowered temperatures 0.3 degrees. HAPPY NOW!!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Imagine a world where when you are born, you are immediately saddled with a tax bill of hundreds of thousands of dollars before you even suck on mommy's titty for the first time!

Thankfully, the policy makes all over the world do know that costs matter.............which is why, sure as I sit here typing this, fossil fuels will DOMINATE the energy landscape for decades and decades. 100% certainty...........and thank God these people making the decisions are people who can actually think on the margin and determine necessary tradeoffs vs the people who make all of their decisions based purely on emotions. Those are the dangerous mofu's out there s0ns.........people just fine with our children being subjected to oriental despotism or mid
If climate alarmists had their way, they would chose tomorrow to steer a course to America going 100% a cost of 76 trillion dollars.........according to the UN >>

To spend that kind of $$ based upon computer models which the IPCC itself has stated cannot be used to predict the future climate.

The future of our kids..........imagine leaving their future to people who never factor costs into quality of life. Perhaps because climate alarmists, who are all progressives, are just fine with our kids living like sheep as wards of the state. The math on this shit doesn't matter to them. When you live in a fantasy world, you don't have to worry about costs.

But imagine a world with them in private private cell air conditioning...........almost no disposable income.........a Third World culture and standard of living. And that's just a start. Yep........a fabulous life for our kids. Oh......but maybe.......maybe, we'll have lowered temperatures 0.3 degrees. HAPPY NOW!!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Imagine a world where when you are born, you are immediately saddled with a tax bill of hundreds of thousands of dollars before you even suck on mommy's titty for the first time!

Thankfully, the policy makers all over the world do know that costs matter.............which is why, sure as I sit here typing this, fossil fuels will DOMINATE the energy landscape for decades and decades. 100% certainty...........and thank God these people making the decisions are people who can actually think on the margin and determine necessary tradeoffs vs the people who make all of their decisions based purely on emotions. Those are the dangerous mofu's out there s0ns.........people just fine with our children being subjected to oriental despotism or medieval feudalism................

Feudalism - Wikipedia
we certainly see that they care nothing for anyone but themselves.

What a wonderful world it would be if everyone cared for themselves and left the rest of us alone.

fncceo..............some people read Plato and Hobbes years ago and were was I. Read the German Ideology by Marx 6 or 7 times and my jaw hit the floor each time. The brilliance.........everybody else was a moron by comparison.

Until my early 20's and through education came to realize that none of these fuckers ever applied any economic models to their wonderful societies. Sadly, we have some people out there who, developmentally, got stuck during their college years.:gay:............romanticizing intellectual bs and it never left them. To this day, results don't matter to them.........its all about the intentions.:up::gay::gay:

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