Cleveland Guardians Name To Become Official Tomorrow

But you didn't say "you guys." YOU CALLED ME A MURDERER. Prove me wrong.


used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing.
"are you listening?"
used to refer to any person in general.
"after a while, you get used to it"
Guys please get back to topic and take it to the flame zone. I was planning on heading there myself actually because I've had enough of her attitude myself.
1. used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing. "are you listening?"
2. used to refer to any person in general. "after a while, you get used to it"

Yeah. You do know I'm a wordsmith, right? Yes, I understand both those usages but neither applied to ME since:
  1. You were replying to/addressing ME and not some group.
  2. You were replying to me in the first person and not the impersonal form of "you."
But like I said, it is no matter. I accept that you may not have INTENDED it to sound the way you wrote it, so please, let's just forget about it.
Again, let's please get back to topic okay?

Speaking of Cleveland, I always liked their logo:

It conveyed an identity I might want to watch or go see and I never saw no harm or intended harm but had to wonder now just what a "Guardian" would look like?

Curiosity satisfied! Color me unimpressed.

I don’t read every thread or post, and I avoid threads that go down into the gutter. You can speak “frankly”. It is a free country. Never said you couldn’t.
Okay, great. Can't blame you for not following threads that go into the gutter. Neither do I.
Sorry, I like you and all but I don't get involved in other people's fights. It sounded like that's what she was saying to me too, but I only have her word for it that she wasn't. I fight too many of my own fights on here though than to get involved with anybody else's.
That's exactly what I do! I have trouble enough with my own (leftwing) enemies to worry about attacks on other people; I made that decision about forums a long time ago.
It conveyed an identity I might want to watch or go see and I never saw no harm or intended harm but had to wonder now just what a "Guardian" would look like?
"Guardian" is a scary name. It's very close to the name "Oath" that Yahoo took briefly when a new CEO came in and nearly drove it into the ground. They had to fire him and "Oath" somehow just ----- disappeared. Guardian and Oath sound deeply rightwing, Stalinist, Third Reich, Inquisition to me ---- I really don't want ANYthing to do with anything named like that.
Another episode of America Sucks again. Attacking statues. Preaching America is evil .

Blah Blah Blah.

The Indians was a fine name. Until Nitwits that get offended by EVERYTHING had their say. What really sucks is people actually listen to these MORONS.

But that is just me being nice. about it.

Oh well.
IMO this is when political correctness goes to far. Why not keep the name but add something that respects it’s origins in fan messaging. Do they get upset with the Minnesota Vikings?
Why add anything at all? Every time people back down on this garbage they just take another step forward and say this is evil too. Kinda like the Witch hunts in our history You are a witch are a witch...........hang them all from delusional people.

There was nothing wrong with the name before. This is all NONSENSE.
Im not sure who is dumber, the people that complain about the name or the people that give in nd change the name,
Why add anything at all? Every time people back down on this garbage they just take another step forward and say this is evil too. Kinda like the Witch hunts in our history You are a witch are a witch...........hang them all from delusional people.

There was nothing wrong with the name before. This is all NONSENSE.
Why not?

It isn’t backing down from anything to be the better person.

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