Cleveland boy with fake pistol killed by police

I'm done here Mike, you've lost all perspective

Your continued use of terms like coward and your referral to a squirt gun prove that you simply aren't interested in facts.

Enjoy the thread.
How do you know it wasn't a squirt gun? They said it might be a toy on the 911 call. He's TWELVE years old. His nads probably haven't even dropped yet. You think it takes a man to shoot a TWELVE year old boy TWICE, that isn't even pointing the toy at you?

10-year-old boy charged with murder in killing of 90-year-old woman

10-year-old boy charged with murder in killing of 90-year-old woman - The Washington Post
Yeah and Hitlar killed millions... What's your point?
How? Because YOU think it is? What about when white kids go vandalize property and get shot by police before given a chance to surrender? Would you say that the parents who didn't know what they were doing are bad parents? The answer is no because you would feel "sympathy" for them because you could relate to them.

But because you can't relate to black people (or don't want to), you decide to find any reason to not sympathize with them and think they deserve it or they are horrible living creatures. Dehumanizing them so it's justified to hate them.

I have empathy for blacks, but at the same time I understand thier problems are of thier own doing. Liberals and blacks obsesse over white racism while wilfully ignoring and making excuses for the self-destructive behavior of black people.
You couldn't possibly have empathy for black people. Empathy means putting yourself in their shoes, and you don't do that; if you did, there is no way on Earth you'd write the things you do. Sympathy, also, you do not have. You are a racist, died in the wool. KKK type. Sick and sickening.

And, based on your posting, you are illiterate and probably uneducated. Statistics show that racists are generally unintelligent and uneducated, at least below average. Looks like you fit right into that category.

I wear your accusation of being a racist as a badge of honor. I know people like you like to call people racist so they can suppress the truth, but it won't work with me. In general I find you despicable. I have no problem with foreigners. They certainly have a right to discus issues that affect Americans on this board like everyone else, one would hope that while discussing these issues they conduct themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner. You do not. You are incredibly arrogant. You act like you know more about what goes on here than people who actually live here. You also have a problem showing people who you disagree with basic respect. In short you are a stupid bitch. Go fuck yourself!
I am an American you moron. I was born and raised in the States and lived there longer than you have. My family has been American for hundreds of years. I have zero respect for racists, that means you. And I have no problem showing that lack of respect because you don't show it to the people you consider beneath you because of race.

It's not only me that you show a lack of respect to, it's anybody who dares to have a different view from you. Again, I'm proud to be called a racist by someone of your ilk. You are arrogant, ignorant and incredibly annoying. Go fuck yourself, stupid bitch.
You're on ignore you ignorant, stupid asshole.
Wake - here I am. The footage has been released, as well as the 911 audio.

Too bad you missed it.

Security camera footage (no audio) shows him walking up the sidewalk, making snowballs, acting like any little kid.

In the 911 audio the caller TWICE states that the gun could be a toy. His description of the child is "a 20-year-old man."

The cops roll up. The kid is sitting in a screened gazebo. The rookie cop jumps out of the car yelling, and shoots the kid before the child has time to react.

Both cops have been suspended without pay. It's very likely that the rookie cop will face some serious charge, though not 1st degree murder. He's definitely going to be fired. Cleveland PD will also be liable in a wrongful death suit.

This isn't St Louis.

Cleveland had its St. Louis moment a while back - after a car chase cops opened fire on the suspect vehicle without allowing the driver OR THE PASSENGER a chance to surrender. Both were mowed down in a hail of gunfire more violent than what killed Bonnie & Clyde. Later review showed that the passenger had no criminal record. I can't remember the driver.

The shit that hit the fan after that cruel murder still has CPD and other area PDs in hot water.

I hope that until the day they die both the 911 caller and the (ex) rookie cop never sleep again without dreaming of that poor innocent baby they killed.
I don't know if it has been posted here yet so here is the security footage and the audio that we have:

You really cant tell much though grandma so I don't know how you are able to make that judgement call. The video is not clear enough to make out what the kid did or if the response is really justified.
By the way, in the state of Ohio, open carry of an unregistered gun DOES NOT QUALIFY FOR THE DEATH PENALTY.

Wake - get out of health care. You don't belong there.
irrelevant. The kid was not given the death penalty. He was killed in an altercation with the police because they feared for their lives. The claims that one crime or another did not warrant 'the death penalty' ring very hallow considering that the penalty for the crime is irrelevant. All that is relevant is weather or not the officers were justified in fearing for their lives. I dont see anything that difinitively determines that. If you have something, please post it. For now, I await the investigation that, hopefully, will serve justice.
By the way, in the state of Ohio, open carry of an unregistered gun DOES NOT QUALIFY FOR THE DEATH PENALTY.

Wake - get out of health care. You don't belong there.
irrelevant. The kid was not given the death penalty. He was killed in an altercation with the police because they feared for their lives. The claims that one crime or another did not warrant 'the death penalty' ring very hallow considering that the penalty for the crime is irrelevant. All that is relevant is weather or not the officers were justified in fearing for their lives. I dont see anything that difinitively determines that. If you have something, please post it. For now, I await the investigation that, hopefully, will serve justice.

If someone pulls a gun on you, that is pretty justified. He reached for that gun in his waistband. Maybe he just wanted to hand it to them. Maybe he wanted to show them it was only a pellet gun. Maybe it was just a stupid mistake. But he should not have been out there pointing that thing at people to begin with.
Except the kid did not have the weapon fist. He was ordered to show his hands and then he reached for the gun.
At what time mark on the video does the cop order him to show his hands?

If it had sound and if it was not in compressed time then maybe you would know.
Will you quit parroting that crap.

Facts are not crap.
Many of you need to get it into your heads that we are not seeing the full video of what really happened.
I didn't say facts were crap. Just the stuff you're parroting. We have the video and audio.
So, the leftist trumpet the 'world' whenever they are faced to defend their poor decision making. How often do we hear, 'other countries'....... what other countries do, or don't do.

Take a look around the world. People are killing folks just like any other time in history, without the gun as the tool of choice. When guns are not available, or even when they are, when killing needs done, well, there are just so many choices to choose from.

Man has been killing man since the beginning of time, and will do so until the end of time...The gun is just a blip on the radar as a method for delivering the news

RKM Brown is having a meltdown.

I'm curious to see House, Grandma, CaféAuLait, FA_Q2, Wolfsister77, Shaitra, and Avatar4321 weigh in on this.

Basically, it being a gun replica, and the people it being pointed at don't know this, it is therefore ok because the kid is twelve and it's a "toy."

Anything that is being used to portray the likeness or insinuate the functionality of a weapon is said weapon and I will respond accordingly.
There is surveillance video of this shooting & 911 call recording. The boy did stick the gun in his waste-band, walked toward police & raised his shirt or grabbed the gun in his waste-band. The boy was in the shadow of the gazebo wearing a hoodie making his black facial features & expressions difficult for snow blind police driving up to the scene. This is a more understandable shooting than police killing John Crawford in Walmart just for holding a BB gun while talking on his phone.

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RKM Brown is having a meltdown.

I'm curious to see House, Grandma, CaféAuLait, FA_Q2, Wolfsister77, Shaitra, and Avatar4321 weigh in on this.

Basically, it being a gun replica, and the people it being pointed at don't know this, it is therefore ok because the kid is twelve and it's a "toy."

Anything that is being used to portray the likeness or insinuate the functionality of a weapon is said weapon and I will respond accordingly.
Libs have no problem expelling a kid from school for having a folder paper "gun", or pointing a carrot and going bang, but feel kids should be able to intimidate the public with replicas.

Pretty much shows how fucked up their thinking is.
My guess is.. and its just a hunch, that we here at USMB have talked about, and showed more concern over the 12 year old, than his mom and dad have shown combined since birth.

12 year old looses right to bare arms I see...

The question has to be asked, why this seems to happen in America?

Guess what people are irresponsible when give unrestricted access guns. Look at the empirical data..

For every U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan during 11 years of war, at least 13 children were shot and killed in America.
12 year old looses right to bare arms I see...

The question has to be asked, why this seems to happen in America?

Guess what people are irresponsible when give unrestricted access guns. Look at the empirical data..

For every U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan during 11 years of war, at least 13 children were shot and killed in America.

Acceptable risk to be American, considering the influx of illegal immigration

You are just assuming that.
They will not show the whole video while it is still under investigation.

Why would they release an edited video that makes the cop look like a murderer?

Use your brain.

Use your own brain.
You can not see the video very clearly. You have come to a conclusion without full evidence.
Cops do not murder for no good reason. Most of our Cops are good cops and they are not racist.
Yes there is some corruption in some areas in our Police presincts in America. All Cops are not corrupted like the left are trying to make it out to be.

Listen to Sheriff Clarke, he is telling it like it is. They are using a political agenda and many in this country is buying into it. Including you Synthaholic.
Sheriff Clarke Irresponsible Groups Descended on Ferguson MO Like Vultures on a Roadside Carcass - YouTube

Not ALL cops murder for a good reason. Some do it in a manner that is not allowed by all, they know it and then frame the incident to their advantage because a dead man can't talk. Luckily we have a video here that shows a cop jumping out guns ablazing killing the kid 2 seconds after jumping out of the car. That cop wanted to shoot that kid and did so, he didn't care about his rights. That's the problem.

I know, Tamir Rice is a thug and is a murderer is the racist right's response because actually admitting there is a problem would be too hard to do because then they would know they are wrong.
12 year old looses right to bare arms I see...

The question has to be asked, why this seems to happen in America?

Guess what people are irresponsible when give unrestricted access guns. Look at the empirical data..

For every U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan during 11 years of war, at least 13 children were shot and killed in America.

Acceptable risk to be American, considering the influx of illegal immigration


You mean acceptable loss. And where is there war memorial? Something the kids who have given there lives because of illegal immigration..

I am sure these kids who volunteered to give there lives for their country have parents filled with pride at their sacrifice. When they get buried do they get a flag for their service to their country.

I don't see many politicians running under this being an acceptable loss
12 year old looses right to bare arms I see...

The question has to be asked, why this seems to happen in America?

Guess what people are irresponsible when give unrestricted access guns. Look at the empirical data..

For every U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan during 11 years of war, at least 13 children were shot and killed in America.

Acceptable risk to be American, considering the influx of illegal immigration


WTF does immigration have to do with this? Acceptable risk that children die of gunfire? How can we even call ourselves a civilized nation when we condone the killing of children as an "acceptable risk"
12 year old looses right to bare arms I see...

The question has to be asked, why this seems to happen in America?

Guess what people are irresponsible when give unrestricted access guns. Look at the empirical data..

For every U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan during 11 years of war, at least 13 children were shot and killed in America.
Have you ever read the federal Juvenile Handgun act?

It was illegal for that kid to have a handgun.

NO 12 year old can legally possess a handgun.

That this one was a pellet firing handgun that looked real just makes the kid and his parents look stupid.
12 year old looses right to bare arms I see...

The question has to be asked, why this seems to happen in America?

Guess what people are irresponsible when give unrestricted access guns. Look at the empirical data..

For every U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan during 11 years of war, at least 13 children were shot and killed in America.

Acceptable risk to be American, considering the influx of illegal immigration


WTF does immigration have to do with this? Acceptable risk that children die of gunfire? How can we even call ourselves a civilized nation when we condone the killing of children as an "acceptable risk"
Who condones the killing of children?
Your analogies are completely illogical. Those exampls have nothing to do with playing with a toy gun. You're a really sad, soulless fellow for blaming this child for his death. The police response was COMPLETELY inappropriate and they will suffer for it.

You shouldn't allow yourself to lose control of your emotions.

I think you should find the courage to acknowledge the fact that this child did something very dangerous and ill-advised: he deliberately took off the safety strip and went after people, pointing what looked like an incredibly real gun at them. How would you feel if someone pointed what looked exactly like a real handgun at you? How would you feel?
Fuck you, you sexist asshole. What a complete jackass you have proven yourself to be using such sexist tactics in debating with a woman. Go fuck yourself. I'll not respond to you again. And, I am aware of what a racist you are from your posts in another thread. You are beneath contemp. As well, I am aware from your posts in general that you are mentally unstable and some sort of sad sack human being. You're a miserable,sad racist. Get some therapy. You're pathetic and you know you are: you don't need an angry woman to tell you about it. You already know.
I hope you're 'off the rag' soon baby.
You're a liar! You'll respond to 'Wake' again. This is what get's your loser day in. Getting into ludicrous, unwinnable arguments.
If a "tall for his age" negro young man points what very well could be a real gun at you what are you going to say? "Excuse me little boy. Is that a real gun you are threatening me with?".
Ya fucking right baby.

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