Cleaveland Caviliers Fans need to grow up.Lebron James move to Miami was right.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I watched the game between the Miami Heat and the Cleaveland Caviliers, and said to myself , that these people in Cleaveland Ohio are either crazy or are some of the most immature people on the Earth.

What professional athlete would stay in and play in a city that had no future possibility of
sending that athlete to a championship game?. Since Lebron left Cleaveland , the team
has become a losing team.

The Cleaveland Caviliers fans need to grow up, and stop hating Lebron James for leaving
Cleaveland. I mean who would want to stay in a rust belt looser city like Cleaveland anyway?.No professional player would.!!

Grow up Cleaveland Fans!!, Be happy with your looser city status!!:eek:
My understanding is that most Cavs fans aren't mad at him for leaving... but for the way he left, how he made it such an overblown hyped-up deal on national TV. I think even the Cav management didn't know what he was going to do until he made his righteous proclamation on ESPN.


Seven titles? Doubt it. :doubt:
My understanding is that most Cavs fans aren't mad at him for leaving... but for the way he left, how he made it such an overblown hyped-up deal on national TV. I think even the Cav management didn't know what he was going to do until he made his righteous proclamation on ESPN.


Seven titles? Doubt it. :doubt:

The way he left?!, he can leave any frigging way he wants to leave. Fans in America think athletes owe them something, Lebron is a free man , not a slave. He can do what ever he wants.!
My understanding is that most Cavs fans aren't mad at him for leaving... but for the way he left, how he made it such an overblown hyped-up deal on national TV. I think even the Cav management didn't know what he was going to do until he made his righteous proclamation on ESPN.


Seven titles? Doubt it. :doubt:

The way he left?!, he can leave any frigging way he wants to leave. Fans in America think athletes owe them something, Lebron is a free man , not a slave. He can do what ever he wants.!

I was going to respond by asking you where the implication was that he's a slave. But then I remembered who I'm responding to. So instead I'm going to post this picture...


... with the hope that maybe your head will now explode.
My understanding is that most Cavs fans aren't mad at him for leaving... but for the way he left, how he made it such an overblown hyped-up deal on national TV. I think even the Cav management didn't know what he was going to do until he made his righteous proclamation on ESPN.


Seven titles? Doubt it. :doubt:

The way he left?!, he can leave any frigging way he wants to leave. Fans in America think athletes owe them something, Lebron is a free man , not a slave. He can do what ever he wants.!

I was going to respond by asking you where the implication was that he's a slave. But then I remembered who I'm responding to. So instead I'm going to post this picture...


... with the hope that maybe your head will now explode.

Still trying to promote race mixing a. Your mongrel race offspring will suffer.!

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