Clearly Democrats want Wall removal. Walls don't work.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
This is what we keep hearing from Democrats. Walls send the wrong message. They are a 5th century solution to a 21st Century problem. Build bridges not walls. It is clear Democrats not only don't want to fund building and/or upgrading the existing wall, they really want it REMOVED. Isn't that the logical extension to the Democratic Argument?
This is what we keep hearing from Democrats. Walls send the wrong message. They are a 5th century solution to a 21st Century problem. Build bridges not walls. It is clear Democrats not only don't want to fund building and/or upgrading the existing wall, they really want it REMOVED. Isn't that the logical extension to the Democratic Argument?
If removal furthers their political agenda, then yes, despite the security concerns. Trump needs to find a way to make the wall more palatable than something else-such as closing the border.
Ze Trumpenführer and his Republicans had FULL control in the last two years.

Why didn't they get that damn wall started during that time OP?
Ze Trumpenführer and his Republicans had FULL control in the last two years.
Why didn't they get that damn wall started during that time OP?

You can make fun of tRump and it may be deserved......BUT....
In the New Democrat Socialism, blacks are going to slide backwards to the 1700's or 1800's because there is no place for wealthy blacks (and there are a TON of them in America now) in the New Green Deal the Democrats are proposing.

Black people will not be favored like they have been. If you were a smart black man you'd be able to see that.

tRump may not be your best friend, but Socialist Democrats might be your worst enemy.
They're just using blacks as stepping stones, as they've always done. They're already showing that they're more interested in Hispanics now (because there are far more of them than blacks at this point)

Watch the number of Hispanic Democrats in Congress REPLACE the blacks in Congress.
You may think you have Maxine Waters and John Lewis today, but tomorrow they'll be gone, replaced with Hispanics who see blacks as a non issue and work to advance Hispanics instead. They're already making the blacks in Congress focus on Socialism and Hispanic issues first and foremost. Are you paying attention? The BIG MONEY that backed Maxine and John Lewis will move over to support Hispanic candidates. Just watch bro.

Watch for yourself how blacks no longer get all the favoritism they used to get from Democrats going forward.
They'll be switching to fight for Hispanic rights and benefits because THAT's where the votes are now and going forward.

But I seriously doubt you are capable of seeing that clearly or that far ahead to be honest.
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This is what we keep hearing from Democrats. Walls send the wrong message. They are a 5th century solution to a 21st Century problem. Build bridges not walls. It is clear Democrats not only don't want to fund building and/or upgrading the existing wall, they really want it REMOVED. Isn't that the logical extension to the Democratic Argument?

well I am not a democrat but these days i can't vote for republicans so......

far as i'm concerned you can have that wall.

as long as I don't have to pay for it.
Ze Trumpenführer and his Republicans had FULL control in the last two years.

Why didn't they get that damn wall started during that time OP?
That's a good point. I can only guess that among the many priorities President Trump was tackling he decided to defer on the Wall funding. What I am saying is, the Pelosi Schumer stance appears to be 'Walls are bad' so it seems logical Democratic leaders would prefer the existing wall/fence removed. If Walls are bad and medieval and serve no purpose, then why wouldn't they want it removed?
Ze Trumpenführer and his Republicans had FULL control in the last two years.

Why didn't they get that damn wall started during that time OP?
That's a good point. I can only guess that among the many priorities President Trump was tackling he decided to defer on the Wall funding. What I am saying is, the Pelosi Schumer stance appears to be 'Walls are bad' so it seems logical Democratic leaders would prefer the existing wall/fence removed. If Walls are bad and medieval and serve no purpose, then why wouldn't they want it removed?

There's also the possibility that the Senate Republicans wouldn't vote for the 5+ billion dollars towards the wall until after Republicans had lost control of the House in the Midterms. At that point, they knew the Democrats about to take over the House would veto it for them. Now they can tell their supporters they tried to back it.

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