Circular Firing Squad In Effect


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Now, at the very pinnacle of puffery.

Yup....the Obamas.

1. "Former President Barack Obama wants to beat the book sales of his wife Michelle's bestselling memoir when he publishes his own and even dings her for using a ghostwriter, according to a new report.

Obama, who has already written two memoirs, is trying to finish his third, which will reportedly cover his political career from 2004 to the present. Following the smashing success of Michelle Obama's Becoming, which has sold more than 10 million copies and could wind up the bestselling political memoir ever, Obama is feeling pressure to beat her, The Atlantic reports:

The writing has been going more slowly than he'd expected, and according to several people who have spoken with him, the 44th president is feeling competitive with his wife, whose own book, Becoming, was the biggest release of 2018 and is on track to be the best-selling memoir in history. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, like others in this story, these sources note he'll occasionally point out in conversation that he’s writing this book himself, while Michelle used a ghostwriter.

It's not out of character for the famously competitive Obama, who in 2018 repeatedly demanded credit for the nation's robust economy under President Donald Trump."
Report: Obama Wants His Memoir to Beat Michelle's Book Sales, Points Out She Used a Ghostwriter

2. While watching the pair of incompetent ingrates take shots at each other is a source of great amusement..... misses the full effect unless one recognizes:

a. Michelle Obama is as dumb as a stump....and CAN'T WRITE.


b. Obama's own 'autobiography' was written by someone else.

I'll prove both.
Only the hand of lucifer could have put repulsive pieces of shit like these into a position where they ended up in the WH.
Now....that dunce, the former First Lady......

Do you believe she was capable of writhing her own memoir????

Let's check:

3. Poor Michelle…bashed for everything from her Princeton thesis to her subsequent employment record. And, speaking of her Princeton thesis…Christopher Hitchens wrote, ‘ "To describe [the thesis] as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be 'read' at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn't written in any known language." … Almost assuredly, the gap between her writing and that of her highly talented colleagues marked her as an affirmative action admission, and the profs finessed her through. daveinboca: Early Obama Letter Confirms Inability to Write

a. Michelle’s thesis was about being black at Princeton. Here is the type of passage that accounts for Hitchen’s disdain: “By actually working with the Black lower class or within their communities as a result of their ideologies, a separationist may better understand the desparation [sic] of their situation and feel more hopeless about their plight.” Michelle Obama Princeton Thesis

b. “Alas, the grammar is wrong; the tenses are garbled. People are ignorant “of” the plight of the lower class, no ignorant “to” their plight. And “desparation” should be spelled “desperation.” As Hitchen’s would surely have pointed out, these are not mere typos; they reflect an estranged relationship with the English language. Moreover, they appear not in an off-the-cuff transcript, but in a thesis that is supposed to reflect the culmination of one’s college career. Remarkably, Michelle graduated with honors at Princeton, and was admitted to Harvard Law School.” D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 204-205

4. Is this the explanation for the infamous “…for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country…”? Could it be that it is not her country that Michelle is ashamed of…..but herself? How could that be, the best schools opened to her, her immediate employment at the University of Chicago paid, $316,000….yet…something was missing.

a. “What we obtain too cheaply we esteem too lightly.” Thomas Paine

Let me get to her hubby,

"...Obama wants to beat the book sales of his wife Michelle's bestselling memoir when he publishes his own and even dings her for using a ghostwriter,..."

Perhaps it is a gift that Democrats/Leftists have…..the inability to feel shame. They say things that they know are the very reverse of the facts, and simply carry on. Case in point, Hussein complaining that his wife had a ghostwriter…….when his very own ‘autobiography’ was written by another.

In one of the most scholarly exposition, fully documented, Jack Cashill proves “that Dreams From My Father was not written by Obama but by Bill Ayers, and not just as a ghost writer, but as author.”
“Deconstructing Obama,” by Jack Cashill

This, from one of the reviews on “As someone who at one time was an Obama supporter, as well as someone who loves language, I found this a fascinating book. Cashill's thesis is that Dreams From My Father was not written by Obama but by Bill Ayers, and not just as a ghost writer, but as author. What's more, the book is not really Obama's life story but a story concocted by Ayers …Cashill offers extensive evidence to support this thesis, and it's not just the language and story-line similarities between Dreams and Ayers' own book. There are many inconsistencies in Obama's life story, some of which he's recounted himself at various times.
What interested me almost as much as the exploration of the truth of Obama's life story is the way the media showed no interest in investigating any of it.”

  1. "Bill Ayers is an extremely talented writer. The questions, then, are who wrote the book, and is the story true?
  2. Now then, do we find the literary background or predicate for the kind of grace and style of “Dreams” in prior samples of Obama’s work? Is there evidence of a dedication to the craft that might produce “Dreams”?
    1. In “The Outliers,” Malcolm Gladwell clearly defines the elements of success in a given field as a combination of talent and practice, and not a particularly high I.Q. He calls it the “Ten Thousand Hour Rule,” and gives many examples such as the Beatles, Charlie Parker, Mozart, Bill Gates, and himself, a professional writer.
    2. Christopher Hitchens, in his memoir, speaks of constant writing to hone his talent.
    3. Frank Marshall Davis wrote about his efforts to improve as a writer, and his ‘journalitis”
  3. Barack Obama, on the other hand, has only one mention that encompasses his attempts at writing in “Dreams,” ‘I made some journal entries and wrote some very bad poetry.’ That’s it.
  4. Seeing samples of his writing prior to “Dreams,” I found an article that he wrote for the Columbia Sundial as a 23-year-old senior, in 1983. The article was called “Breaking the War Mentality,” and in the 1800 word essay there were five sentences in which the noun, the subject of the sentence, didn’t agree with the verb."

Amazon has made it difficult to find the book......which proves both how damaging and how true it is.
Cashill proves that Obama was incapable of writing that 'autobiography'....

...and, that the book was written by someone else.
And, he tells who that is.

[Article here:]

    1. One example: “The very real ADVANTAGES of concentrating on a single issue IS leading the national freeze movement to challenge individual missile systems while continuing the broader campaign.” Of course, it should read “The very real advantages …ARE,” and one wonders about the structure of a sentence in which ‘advantages’ are ‘leading.’
    2. This is a senior at America’s best college, one who spent the prior eight years in Hawaii’s best prep school. One would expect his writing skills at this point to be at 90% of the best it would ever be!
  1. In 1988, we find a second example of his writing, an article called “Why Organize?” appearing in a book called “After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois.” Once again, nouns and subjects which don’t agree, awkward, disjointed sentences, leaden rather than flowing.
    1. An example” “Facing these realities, at least three major strands of earlier movements are apparent.” Note, “Facing these realities…” modifies nothing. And ‘strands’ do not ‘face reality.’

  1. As a result of the story of his accession to presidency of the Harvard Law Review, a NY literary agent, Jane Dystel, gets him to write a proposal for a book, which she takes to Simon and Schuster. The result is a $125,000 advance, with an agreement to finish the book in 18 months.
    1. But, since Obama is not a writer, he does what people always do when faced with a challenge they can’t accomplish: he procrastinates. He takes on various responsibilities, other than the writing.
    2. But, in 1995, after Simon and Schuster cancels his contract, and Dystel manages to get him a smaller contract, and with no time on his schedule, he manages to sit down and write a 440-page masterpiece, that Time magazine calls “the best written memoir ever produced by an American politician.” The Fresh Face

Still think this dunce wrote Dreams From My Father ?

If so....then the word 'think' is misapplied.
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Now, at the very pinnacle of puffery.

Yup....the Obamas.

1. "Former President Barack Obama wants to beat the book sales of his wife Michelle's bestselling memoir when he publishes his own and even dings her for using a ghostwriter, according to a new report.

Obama, who has already written two memoirs, is trying to finish his third, which will reportedly cover his political career from 2004 to the present. Following the smashing success of Michelle Obama's Becoming, which has sold more than 10 million copies and could wind up the bestselling political memoir ever, Obama is feeling pressure to beat her, The Atlantic reports:

The writing has been going more slowly than he'd expected, and according to several people who have spoken with him, the 44th president is feeling competitive with his wife, whose own book, Becoming, was the biggest release of 2018 and is on track to be the best-selling memoir in history. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, like others in this story, these sources note he'll occasionally point out in conversation that he’s writing this book himself, while Michelle used a ghostwriter.

It's not out of character for the famously competitive Obama, who in 2018 repeatedly demanded credit for the nation's robust economy under President Donald Trump."
Report: Obama Wants His Memoir to Beat Michelle's Book Sales, Points Out She Used a Ghostwriter

2. While watching the pair of incompetent ingrates take shots at each other is a source of great amusement..... misses the full effect unless one recognizes:

a. Michelle Obama is as dumb as a stump....and CAN'T WRITE.


b. Obama's own 'autobiography' was written by someone else.

The never ending "rich don't pay their fair share" spews never achieve anything in their dealings for the peasants even when they have had the power to do something. p.s...that is all peasants and not the privileged peasants you support.

I'll prove both.

Hey, guys are competitive. :dunno:
  1. Bill Ayers is an author of some renown. His book, “Fugitive Days,” considering his eventful life, a compelling and well written book. I found patterns and echoes when I compared his book with “Dreams.”
    1. Early on, in his book, Ayres writes “The confrontation in the Fishbowl flowed like a swollen river into the teach-in, carrying me along the cascading waters from room to room, hall to hall, bouncing off boulders.”
    2. From “Dreams:” “I heard all our voices begin to run together, the sound of three generations tumbling over each other like the currents of a slow-moving stream, my questions like rocks roiling the water, the breaks in memory separating the currents. . . .”
  2. First, not the similarity of the imagery, flowing water broken by rocks or boulders…. Then, the structure: each sentence begins with a standard word phrase embellished by a series of participles such as “tumbling, roiling, separating,” in one, versus “carrying, bouncing” in the other.
    1. It is of note that Ayers spent time as a merchant seaman.

b. Another Hyde Park radical, Rashid Kalidi, in his book "Resurrecting Empire," "There are many people without whose support and assistance I could not have written this book, or written it in the way that it was written," Khalidi writes. "First, chronologically, and in other ways, comes Bill Ayers." Newly found article confirms Obama 'Dreams' fraud - WND - WND

In fact, no detail by itself proves Ayers' involvement, but the cumulative details overwhelm the open-minded.

  1. Is it important to link Ayers with Obama in this way? David Remnick, in his comprehensive new Obama biography, The Bridge, wrote "This was a charge, that if ever proved true, or believed to be true among enough voters, could have been the end of the candidacy." New Obama Bio Strengthens Case for Dreams Fraud
b. [Christopher] “Andersen, in "Barack and Michelle: Portrait of a Marriage," writes that Obama was faced with a deadline with the Times Books division of Random House to submit his manuscript after already having canceled a contract with Simon & Schuster. Confronted with the threat of a second failure, his wife, Michelle, suggested he seek the help of "his friend and Hyde Park neighbor Bill Ayers." Author confirms Bill Ayers helped Obama write 'Dreams' - WND - WND

c. “Andersen quotes a neighbor in the Hyde Park area of Chicago where Obama and Ayers lived, who says of the two, "Everyone knew they were friends and that they worked on various projects together."

"It was no secret. Why would it be? People liked them both," the neighbor said, according to Andersen. '2 sources' affirmed Ayers wrote 'Dreams' '2 sources' affirmed Ayers wrote 'Dreams' - WND - WND
People who analyze these things claimed that Obama's auto-bio was ghost written by friend and political mentor (and former domestic terrorist) professor Bill Ayres. The media wasn't interested at the time and neither are they interested today.
People who analyze these things claimed that Obama's auto-bio was ghost written by friend and political mentor (and former domestic terrorist) professor Bill Ayres. The media wasn't interested at the time and neither are they interested today.

Proven and documented by Cashill.


An eminently readable book.
1. There are a number of ‘echoes’ that can be found in Ayer’s works and in “Dreams.’

a. Ayers: Narrative begins with something to say; content precedes form. Obama: I understood that I’d spent my life trying to review these stories, plugging up holes in the narratives.

b. Ayers: Narrative inquiry can be a useful corrective to all this. Obama: Truth is the best corrective.

c. Ayers: The mind works in contradiction, and honesty requires the writer to reveal disputes with herself on the page Obama: But I suspect that we can’t pretend that these contradictions of our situation don’t exist. All we can do is choose.

d. Ayers: The reader must actively see the struggle; it is a journey, not by a tourist, but by a pilgrim. Obama: But, all in all, it was an intellectual journey that I imagined for myself, complete with maps and restpoints and a strict itinerary.

2. In Ayer’s 1993 book, “To Teach,” he gives this example: 2 kids observing the Hudson River, NYC, and one says the tide is flowing North, and the other, the tide is flowing South. The teacher explains that the Hudson is a tidal river, and at this spot the opposite tides are meeting. Now, in “Dreams,” Barack Obama is at the parallel river to the Hudson, the East River, which is also a tidal river. A black youngster comes up to him and comments in a similar way about the two opposing tides or currents. And, guess what? Barack explains that the East River is a tidal river, and at this spot the opposite tides are meeting!

Coincidence? Or a Merchant Marine, Ayers, explaining about the mysteries of the sea???

What are the odds???

Or.....what are the odds that the Muslim President is a lying low-life benefiting from the cover of the media????

Imagine......this blow-hard is now complaining his wife used a 'ghostwriter.'
Another amazing coincidence......Obama's love-life just happens to mirror Ayers'

In Dreams, Obama talks of his love life on only one occasion…. a white woman back in New York. “She was white,” he tells Auma. “She had dark hair, and specks of green in her eyes.” This nameless young woman had grown up on a sprawling estate in the country. Could Obama’s mystery woman have been drawn fully from the memory of Bill Ayers and based on the great love of Ayers’s life, the late Diana Oughton. Physically, the woman of Obama’s memory with her “dark hair, and specks of green in her eyes” evokes images of Oughton. As her FBI files attest, copies of which my correspondent sent me, Oughton had brown hair and green eyes.

a. The two women shared similar family backgrounds as well. In fact, they seemed to have grown up on the very same estate. “The house was very old, her grandfather’s house,” Obama writes of his girlfriend’s country home. “He had inherited it from his grandfather.”

b. Oughton had “brought Bill Ayers and other radicals” to the family homestead in Dwight, Illinois. Oughton’s father’s grandfather built the main house on the estate, a 20-room Victorian mansion.

c. The carriage house, in which Diana lived as a child, now serves as a public library. It may have already seemed like one when Ayers visited, an impression that finds its way into Obama’s words as a library “ filled with old books and pictures of the famous people [the grandfather] had known--presidents, diplomats, industrialists.” Jack Cashill - National Articles:

You really must be blind, deaf, and dumb to believe anything Hussein said or says.
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Scientific analysis of Ayers' writing, and Obama's supposed-writing, nails it down, and tells you all you need to know about the corrupt, lying, never-should-have-been President, Hussein Obama.

Chris Yavelow’s “’FictionFixer’ (, compares any prose its given to any or all of the 210 best-selling novels Yavelow says he has scanned into his Mac G4. The software then looks for patterns—certain words, usages, sentence structure, number of mentions of a character’s name, and the like—and compares it to the target book(s).”

a. As Yavelow explains, authors don’t go from a 3.8 percent use of the passive voice in 1995 to an 8.3 percent use in 2006.

b. Yavelow cites a score of other characteristics that change too conspicuously from one Obama book to the next, among them the Flesch Reading Ease score, the use of gender words, sentence starters, adverbs, discouraged words, sensory triggers, and more.

c. When, however, Yavelow compared Obama’s Dreams with Bill Ayers’ memoir, Fugitive Days, he found the similarity of the two books “striking.” For instance, Dreams averages 17.61 words and 26.48 syllables for non-dialogue sentences. Fugitive Days averages 17.62 words and 26.27 syllables.

d. Another team, from a university: ““Using the chi-square statistic,” they add, “Obama's and Ayers's books were indistinguishable while Obama's book was easily distinguishable from books by other authors.”
Jack Cashill - National Articles:

Now the wind-bag is actually carping about Michelle using a ghostwriter.

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