CIC SPUR: Multi White House staffers fired or reassigned. 30 plus stripped of security clearances

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Multiple White House staffers fired or reassigned over security clearances
At least one staffer in the Office of the First Lady was let go,
Several other staffers are also under consideration for reassignment or termination, the network reported.

More than 30 White House staffers were reportedly also stripped of their security clearances last month. They are now working with interim clearances while their background checks are being processed.

Multiple White House staffers fired or reassigned over security clearances: report

Hmm? Great Douche Only hires the BEST. More MAGA Failures.
We hire LOSERS that can't pass simple Background checks!

And BTW...


More people to interview for corruption going on with the Great Douche..
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It's ok you don't expect someone as stupid as the OP to know what a draft dodger is, do you? I'm shocked he manages to get his dick out to piss in the morning.

Clinton WAS a draft dodger. Trump was not. Trump had a medically legit reason. Signed off by a doctor. Clinton dodged the draft like the pond scum he is.
No, it’s called the powers that be, over the process, are dilly dallying on purpose, creating more chaos for this administration, I highly suspect.
Multiple White House staffers fired or reassigned over security clearances
At least one staffer in the Office of the First Lady was let go,
Several other staffers are also under consideration for reassignment or termination, the network reported.

More than 30 White House staffers were reportedly also stripped of their security clearances last month. They are now working with interim clearances while their background checks are being processed.

Multiple White House staffers fired or reassigned over security clearances: report

Hmm? Great Douche Only hires the BEST. More MAGA Failures.
We hire LOSERS that can't pass simple Background checks!

And BTW...


More people to interview for corruption going on with the Great Douche..
I heard 39 or or 40 whose security clearances were stripped or couldn't make the cut. Either yours or mine SUCK!! ESPECIALLY for the ashole that claims "he only hires the best".

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