Chutkan just denied Trump's discovery request for videotapes--she actually thinks a witness's demeanor can be gleaned from a written record.

Whatever else she is, she is the judge.

And the Judge, not the Defense controls the court room and the evidence to be presented. The Orange Faced Sycophants do not understand Judge Chutkin lay in supplication before him.

He is nothing but private citizen, he faces the same laws as anyone else.

Fuck the Rapist and Traitor P01135809.
^^ sniffs his fingers
Extends middle one at you.

And the Judge, not the Defense controls the court room and the evidence to be presented. The Orange Faced Sycophants do not understand Judge Chutkin lay in supplication before him.

He is nothing but private citizen, he faces the same laws as anyone else.

Fuck the Rapist and Traitor P01135809.
There is nothing the Hair Führer can do but cry on Twitter like a little bitch
And the Judge, not the Defense controls the court room and the evidence to be presented. The Orange Faced Sycophants do not understand Judge Chutkin lay in supplication before him.

He is nothing but private citizen, he faces the same laws as anyone else.

Fuck the Rapist and Traitor P01135809.

The TDS in you is over the top. It's the demons that control you.
Frankly, I'm highly shocked and disappointed that our legal system has no remedy for nor an instant correction for such massive abuse as I'm seeing here. How is it possible that judges can act so blatantly against a defendant unchecked, clearly fervently biased against him? Proves that "Lady Liberty"--- blindfolded holding her balance scales is just a total CROCK OF BULLSHIT.

It can only be one of two things:
  • Either the courts are revealing themselves to be so corrupt that they can all but arrest enemies of the state at will and disappear them regardless of laws, truth and facts.
  • This trial is only meant to exhaust Trump of money and reputation to so weaken and poison him that his reelection is impossible.
In effect, our "Justice" system is saying that innocent or guilty, if they don't like you, they can punish you by wiping you out regardless of your guilt or being proven innocent, while money is no object to them.

I agree with you. Trump continues to file stupid and pointless Motions having no validity in law or fact, just to delay things and run out the clock to the election, and there's nothing to be done for it.

"If they don't like you, they can punish you by wiping you out regardless of your guilt or being proven innocent, while money is no object to them."

I love this!!!! When Donald Trump was sued by his subtrades, he filed Motion after Motion, dragging out the case for years, using his wealth to batter and bully the plaintiffs, run up the legal fees, and put them out of business.

Karma truly is a bitch.
She's either the dumbest Federal judge or a rubber stamp for Jack Smith.
Do you think Trump will take solace in knowing his cult was duped in to thinking he was railroaded after he gets convicted?
I agree with you. Trump continues to file stupid and pointless Motions having no validity in law or fact, just to delay things and run out the clock to the election, and there's nothing to be done for it.

"If they don't like you, they can punish you by wiping you out regardless of your guilt or being proven innocent, while money is no object to them."

I love this!!!! When Donald Trump was sued by his subtrades, he filed Motion after Motion, dragging out the case for years, using his wealth to batter and bully the plaintiffs, run up the legal fees, and put them out of business.

Karma truly is a bitch.

Karma being cast iron she is coming back in bigley way. The delaying tactics by P01135809 are rising to bite him in the ass.
Karma being cast iron she is coming back in bigley way. The delaying tactics by P01135809 are rising to bite him in the ass.

And he's now up against a Plaintiff who employs some of the top litigation lawyers, prosecutors and investigators in the First World. Jack Smith was a lead prosecutor at the World Court at The Hague. He can't bully them, outspend them or outlast them.

Trump's ongoing criminality, and ridiculous claims and motions by his 3rd and 4th rate legal teams aren't even speed bumps on the road to Trial for the prosecution. Trump files a Motion, and Smith has a 50 page response with citations filed within 24 hours.

When Trump filed a Motion for delay of Trial because they didn't have Discovery, Smith responded within 24 hours that he had a terabyte of Discovery to transfer, please advise when their office was ready to start downloading.

When Trump asked for a Delay of Trial because there was so much Discovery it would take 2 years to go through it all, Smith filed a document within 24 hours pointing the Defense to which documents he intended to use at Trial.

It's been a thing of beauty to watch!!!!
And he's now up against a Plaintiff who employs some of the top litigation lawyers, prosecutors and investigators in the First World. Jack Smith was a lead prosecutor at the World Court at The Hague. He can't bully them, outspend them or outlast them.

Trump's ongoing criminality, and ridiculous claims and motions by his 3rd and 4th rate legal teams aren't even speed bumps on the road to Trial for the prosecution. Trump files a Motion, and Smith has a 50 page response with citations filed within 24 hours.

When Trump filed a Motion for delay of Trial because they didn't have Discovery, Smith responded within 24 hours that he had a terabyte of Discovery to transfer, please advise when their office was ready to start downloading.

When Trump asked for a Delay of Trial because there was so much Discovery it would take 2 years to go through it all, Smith filed a document within 24 hours pointing the Defense to which documents he intended to use at Trial.

It's been a thing of beauty to watch!!!!

I am begining to think that P01135809 is now getting his lawyers from a box of Cracker-Jack.
And he's now up against a Plaintiff who employs some of the top litigation lawyers, prosecutors and investigators in the First World. Jack Smith was a lead prosecutor at the World Court at The Hague. He can't bully them, outspend them or outlast them.

Trump's ongoing criminality, and ridiculous claims and motions by his 3rd and 4th rate legal teams aren't even speed bumps on the road to Trial for the prosecution. Trump files a Motion, and Smith has a 50 page response with citations filed within 24 hours.

When Trump filed a Motion for delay of Trial because they didn't have Discovery, Smith responded within 24 hours that he had a terabyte of Discovery to transfer, please advise when their office was ready to start downloading.

When Trump asked for a Delay of Trial because there was so much Discovery it would take 2 years to go through it all, Smith filed a document within 24 hours pointing the Defense to which documents he intended to use at Trial.

It's been a thing of beauty to watch!!!!
The defense is entitled to look at everything during discovery, not just what the prosecutor tells them he might use, Dumbass.

There could be all kinds of exculpatory evidence in there that Jack Smith won't touch.

Once again you demonstrate your colossal ignorance of our court system.

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