Church of England Has Now Approved of Women Bishops!

My commentary is the result of my relationship with my Lord since I was 17, almost half a century ago.

His counsel has always been to out the Pharisee and the "christian" the boxes in the Lord within his or her limited understanding of Him, scripture, and tradition.

Chuckt, love the Lord, love your neighbor: begin with these two commandments.

And always lean on the Lord for wisdom, never man.
My commentary is the result of my relationship with my Lord since I was 17, almost half a century ago.

His counsel has always been to out the Pharisee and the "christian" the boxes in the Lord within his or her limited understanding of Him, scripture, and tradition.

Chuckt, love the Lord, love your neighbor: begin with these two commandments.

And always lean on the Lord for wisdom, never man.


You got those teachings from the Bible. Time to follow the rest and not pick and choose.

Wasn't the Church of England created by King Henry the 8th so he could join it and get divorced?
My commentary is the result of my relationship with my Lord since I was 17, almost half a century ago.

His counsel has always been to out the Pharisee and the "christian" the boxes in the Lord within his or her limited understanding of Him, scripture, and tradition.

Chuckt, love the Lord, love your neighbor: begin with these two commandments.

And always lean on the Lord for wisdom, never man.


You got those teachings from the Bible. Time to follow the rest and not pick and choose. Chuck

See, Chuck, you are trying to tell someone else what he is and where got it.

That's unrighteous dominion, so you will have to step along.

Lean on the Lord is my best advice to you, not scripture you don't understand.
Wasn't the Church of England created by King Henry the 8th so he could join it and get divorced?

The Anglican defense is that the Church of England existed from the early days in Britain when the folks converted to Christianity. Supposedly the Church of England accepted the Bishop of Rome as courtesy not as a religious need. Yes, Henry had the hots for Anne, a need for a son, and a growing hatred of what some convinced him as his "sin" with Catherine, his dead brother's wife. Like all denominations, its narrative and myth mixed together.
Their Pharisaical desire is to put Jesus and the rest of us in their box. DS and IR have no power, no authority, no personal ability, no commandment to interpret God's word for the rest of us.

You remind me of the demons in the Bible who will say on judgment day, "But we knew you, we acted in your name," and He indeed will turn away, saying, "I knew you not."

DS, lean on the Lord for personal wisdom and rebuke your desire for unrighteous dominion (which is a demon).

How do you know, Jake?

Some 28 years ago I walked into a Christian store and bought my first commentary. I didn't choose my commentary hoping it would say what I wanted it to say. I actually didn't know who they were.

Your commentary is what you want to say and it is based on your whims and preferences.
There is no evidence that your choices are based on God's preferences.
In the end, you get what you get and you don't get upset.

He doesn't know, and yet does the very thing he accuses us of doing.
Jake, are you not taking Christ out of the word, and putting him into your own less than studious box? By what authority?

Tell me your un-pharisaical view of Christ and lets weigh it in the balance. Pick a Pharisaical comment that I have made about Christ and correct me Biblically......... :eusa_angel:
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TIR, what I am doing, which is the opposite of what you and chuckt are doing, is not to judge or practice unrighteous dominion and leave it to Jesus.

Each of you will benefit far more, in my opinion, to leave preaching and begin beseeching the love of the Lord.
TIR, what I am doing, which is the opposite of what you and chuckt are doing, is not to judge or practice unrighteous dominion and leave it to Jesus.

Each of you will benefit far more, in my opinion, to leave preaching and begin beseeching the love of the Lord.

Being a strong believer in judge not, who do you think I have maligned or assigned to hell? My posts concentrate on the love and grace and forgiveness of Christ, just the opposite of what you accuse me of, and judge me for.
I don't preach the law, because the law demands righteousness. Christ supplies righteousness. Just because you may not hear what you want to hear, doesn't mean it is condemning.

On the other hand, if Christ says He is the only way to Heaven, then that is what you'll be reading in my posts. It has nothing to do with a lack of love, and everything to do with wanting all of God's children redeemed. Me holding someone's hand won't do them a bit of good. Me telling them about Christ will. And I try to do that as gently as I can.
Sorry that you think I'm hateful. :(
I am not judging anyone, guys, I just don't think you have the authority to judge others as you are doing.

This is why I so solidly support the separation of church and state, just as Jesus did: render unto Caesar, render unto God.

Beseech, not preach, increase your reach.
I am not judging anyone, guys, I just don't think you have the authority to judge others as you are doing.

This is why I so solidly support the separation of church and state, just as Jesus did: render unto Caesar, render unto God.

Beseech, not preach, increase your reach.

Yes you are. And tell me, are you praying to forgive your neighbor's trespasses while you report them to Caesar?

Matthew 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Matthew 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Matthew 6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
Matthew 6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
I am not judging anyone, guys, I just don't think you have the authority to judge others as you are doing.

This is why I so solidly support the separation of church and state, just as Jesus did: render unto Caesar, render unto God.

Beseech, not preach, increase your reach.

now we just need to get government out of religious decisions
I am not judging anyone, guys, I just don't think you have the authority to judge others as you are doing.

This is why I so solidly support the separation of church and state, just as Jesus did: render unto Caesar, render unto God.

Beseech, not preach, increase your reach.

Yes you are. And tell me, are you praying to forgive your neighbor's trespasses while you report them to Caesar?

Matthew 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Matthew 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Matthew 6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
Matthew 6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

You mistake the Kingdom of God for the mortality in which we live.

Truly ponder "render" and its meanings by the Lord: it will help you on your journey.
I am not judging anyone, guys, I just don't think you have the authority to judge others as you are doing.

This is why I so solidly support the separation of church and state, just as Jesus did: render unto Caesar, render unto God.

Beseech, not preach, increase your reach.

now we just need to get government out of religious decisions

And organized religion out of government decisions.
Starkey, this thread is too long to read for me. Still, let me address the subject of women who preach!

To be clear! Philips daughters were both prophets and prophets are and have always been preachers of righteousness.

The book of Joel says our sons and daughters shall prophesy and they have and they will!

When Paul addressed the Romans about the Ministers being the husband of one wife it was in regards to the error of the Romans who had multiple wives! Paul said, be the husband of one wife!

The truth is Mary Magdalene was the first evangelist. Mary Magdalene was a woman. Thank you for reading and again I do not endorse the Church of England as I have no personal knowledge of what their doctrine is but we should keep in mind that the wheat and tares grow together no matter what church you find yourselves in! So beware! Our warfare is not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers, rulers of darkness, Lucifer... that is who our warfare is with... expose the works of darkness......expose false teachers.... put on the whole armor of God... Amen.
Henry VIII is rolling over in his grave right now! When he set himself up as the hand of God in the Church of England for the purpose of killing his wives, he never thought that women would be part of the Church ruling class.
Christ took what God said literally. Every word of it. Not a concept, or interpretation, which is what happens when you don't take every word literally. Christ relied on the words as they stood.
It is written
It is written
It is written....
Matthew 4:4 - But he answered and said, It is: written, Man shall not live by: bread alone, but by every word that: proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Psalm 18:30 As for God, his way is upright; the word of God is pure;
If the word of God is pure and you add your spin, allegory, interpretation or any thing else, what you end up with is the word of God with additives. It is no longer pure.
Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God proves true;

Those that take the Bible literally are on the same slippery slope that Christ was on. Where is it that you think Christ told you to interpret what is written into your own understanding? Do you know how many churches there would be if we stopped interpreting what God said into what we think He meant? 1. Interpretation results in dogma. This one's dogma, and that one's dogma, and the other church's dogma.

When Christ said, "I am the way..." He meant that, literally.
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Prophets are those who have the Spirit of Prophecy. A gift regardless of gender.
I am no feminist or anything but thats awesome! My mother is a minister in the Christian church and I believe as long as the gospel is being spread to the nations its okay. I know what the Bible says about leadership however, were at a point in society where we need anyone who is willing to proclaim the word of God so if that means putting some women in power then so be it. At the end of the day many lives would be saved and it will all be worth it. The gender of church leaders should be our last worry right now considering were about to go to war yet again in the middle east. We need all the spiritual support we can get. The number of female church leaders has doubled in the last decade and is still on the rise. At this point I think this is something that we need to just accept. After all its just people who want to dedicate their lives to God full time. That's a beautiful thing. So it is a wonderful thing that England has allowed this.
Starkey, this thread is too long to read for me. Still, let me address the subject of women who preach!

To be clear! Philips daughters were both prophets and prophets are and have always been preachers of righteousness.

The book of Joel says our sons and daughters shall prophesy and they have and they will!

When Paul addressed the Romans about the Ministers being the husband of one wife it was in regards to the error of the Romans who had multiple wives! Paul said, be the husband of one wife!

The truth is Mary Magdalene was the first evangelist. Mary Magdalene was a woman. Thank you for reading and again I do not endorse the Church of England as I have no personal knowledge of what their doctrine is but we should keep in mind that the wheat and tares grow together no matter what church you find yourselves in! So beware! Our warfare is not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers, rulers of darkness, Lucifer... that is who our warfare is with... expose the works of darkness......expose false teachers.... put on the whole armor of God... Amen.

Christians first and foremost follow their Lord and Savior, not you, me, Paul, or a book. If the spirit of Christ informs the members of a church that women can preach, that's the end of it.

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