"Chuck and Nancy" bail on meeting with Trump after his stupid tweet

Adolf Twitler shoots himself in the foot yet again - The unbelievable idiocy continues!

Donald J. Trump Verified account @realDonaldTrump 3h3 hours ago
Meeting with “Chuck and Nancy” today about keeping government open and working. Problem is they want illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked, are weak on Crime and want to substantially RAISE Taxes. I don’t see a deal!

Top Democratic congressional leaders pulled out of a Tuesday meeting with President Donald Trump after the president attacked them on Twitter.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said they no longer planned to meet with Trump for negotiations on a bill to fund the government. If Trump does not sign a funding bill by December 8, the federal government will enter into a partial shutdown.

"Given that the President doesn’t see a deal between Democrats and the White House, we believe the best path forward is to continue negotiating with our Republican counterparts in Congress instead," said a joint statement. "Rather than going to the White House for a show meeting that won’t result in an agreement, we’ve asked Leader McConnell and Speaker Ryan to meet this afternoon."​

'Chuck and Nancy' ditch government-shutdown meeting with Trump after Twitter attack
Can't believe I'm saying this but I don't blame them. Because of his money he was able to be the bully in business deals but that shit don't work in politics when you'r the sitting president.

Dumb tweet

Our President seems clueless on how to deal with other leaders

Try clueless about everything! Been in office all year and has gotten little to nothing done! I was so afraid he would do the normal things a president does like initiating an infrastructure program to deal with roads, bridges, and electric grids! NOTHING! He decides to go after the big stuff like reforming healthcare and building that stupid wall we don't need! As a result, no major piece of legislation has been signed and none on the way! He keeps touting something is coming, but it never materializes! It's frustrating to see, but it's better than him actually accomplishing something! "Just stay crazy, simple, and stupid DON!" :blahblah::dunno: :cuckoo: :rolleyes:
No legislation could also be considered a good thing. The less government the better.
Adolf Twitler shoots himself in the foot yet again - The unbelievable idiocy continues!

Donald J. Trump Verified account @realDonaldTrump 3h3 hours ago
Meeting with “Chuck and Nancy” today about keeping government open and working. Problem is they want illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked, are weak on Crime and want to substantially RAISE Taxes. I don’t see a deal!

Top Democratic congressional leaders pulled out of a Tuesday meeting with President Donald Trump after the president attacked them on Twitter.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said they no longer planned to meet with Trump for negotiations on a bill to fund the government. If Trump does not sign a funding bill by December 8, the federal government will enter into a partial shutdown.

"Given that the President doesn’t see a deal between Democrats and the White House, we believe the best path forward is to continue negotiating with our Republican counterparts in Congress instead," said a joint statement. "Rather than going to the White House for a show meeting that won’t result in an agreement, we’ve asked Leader McConnell and Speaker Ryan to meet this afternoon."​

'Chuck and Nancy' ditch government-shutdown meeting with Trump after Twitter attack
Can't believe I'm saying this but I don't blame them. Because of his money he was able to be the bully in business deals but that shit don't work in politics when you'r the sitting president.

Dumb tweet

Our President seems clueless on how to deal with other leaders

Try clueless about everything! Been in office all year and has gotten little to nothing done! I was so afraid he would do the normal things a president does like initiating an infrastructure program to deal with roads, bridges, and electric grids! NOTHING! He decides to go after the big stuff like reforming healthcare and building that stupid wall we don't need! As a result, no major piece of legislation has been signed and none on the way! He keeps touting something is coming, but it never materializes! It's frustrating to see, but it's better than him actually accomplishing something! "Just stay crazy, simple, and stupid DON!" :blahblah::dunno: :cuckoo: :rolleyes:

Donnie Dealmaker is anything but

Haven't seen a single deal
Awesome, shut her down
For all their faults (and there were many!), Gingrich and Clinton knew how to balance a budget and create 23 million jobs.

But Trump and Ryan? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

“Clinton knew how to balance a budget”....that’s laughable. He refused to sign the balanced budget, which is why the government shut down when he was President. Only when he realized he couldn’t bully the Republican Congress as they didn’t budge on the budget, he signed it with gnashing teeth. He was a lame duck President, thank God we had adults running the show from Congress.

Bill Clinton balanced the budget

No Republican can make that claim

All Republicans that wrote and passed the budget sure as hell can. Clinton threw a tantrum over it and shut the government down because he hated it so much. That’s a fact you can’t refute.

They didn't sign it ....Bill Clinton did

After eight years of bitching about a balanced budget....where is it Republicans?

They wrote it. As I stated before he only signed it after a long government shutdown of his doing.

I agree the budget should be balanced. Too many RINOs like McStain in Congress though. If they cut all welfare and foreign aid, and cut out all unnecessary agencies like the EPA and Department of Education, they could do it. I doubt you’d approve of any such balanced budget. Un-Americans like you only approve of slashing military budget and border security.
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This is either:

A) Antifa again 'using violence to protect non-violence'

B) Confused Berkeley students protesting an appearance by famed flutist Yani, believing him to be Conservative speaker Milo Yiannopoulos

C) Snowflakes who, here, have organized and are marching for the Russians

D) A picture of the continuing annual 'Al Gore Did Beat George F*ing Bush in Florida' Re-Union Protest

(They still haven't gotten over THAT one...now they have to start de-conflicting this even with the new 'F*ing Trump Beat Hillary, But Hillary Won The popular Vote' annual protest.

You're certainly a piece of work there Easy -

Yes .. this was AntiFa and Berkley kids on the march with a sprinkling of snowflakes!


Maybe they should just meet and talk and listen and communicate.

Oh, just kidding, I know that's not a thing any more.

sure... that's a great idea.

except Donald, in advance lied about the democrats' positions and said there wouldn't be a deal.

so chuck and Nancy said "screw him".

then didn't look much like mitch-i-poo was interested in working with d's.

and for the record, do you think there's a lot of good will for the guy who stole a judge from a sitting president and spent 8 years intentionally obstructing a president who was twice elected by 52% of the electorate?
I think adults should act like adults and rise above the bullshit.

I don't care what the "other" side does, you rise above the bullshit and lead the way.

No one is doing that. All they're doing is pointing the finger, like children.
What else would you expect from Nancy, Chuck or Donny?
Our current "leaders" suck pond water.

should chuck and nancy have allowed Donny boy to lie and then use them as his poster children?
With Trump's opening salvo hours before the meeting, it is obvious he was setting them up

They were wise to tell Fat Donnie to go fuck himself

exactly. but look how angry the trumptards are that they didn't allow themselves to be used that way.

the wingers have the presidency, the senate and the house and they're blaming dems for their failures? :rofl:
For all their faults (and there were many!), Gingrich and Clinton knew how to balance a budget and create 23 million jobs.

But Trump and Ryan? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

“Clinton knew how to balance a budget”....that’s laughable. He refused to sign the balanced budget, which is why the government shut down when he was President. Only when he realized he couldn’t bully the Republican Congress as they didn’t budge on the budget, he signed it with gnashing teeth. He was a lame duck President, thank God we had adults running the show from Congress.

Bill Clinton balanced the budget

No Republican can make that claim

All Republicans that wrote and passed the budget sure as hell can. Clinton threw a tantrum over it and shut the government down because he hated it so much. That’s a fact you can’t refute.

They didn't sign it ....Bill Clinton did

After eight years of bitching about a balanced budget....where is it Republicans?

The wrote it. As I stated before he only signed it after s long government shutdown of his doing.

I agree the budget should be balanced. Too many RINOs like McStain in Congress though. If they cut all welfare and foreign aid, and cut out all unnecessary agencies like the EPA and Department of Education, they could do it. I doubt you’d approve of any such balanced budget. Un-Americans like you only approve of slashing military budget and border security.

That's small change compared to what we spend so much money on! The defense department burns up the most and the amount compared to other countries is staggering! :9: :banghead: :blahblah: :dunno: :eek:
You're certainly a piece of work there Easy - yes .. this was AntiFa and Berkley kids on the march with a sprinkling of snowflakes! :laugh2:


You snowflakes have GOT to get a sense of humor and learn to laugh. You have to learn to lighten up, let go of the hate and stress - it'll kill you!
projection.... gotta love it

when you've got bigots running the country, call the normal people bigots.

but here's a hint... pointing out white supremacist trash isn't bigotry

It's the tried and true "Pee Wee Trick" that most Trumplings have come to know and love



it's all they've got
and the orange sociopath isn't doing anything for their voters or the 70% of the country who aren't trumptards.

I have more faith in Americans than that - betcha maybe 80% of the country aren't Trumptards ;)

we can hope. what we do know is the wackos who used to shriek about 'we the people' don't give a flying about the people.... only themselves
exactly. but look how angry the trumptards are that they didn't allow themselves to be used that way.

Trump supporters are 'angry' that they were not stupid enough to be emotionally manipulated by the Russians into organizing for them, marching for them, and engaging in racial division and violence?!


View attachment 163388
Be honest - yo mama dropped you on your
head when you were a small child .. MORE
than once....

of course you are. trumptards are stupid enough for almost anything.... and I can't help it that your boy is a Russian tool
“Clinton knew how to balance a budget”....that’s laughable. He refused to sign the balanced budget, which is why the government shut down when he was President. Only when he realized he couldn’t bully the Republican Congress as they didn’t budge on the budget, he signed it with gnashing teeth. He was a lame duck President, thank God we had adults running the show from Congress.

Bill Clinton balanced the budget

No Republican can make that claim

All Republicans that wrote and passed the budget sure as hell can. Clinton threw a tantrum over it and shut the government down because he hated it so much. That’s a fact you can’t refute.

They didn't sign it ....Bill Clinton did

After eight years of bitching about a balanced budget....where is it Republicans?

The wrote it. As I stated before he only signed it after s long government shutdown of his doing.

I agree the budget should be balanced. Too many RINOs like McStain in Congress though. If they cut all welfare and foreign aid, and cut out all unnecessary agencies like the EPA and Department of Education, they could do it. I doubt you’d approve of any such balanced budget. Un-Americans like you only approve of slashing military budget and border security.

That's small change compared to what we spend so much money on! The defense department burns up the most and the amount compared to other countries is staggering! :9: :banghead: :blahblah: :dunno: :eek:

Idiotic statement that is parroted by the left. The US budget for military is larger when compared to other nations because of the standard of living costs. DOD employees can be payed well over $100k a year, compared to a Chinese slave worker getting paid a few thousand dollars a year. Yet the Chinese have a much larger military then we do.

The DOD budget is only 15 to 20% of the total budget.
...what we do know is the wackos who used to shriek about 'we the people' don't give a flying about the people.... only themselves




Jill, you and Warren need to stop smoking the 'peyote'
exactly. but look how angry the trumptards are that they didn't allow themselves to be used that way.

Trump supporters are 'angry' that they were not stupid enough to be emotionally manipulated by the Russians into organizing for them, marching for them, and engaging in racial division and violence?!


View attachment 163388
Be honest - yo mama dropped you on your
head when you were a small child .. MORE
than once....

of course you are. trumptards are stupid enough for almost anything.... and I can't help it that your boy is a Russian tool

SO much for the "art of the deal" when the gov't shutdown next month! Republicans own it all and they can't get $#!t done! How incompetent do you have to be as a party to allow something like this the 1st year of a new president? Really crazy stuff going on with these losers! :9: :bang3: :blahblah: :dunno:
exactly. but look how angry the trumptards are that they didn't allow themselves to be used that way.

Trump supporters are 'angry' that they were not stupid enough to be emotionally manipulated by the Russians into organizing for them, marching for them, and engaging in racial division and violence?!


View attachment 163388
Be honest - yo mama dropped you on your
head when you were a small child .. MORE
than once....

of course you are. trumptards are stupid enough for almost anything.... and I can't help it that your boy is a Russian tool

SO much for the "art of the deal" when the gov't shutdown next month! Republicans own it all and they can't get $#!t done! How incompetent do you have to be as a party to allow something like this the 1st year of a new president? Really crazy stuff going on with these losers! :9: :bang3: :blahblah: :dunno:

well, no normal person would have insulted and lied about the people he needed to make a deal. so of course, the orange lunatic insulted and lied about the people he needed to make a deal.

we already know Donald didn't write the art of the deal. I'm pretty sure he never read it either.
...when the gov't shutdown next month! Republicans own it all

How do you figure, slick?

Schumer and the Democrats already F*ED THEMSELVES HARD by openly, publicly declaring to the world that Democrats are 100% COMMITTED to OBSTRUCTION and to PREVENTING ANYTHING FROM GETTING DONE FOR THIS COUNTRY BY THE GOP AND PRESIDENT.

By doing so, they have already declared, THEMSELVES, 'When nothing gets done, it's own US...when the government shuts down, it's on US!'

That brilliant f*ing move prevented them from having any REAL objection to Trump's USSC nominee, who they had all praised in the past. To oppose him after Schumer made that dumbass '100% Commitment to =obstruction' comment would only be seen for what it was.


THAT means affecting a government shut-down falls under that self-inflicted wound category ... and it is ALL ON THE DEMOCRATS, especially Schumer!

You can either try to re-write history and/or try to deny that happened, or embrace the SUCK that Schumer created. Either way, a govt shut-down is still all on the DEMOCRATS...just like how the ACA - OBAMAcare - is still owned by the Democrats.

well, no normal person would have insulted and lied about the people he needed to make a deal.

Is it 'computer time' at the asylum to which you have obviously been committed?

Chucky declared - extremely publicly - to the entire world that the Democrats were 100% committed to the undermining and defeat of any legislation, any success, under the GOP / Trump.

He and Nancy just proved the President was right by their being too 'traumatized' by a TWEET to show up for work and to do their jobs they were elected to do.
I won't even bother engaging anyone who thinks things are running smoothly and nothing's wrong with the leadership of both parties! Anyone who thinks the Dems just "obstruct" while Republicans are classy and do their job are TOTALLY FOS! That's all they did during the Obama years; obstruct, threaten the credit rating of the country, and shut the gov't down while Cruz read "Green Eggs & Ham" during his filibuster! So screw you people who try to put all this $#!t on Dems talking about obstruction! Truly FK off! :9: :argue: :blahblah: :fu:

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