Chu on This.


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
Chu on this!
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excerpts from above:
…Prior to his Cabinet post, Chu was the director of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and professor of physics and of molecular and cell biology at the University of California-Berkeley. These appointments followed his long tenure as a professor of physics and applied physics at Stanford, during which he helped launch the university's Bio-X program and the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology. He was the co-recipient of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1997 for his contributions to the laser cooling and trapping of atoms…
Just in the case any were unsure of his bonefides.
…As energy secretary, you encouraged better collaboration between science and technology and government to tackle the biggest problems of the day. What's the No. 1 problem on your list?
Climate change. We're heading into an era where if we don't change what we're doing, we're going to be fundamentally in really deep trouble. We're already in trouble. So we have to transition to better solutions…

Nothing most of us don’t already know, but his discussion of where wind and solar are at and headed (which follow this initial response ) are refreshingly encapsulated with the analyses of his recent Secretary of Energy post providing compelling support for his position.
… Washington, D.C. would seem to be a good place to implement these types of change. What drew you back to Stanford?
It was simply time for a change, but I hope to continue working on some of the same issues. For instance, while I was secretary of the DOE, I became very interested in the economics of energy. At Stanford, I can walk across campus and work with hardcore numerical people and economists to rethink the way we analyze data and energy…

That, plus the fact that in the current politically poisonous environment in Washington, it is probably better to focus on the teaching the coming generations, rather than wasting any more time on fossilized holdout reality recluses who are determined to deny personal responsibility for their own actions, methods or policies.
Much more at link
(repeated for reader’s convenience - )

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